Dogecoin Community Exploration
Discover the deeper value of dogecoin and the latest developments of dogecoin whales.
Market cap
46.98BVolume (24h)
Circulating supply147.87B DOGE
Total supply147.87B DOGE
BNB Smart Chain (BEP20):
Network information
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Supported wallets
111The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
222The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
333The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
Based on the Large Transactions metric, this metric shows the total transfer volume for each transaction over $100,000 over the past seven days, as well as the number of transactions over that amount.
this metric tracks the weekly change in the number of members in a crypto-asset’s official Telegram group. If the crypto-asset does not have an official Telegram group as is the case with Bitcoin, this token summary element will not be displayed.
Using a proprietary machine learning classifier, we identify the addresses of top centralized exchanges, including their deposit addresses, withdrawal addresses, hot wallets, and cold wallets. With this classifier, we measure the net volume flowing into the exchange. We calculate the net flow using the following formula:Net flow = Inflow - Outflow
The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
On-Chain Signals are calculated based on blockchain indicators. Each signal uses single-variate models each with slightly different methods as these parameters were tested and iterated upon to assure consistency and accuracy. All on-chain signals are recalculated once a day and aim to project next day’s price action.
The Doge Fear and Greed Index is a multifactorial indicator for cryptocurrency sentiment analysis, which considers the most critical parameters that determine the psychology of the Doge market to give a result that defines the level of fear or greed in the market.
This metric summarizes the Global In/Out of the Money indicator. It shows what percentage of addresses holding this crypto-asset are making profits (in the money), breaking even (at the money) and losing money (out of the money) given the current market price.
- 100% profit
- 0% Break-even
- 0% Loss
This indicator aggregates the percentage of circulating supply held by whales (addresses holding over 1% of supply) and investors (addresses holding between 0.1%-1%). The sum of these two is the total concentration by large holders.
- 0% Large Holders
This metric shows a crypto-asset’s ownership distribution by time held. All of the addresses holding this asset are classified as either a Hodler (holding this crypto for over a year), a Cruiser (holding for more than a month but less than a year) or a Trader (holding for less than a month).
- 0% > 1 Y
- 0% 1 - 12 M
- 100% < 1 M
Dogecoin Allocation
Balance, DOGE |
Addresses |
% Addresses (Total) |
% DOGE (Total) |
(0 - 0.1) |
1859010 | 26.59% (100%) | 32720 DOGE | 10538 | 0% (0%) |
[0.1 - 1) |
732565 | 10.48% (73.41%) | 273802 DOGE | 88180 | 0% (0%) |
[1 - 10) |
1475877 | 21.11% (62.93%) | 4710245 DOGE | 1516975 | 0% (0%) |
[10 - 100) |
996073 | 14.25% (41.82%) | 41552539 DOGE | 13382352 | 0.03% (0.03%) |
[100 - 1,000) |
1075452 | 15.38% (27.57%) | 392592714 DOGE | 126437859 | 0.27% (0.27%) |
[1,000 - 10,000) |
618221 | 8.84% (12.18%) | 1995074795 DOGE | 642530993 | 1.35% (1.35%) |
[10,000 - 100,000) |
193498 | 2.77% (3.34%) | 5640461755 DOGE | 1816559208 | 3.82% (3.82%) |
[100,000 - 1,000,000) |
34843 | 0.5% (0.57%) | 9112075669 DOGE | 2934622320 | 6.18% (6.18%) |
[1,000,000 - 10,000,000) |
4270 | 0.06% (0.07%) | 10703728915 DOGE | 3447227934 | 7.26% (7.26%) |
[10,000,000 - 100,000,000) |
