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Crypto: Here’s Why Dogecoin Could Bounce Back Dramatically

Release: 2024/06/27 20:45 Reading: 884

Original author:Cointribune EN

Original source:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/667d58e76addc24312714423

Crypto: Here’s Why Dogecoin Could Bounce Back Dramatically

Dogecoin Attracts Renewed Interest from Whales with Rebound Potential

Dogecoin has garnered renewed attention from whales, institutional investors with substantial crypto holdings. Despite a recent price decline, these investors have significantly accumulated the memecoin, suggesting a bullish outlook.

Massive Whale Accumulation

Data from IntoTheBlock reveals over $1 billion in large Dogecoin transactions, demonstrating increased interest from whales. These large-scale investors have taken advantage of the price dip to acquire more Dogecoin.

Negative net flows to exchanges indicate that whales are accumulating rather than selling. This buying behavior amidst a price decline reflects their belief in Dogecoin's potential for recovery. The accumulation by major holders is expected to stabilize and potentially increase the price.

Rebound Indicators

Technical indicators also suggest a rebound potential for Dogecoin. The Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio indicates that the crypto is currently undervalued.

Analysts such as Kriss Pax and Crypto Kaleo predict a significant price increase. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) suggests an optimistic outlook, while historical trends indicate that Dogecoin has often experienced parabolic rises after periods of stagnation.

Growing Altcoin Dominance

The growing dominance of altcoins in the market could benefit Dogecoin. An altcoin season would likely trigger a rally in the memecoin.


The combination of whale accumulation, positive technical indicators, and the potential for an altcoin season suggests a strong probability of recovery and substantial gains for Dogecoin in the near future.

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