Price: $0.20686 4.87%
Market Cap: 30.66B 1.0943%
Volume (24h): 1.53B 0%
Dominance: 1.0943%
Price: $0.20686 4.87%
Market Cap: 30.66B 1.0943%
Volume (24h): 1.53B 0%
Dominance: 1.0943% 1.0943%
  • Price: $0.20686 4.87%
  • Market Cap: 30.66B 1.0943%
  • Volume (24h): 1.53B 0%
  • Dominance: 1.0943% 1.0943%
  • Price: $0.20686 4.87%
  • Jan / 01
    • LUNC would trade at this price if Terra Classic hits its all-time high market cap
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am TheBitTimes
      Crypto asset investors often overlook tokenomics and supply inflation. This analysis examines Terra Classic (LUNC) tokenomics, calculating its potential price if it reaches its all-time high market capitalization. The projection reveals significant economic effects from LUNC's massive inflation, showing a potential trade price of $0.00706 per token, a 99.999% decrease from its previous all-time high but still indicating a 4,800% increase from its current price.
    • Bitcoin would trade at this price if BTC hits its all-time high market cap
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am TheBitTimes
      Despite its predictability, many cryptocurrency investors tend to overlook Bitcoin's (BTC) supply inflation. However, understanding the economic effects of this predictable inflation can significantly impact investment outcomes in the market. In a recent study, Finbold examined Bitcoin's supply inflation from a unique angle, aiming to uncover practical implications and offer valuable insights for BTC holders. By calculating the precise price at which Bitcoin would trade if it ever reaches its highest market cap, we shed light on the potential gains that can be achieved over time.
    • Top 5 altcoins about to explode in the market
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am TheBitTimes
      Despite a slight slowdown, the cryptocurrency market is on a roll with Bitcoin surpassing $37,000. Altcoins are also strong, with a possible breakout identified by a pseudonymous expert. Mimicking a chart pattern from three years ago, the market could explode for these top five altcoins in a similar event.
    • Dogecoin leads amid market correction, pumps meme crypto cap
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am Todayq News
      Meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin leads the market with gains as most digital tokens experience a correction. Despite a 1.5% drop in the cumulative crypto cap, Dogecoin pumps more than 2% in the past 24 hours, trading at an average price of $0.082 with a $637 million trading volume.
    • Bitcoin Dips Below $38K, IOTA Explodes 33% Daily (market Watch)
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am CryptoPotato
      Bitcoin dips below $38K as altcoins like ETH and SOL also experience slight declines. Last week, BTC briefly explodes to an 18-month peak at $38.5K before losing momentum. The market remains cautious, with BTC trading between $37-37.5K. Daily market watch shows IOTA struggling to break above $2K.
    • Solana (SOL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Prices in Green as Crypto market Remains in Limbo
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am U.Today
      The crypto market remains in limbo as Bitcoin fails to break above $38,000. Despite this, Solana (SOL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) prices remain in the green, with a modest increase of 1.2% and 0.3% respectively. Other major cryptocurrencies like Cardano (ADA) and Polkadot (DOT) are lagging behind. #crypto #market #solana #sol #dogecoin #doge #prices #green #limbo
    • Dogecoin would trade at this price if DOGE hits its all-time high market cap
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am TheBitTimes
      Understanding the economic dynamics of Dogecoin's supply inflation is crucial for cryptocurrency investors. Finbold analyzed the effects of this inflation by calculating DOGE's price if it hits its all-time high market cap. The value of any digital asset, including Dogecoin, depends on the balance between supply and demand. Traders must recognize this to make informed decisions in the market.
    • Unraveling Dogecoin’s Future: A Technical Analysis of market Trajectories
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am COINTURK NEWS
      Technical analysis is essential for unraveling the future trajectories of the cryptocurrency market, especially for futures traders. With Dogecoin currently trading at $0.08103, we delve into detailed chart analysis and examine key support and resistance levels. On the daily chart, Dogecoin displays a descending channel formation. After encountering resistance on November 17th, DOGE faced selling pressure but managed to regain upward momentum. The recent decrease in volatility might slow down DOGE's short-term pace. #dogecoin #future #technicalanalysis #market #trajectories
    • Terra Classic’s 24-hour volume spike to 50% of LUNC’s market cap
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am TheBitTimes
      Market interest in Terra Classic (LUNC) has surged, as its market cap experienced a spike with a $113 million increase in just one day. LUNC stands out as one of the top performers across multiple time frames. Notably, it recorded a 24-hour volume of $371.88 million, accounting for 53.28% of its $669.85 million market cap. These impressive cryptocurrency trading metrics highlight the token's remarkable daily performance, especially when compared to the previous figures of $296 million volume and $556 million market cap just 24 hours ago.
    • Understanding the Current Surge in Dogecoin and Its market Dynamics
      Jan 01, 1970 at 08:00 am COINTURK NEWS
      The current understanding of the market dynamics reveals a surge in Dogecoin's price, as it struggles to break the resistance at $0.0815. If it surpasses this level, a further surge towards its recent peak of $0.0876 is expected. The fluctuation in BTC price triggers rapid profit-taking in meme coins, impacting investors who have been struggling with losses for 1.5 years.

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