677 | 0.01% (0.01%) | 22135136861 DOGE | 7128811157 | 15.01% (15.01%) |
[100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000) |
103 | 0% (0%) | 23060635247 DOGE | 7426875870 | 15.63% (15.63%) |
[1,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000) |
17 | 0% (0%) | 45568864077 DOGE | 14675844503 | 30.89% (30.89%) |
[10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000) |
1 | 0% (0%) | 28856003393 DOGE | 9293324013 | 19.56% (19.56%) |
Position Amount Distribution
Dogecoin Rich List
# | Addresses | Holding amount | % of coins | First in | Last in | Ins | First out | Last out | Outs |
1 |
DDUXGMFNGpGjaAqyDun SMvceMBruc1wwKF 7d:+252430456 DOGE / 30d:-629976872 DOGE |
9,758,966,865 DOGE ($1,015,899,678) | 21.83% | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2024-07-25 01:48:42 | 219 | 2023-05-25 07:48:55 | 2024-07-11 05:10:55 | 1481 |
1 | 28,856,003,393 DOGE ($9,168,129,399) | 19.51 | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2025-01-02 21:51:58 | 303 | 2023-05-10 07:21:55 | 2024-12-21 03:01:36 | 262 | |
2 |
D8ZEVbgf4yPs3MK8dMJJ7PpSyBKsbd66TX wallet:Binance |
8,000,142,026 DOGE ($2,541,805,125) | 5.41 | 2022-11-09 19:00:57 | 2025-01-03 19:12:01 | 1804 | 2022-11-09 19:28:44 | 2025-01-03 18:55:55 | 842 |
3 |
DE5opaXjFgDhFBqL6tBDxTAQ56zkX6EToX wallet:Binance |
7,152,805,747 DOGE ($2,272,589,442) | 4.84 | 2019-07-17 15:41:07 | 2024-12-03 09:11:30 | 442 | 2019-07-17 16:27:03 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 389 |
4 |
DU8gPC5mh4KxWJARQRxoESFark2jAguBr5 wallet:Cryptsy |
5,447,835,240 DOGE ($1,730,886,213) | 3.68 | 2023-12-21 23:31:30 | 2024-12-31 16:00:44 | 198 | 2023-12-26 17:28:46 | 2024-12-20 21:55:24 | 100 |
5 |
DDTtqnuZ5kfRT5qh2c7sNtqrJmV3iXYdGG wallet:Cryptsy |
5,031,001,964 DOGE ($1,598,449,945) | 3.4 | 2014-01-11 17:15:27 | 2024-12-03 09:36:10 | 618 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 1 |
6 |
ADNbM5fBujCRBW1vqezNeAWmnsLp19ki3n wallet:4181401 |
4,264,761,629 DOGE ($1,355,000,065) | 2.88 | 2023-06-20 01:46:49 | 2025-01-04 00:14:28 | 125883 | 2023-06-20 01:58:43 | 2025-01-04 00:09:23 | 105583 |
7 |
DGmzv39riELTuigZCUD6sWoHEHPdSbxdUB wallet:Binance |
2,121,500,238 DOGE ($674,043,056) | 1.43 | 2022-05-23 18:48:20 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 70 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 22 |
8 |
DDogepartyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw1dfzr wallet:Dogeparty-XDP-burned |
1,854,587,196 DOGE ($589,239,444) | 1.25 | 2014-08-13 01:30:39 | 2025-01-03 14:41:29 | 21589 | 0 | ||
9 |
DDuXGMFNGpGjaAqyDunSMvceMBruc1wwKF wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,615,002,049 DOGE ($513,118,452) | 1.09 | 2022-07-21 05:47:51 | 2024-12-31 02:54:35 | 423 | 2022-09-17 00:40:55 | 2024-12-21 06:42:04 | 408 |
10 |
D94tDRhr4X9Tjgr8MG1Nrd5ARpesPAM7ZB wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,486,633,556 DOGE ($472,333,214) | 1.01 | 2021-09-28 19:05:53 | 2024-12-22 11:51:07 | 86 | 2021-09-28 22:54:02 | 2024-12-21 22:42:13 | 67 |
11 |
DAAhXpPfziaCcGweJMWE4RSucLcee7NcqL wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,211,918,302 DOGE ($385,050,683) | 0.8194 | 2023-11-04 13:07:50 | 2025-01-03 00:58:10 | 123 | 2024-06-13 12:28:42 | 2025-01-03 00:27:51 | 46 |
12 |
DMuFDCTwxdqzfWrCEE7HiMxBonKVU49Fz4 wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,193,662,574 DOGE ($379,250,474) | 0.807 | 2022-06-22 17:18:40 | 2024-12-03 10:05:43 | 518 | 2022-07-16 01:25:10 | 2024-09-11 01:52:14 | 242 |
13 |
D78RSZmmfSXUAgFivtg5Ld5NMChVeDyWx8 wallet:3372160 |
1,113,126,755 DOGE ($353,662,633) | 0.7526 | 2021-05-18 10:30:38 | 2025-01-03 21:58:52 | 18037 | 2021-05-18 18:26:24 | 2024-12-11 13:40:46 | 17355 |
14 |
