(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE): Latest Price Update
As of December 17, 2024, 4:00 AM, Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently valued at $0.40494001230126. Within the past 24 hours, a trading volume of $4183912706.0201 has been witnessed. Compared to yesterday, Dogecoin has witnessed an increase of 0.59077266% in price.
Circulating Supply and Market Valuation
The current circulating supply of Dogecoin is 147228406383.71 DOGE. The maximum supply and total supply remain uncapped. The market capitalization for Dogecoin stands at $59618672692.113.
Consultation Related Information
Additional information related to this consultation may include:
- News and Updates: Stay updated with the latest Dogecoin news and announcements.
- Trading Platforms: Explore cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms where Dogecoin is available for purchase.
- Wallets: Learn about hardware and software wallets that support Dogecoin storage.
- Community: Join online forums and discussion boards to connect with other Dogecoin enthusiasts.
- Security: Understand best practices to secure your Dogecoin holdings.