(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Latest Updates on Dogecoin: February 7, 2025
Neueste Updates zu DogEcoin: 7. Februar 2025
As of 04:00 AM UTC on February 7, 2025, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stood at $0.2464477927662, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1,830,721,535.5408.
As of 04:00 AM UTC on February 7, 2025, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stood at $0.2464477927662, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1,830,721,535.5408.
Recent Price Performance
Aktuelle Preisleistung
Dogecoin's price has declined by approximately 4.98336316% over the past 24 hours, a significant drop from its recent gains. This price movement aligns with the broader cryptocurrency market, which has been experiencing a correction in recent days.
Der Preis von Dogecoin ist in den letzten 24 Stunden um rund 4,98336316% zurückgegangen, was einem erheblichen Rückgang gegenüber den jüngsten Gewinnen. Diese Preisbewegung entspricht dem breiteren Kryptowährungsmarkt, der in den letzten Tagen eine Korrektur erlebt hat.
Supply Dynamics
Currently, the circulating supply of Dogecoin stands at 147,937,286,383.71, which is slightly lower than its maximal supply and total supply, both of which remain unchanged.
Currently, the circulating supply of Dogecoin stands at 147,937,286,383.71, which is slightly lower than its maximal supply and total supply, both of which remain unchanged.
Market Capitalization
Market Capitalization
With its current price and circulating supply, Dogecoin has a market capitalization of approximately $36,458,817,697.085. This market capitalization places Dogecoin among the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
With its current price and circulating supply, Dogecoin has a market capitalization of approximately $36,458,817,697.085. This market capitalization places Dogecoin among the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
Factors Affecting Price
Faktoren, die den Preis beeinflussen
The price of Dogecoin is influenced by a variety of factors, including speculation, market sentiment, cryptocurrency adoption, and the overall performance of the broader cryptocurrency market. In recent weeks, Dogecoin has benefited from increased social media buzz and speculation surrounding its potential use as an alternative payment method. However, the recent market correction has weighed on its price performance.
Der Preis von Dogecoin wird von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst, darunter Spekulationen, Marktstimmung, Kryptowährungseinführung und die Gesamtleistung des breiteren Kryptowährungsmarktes. In den letzten Wochen hat Dotecoin von erhöhten Social -Media -Summen und Spekulationen über die potenzielle Verwendung als alternative Zahlungsmethode profitiert. Die jüngste Marktkorrektur hat jedoch die Preisleistung belastet.
Future Outlook
Future Outlook
The future outlook of Dogecoin is uncertain, as it depends on a number of factors, including macroeconomic conditions, regulatory developments, and technological advancements. Some analysts believe that Dogecoin may continue to garner popularity as a speculative asset, while others remain cautious about its long-term prospects.
Die zukünftigen Aussichten von Dogecoin sind ungewiss, da sie von einer Reihe von Faktoren abhängt, einschließlich makroökonomischer Bedingungen, regulatorischer Entwicklungen und technologischer Fortschritte. Einige Analysten glauben, dass Dogecoin als spekulatives Kapital weiterhin Popularität erhöhen könnte, während andere über seine langfristigen Aussichten vorsichtig sind.