DBdiAmrND25pM7DW7awqiL696yx9x9q4dD wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,068,528,373 DOGE ($339,492,835) | 0.7224 | 2024-02-21 00:04:22 | 2025-01-03 20:01:20 | 142 | 2024-02-21 05:33:05 | 2025-01-02 20:02:15 | 64 |
15 |
DJfU2p6woQ9GiBdiXsWZWJnJ9uDdZfSSNC wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,007,343,368 DOGE ($320,053,135) | 0.6811 | 2021-11-17 16:09:02 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1123036 | 2021-11-24 11:33:27 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1122779 |
Selected Tools
Selected Tools
Click to view, here are many selected tools and platforms needed for the use of dogecoin blockchain, such as: cryptocurrency wallet, on-chain data analysis platform, exchange data analysis platform, blockchain browser, shopping, payment, NFT, exchange, etc.
Help you to explore the world of Dogecoin blockchain more easily.
Selected Topics
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Dogecoin whale activity
Get the latest insights into Dogecoin whale activities with our comprehensive analysis. Discover trends, patterns, and the impact of these whales on the Dogecoin market. Stay informed with our expert analysis and stay ahead in your cryptocurrency journey.
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Dogecoin Mining
Dogecoin mining is the process of adding new blocks of transactions to the Dogecoin blockchain. Miners are rewarded with new Dogecoin for their work. This topic provides articles related to Dogecoin mining, including how to mine Dogecoin, the best mining hardware and software, and the profitability of Dogecoin mining.
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Feb / 02
- 2025’s Top Crypto Investments: Here’s Why Dogecoin, Solana & Web3Bay are the Best Picks for the Year
- Feb 02, 2025 at 02:04 pm
- Harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Web3Bay is revolutionizing online commerce, promising enhanced security, cost reduction, and streamlined transactions through direct buyer-seller interactions. As Solana and Dogecoin navigate market fluctuations, their resilience and growing adoption indicate potential for growth, particularly with the anticipation of a Solana ETF approval and Dogecoin's community-driven appeal.
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- Crypto Market Bloodbath: XRP Under $3, BTC, SOL, ETH and DOGE See Major Losses
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- The cryptocurrency market is facing a downturn, with most altcoins experiencing notable losses. Bitcoin (BTC), the market leader, has remained stable amid the decline, while Ethereum (ETH) exhibited a 5.93% loss. XRP, Solana (SOL), and Binance Coin (BNB) have also witnessed downtrends.
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- 13:00 on February 02, 2025
- Feb 02, 2025 at 01:30 pm
- Dogecoin (DOGE) experienced a 7.92% decline in the past 24 hours, trading at $0.30322466177003 as of February 2, 13:00 UTC. With a trading volume of $2,122,374,632.8401, DOGE's market capitalization stands at $44,839,084,989.485.
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- Best New Meme Coins to Buy This Month: BTFD’s 90% APY Staking Leads the Pack as Brett and Dogecoin Gain Momentum
- Feb 02, 2025 at 01:19 pm
- Meme coins, once playful digital assets, have evolved into a significant force in the crypto market. Their short-term prospects are compelling, offering opportunities for savvy traders. BTFD Coin stands out with its exceptional 90% APY staking rewards, while Brett thrives on community excitement and Solana's low fees. Dogecoin, the OG meme coin, remains a solid choice for stable, long-term gains. Whether seeking staking rewards, short-term gains, or digital currency adoption, these three meme coins provide diverse opportunities.
