Preis: $0.20147 -13.6958%
Marktwert: 29.86B 1.0293%
Umsatz (24h): 2.64B 0%
Dominanz: 1.0293%
Price: $0.20147 -13.6958%
Marktwert: 29.86B 1.0293%
Umsatz (24h): 2.64B 0%
Dominanz: 1.0293% 1.0293%
  • Preis: $0.20147 -13.6958%
  • Marktwert: 29.86B 1.0293%
  • Umsatz (24h): 2.64B 0%
  • Dominanz: 1.0293% 1.0293%
  • Preis: $0.20147 -13.6958%
  • Jul / 11
    • Warum analysten glauben, dass Popcat (POPCAT), Moonbag (MBAG) und Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) der nächste Dogecoin sein werden!
      Jul 11, 2024 at 10:06 am TheBitTimes
      The crypto market is buzzing with the emergence of new meme coins, challenging established giants like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 2023 has witnessed the rise of Popcat, Moonbag, and Angry Pepe Fork, each offering unique value propositions. Popcat has surged by 3,480%, while Moonbag boasts a no-tax policy and advanced liquidity plan. Angry Pepe Fork, with its innovative "Conquer-To-Earn" system and multiple earning opportunities, is predicted to experience exponential growth and may prove to be a more attractive investment compared to Popcat due to its diversified utility.

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