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- 11:00 on February 02, 2025
- Feb 02, 2025 at 12:00 pm
- As of February 2, 2025, Dogecoin (DOGE) has faced a 7.73% decline in the past 24 hours, bringing its current price to $0.30206364396223. Despite this drop, DOGE's 24-hour trading volume indicates moderate market activity, while its total supply remains capped at 147873306383.71. However, due to Dogecoin's volatile nature and the risks inherent in cryptocurrency investments, investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.
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- The 3 Top New Meme Coins to Buy This Weekend (Plus A $5.8M High-Reward Presale)
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- The meme coin market is booming, presenting investors with unique growth opportunities. From the rise of Dogecoin to the emergence of eccentric tokens, meme coins have evolved from mere jokes to formidable contenders in the crypto realm. This article highlights the top new meme coins to invest in this weekend, including BTFD Coin (BTFD), Simon's Cat (CAT), and Bonk (BONK). BTFD Coin has attracted attention with its successful presale, referral program, and staking option, while Simon's Cat blends entertainment with investment potential. Bonk's humor, community engagement, and plans for future growth have made it a favorite among meme coin enthusiasts.
- meme coins Presale High-Reward
- Did Bonk’s Early Frenzy Pass You By? BTFD Coin’s Presale Is Heating Up with Explosive Potential for Investors
- Feb 02, 2025 at 11:44 am
- The meteoric rise of meme coins like Bonk (BONK) on the Solana blockchain has demonstrated the resilience and popularity of community-driven projects. As an emerging standout, BTFD Coin, currently in its presale phase, has captured attention with its impressive performance and innovative features, including a Play-to-Earn (P2E) game, a lucrative staking program, and a referral program that rewards early investors. With the presale already exceeding $5.8 million in revenue and over 10,000 holders, BTFD Coin stands poised as one of the top meme coin presales to invest in, offering early bird investors the potential for significant returns.
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- Meme coins are experiencing a resurgence, with BTFD Coin aiming to establish itself as a long-term investment. BTFD's Bulls Squad feature fosters community involvement and rewards investors with insights and influence. Additional features such as staking and a Play-to-Earn game encourage long-term holding. Other promising meme coins include PEPE Coin, inspired by an iconic meme, and Brett Coin, which capitalizes on the popularity of the Pepe Coin universe. BTFD Coin offers a 100% bonus for early investors, making it an attractive option for those seeking to participate in the meme coin revolution.
- meme coins $BTFD PEPE BRETT
- 7 Hottest Crypto Picks: Investors Are Cashing in Big on the Best New Meme Coins to Invest in This Week!
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- This week's crypto market is dominated by meme coins, offering substantial investment potential. BTFD Coin, with its impressive presale and high APY, tops the list. Dogecoin remains a stalwart, supported by Elon Musk and a robust community. Neiro, Turbo, Ponke, Apu Apustaja, and Gigachad also emerge as promising options with innovative features, strong communities, and growth prospects. Investors are urged to explore these meme coins for the potential of significant returns.
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- Dogecoin Price Prediction Suggests $1—But It’s Not the Only Coin That Could Surge: Analysts Eye Web3Bay Too!
- Feb 02, 2025 at 11:09 am
- The cryptocurrency market showcases diversity exemplified by Dogecoin, a meme coin, and Web3Bay, a utility-focused e-commerce platform. Dogecoin maintains a strong community and faces a projected price surge to $0.50 near-term, with potential to exceed $1 by 2025, driven by practical adoption. Web3Bay, a blockchain-based platform, addresses inefficiencies with its $3BAY token, offering an anticipated 6,430% ROI at its projected debut price. Dogecoin caters to high-risk, high-return seekers, while Web3Bay attracts investors prioritizing functionality and long-term value. Combining both in a portfolio offers diversification, leveraging Dogecoin's potential for rapid gains while benefiting from Web3Bay's consistent expansion.
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- Dogecoin Price Stagnates While This Low Cap Altcoin Gains Momentum for 43,000% Growth
- Feb 02, 2025 at 10:39 am
- Due to concerns about Dogecoin's decline in 2025, investors seek alternative options. Propichain, a real estate token powered by AI and metaverse technology, emerges as a promising choice. Its tokenization of assets, AI-powered insights, automated trading, metaverse virtual tours, and smart contract security offer advantages that resonate with investors, leading to analysts' optimism for its potential to replicate the success of Dogecoin.
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- Grayscale Moves To Convert Dogecoin Trust Into ETF
- Feb 02, 2025 at 10:35 am
- Grayscale, a leading digital asset manager, has filed an application with the SEC to convert its Dogecoin Trust into an exchange-traded fund (ETF), signaling institutional adoption of the cryptocurrency. The move aligns with Grayscale's strategy of providing investors with accessible products and reflects the growing confidence in Dogecoin's evolution from a meme coin to an asset with tangible use cases.
- Grayscale Dogecoin ETF
- Top Cryptos to Join This Week: Qubetics Nears New Milestone While Near Protocol and Immutable X Reshape the Crypto Space
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- In the ever-evolving crypto market, several projects are making significant strides. Qubetics ($TICS) emerges as a pioneer in blockchain interoperability, NEAR Protocol enhances scalability for decentralized applications, and Immutable X revolutionizes NFT transactions. These top cryptos offer unique solutions, making them worthy of attention for investors and blockchain enthusiasts alike.
- Qubetics Near Protocol Immutable X
- The latest price of Dogecoin at 10:00 on February 02, 2025
- Feb 02, 2025 at 10:30 am
- Dogecoin (DOGE) has faced a significant decline of -6.53719107% within the past 24 hours, causing its price to dip below $0.32. This downtrend indicates that bears have gained control, resulting from factors such as potential profit-taking and a broader cryptocurrency market downturn. Despite the decline, DOGE's loyal community may drive speculative activity and lead to a potential rebound if market sentiment improves or positive news arises.
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- Missed the Low Entry Point of Book of Meme? Arctic Pablo Is the Best New Meme Coin to Join Now for Massive ROI
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- In the nascent cryptocurrency realm, Arctic Pablo Coin (APC) emerges as a promising successor to the legendary Book of Meme. With its innovative presale structure, mythical narrative, and impressive early ROI potential, APC presents a golden opportunity for investors to join the ranks of crypto success stories. Backed by a community-centric approach and a deflationary design, Arctic Pablo beckons those who missed out on Book of Meme's initial surge to participate in a new crypto adventure poised for greatness.
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Communtity feeds
GOODNIGHT $DOGE GIVEAWAY Good night, $doge fam! I’m hosting an overnight $doge giveaway to my followers who say it back! When I wake up in the morning
Are you holding any of the following? 1. $VINE 2. $DOGE 3. $TRUMP 4. $PEPE 5. ___________
Looking to buy meme coins Shill me tickers $Trump $Sol $Btc $Doge $Eth $Xrp $Vine $Ufd $Daddy $AI $PEPE $Bonk $Shib $Lynk $Wif $Giga $Alpha $Nvidia $A
Another giveaway This time 5 lucky winners will get a @doge_apes Like, retweet, tag 3 people, and follow me stay tuned for more giveaways Nfts and tok
$Doge ETF is coming the first memecoin Etf in history of crypto. Thanks to the doge father @elonmusk
Sending out some tips Interact and comment your $DOGE address
Communtity feeds
GOODNIGHT $DOGE GIVEAWAY Good night, $doge fam! I’m hosting an overnight $doge giveaway to my followers who say it back! When I wake up in the morning
Are you holding any of the following? 1. $VINE 2. $DOGE 3. $TRUMP 4. $PEPE 5. ___________
Looking to buy meme coins Shill me tickers $Trump $Sol $Btc $Doge $Eth $Xrp $Vine $Ufd $Daddy $AI $PEPE $Bonk $Shib $Lynk $Wif $Giga $Alpha $Nvidia $A
Another giveaway This time 5 lucky winners will get a @doge_apes Like, retweet, tag 3 people, and follow me stay tuned for more giveaways Nfts and tok
$Doge ETF is coming the first memecoin Etf in history of crypto. Thanks to the doge father @elonmusk
Sending out some tips Interact and comment your $DOGE address