(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
(Tendance des prix de DoGECONes 24 heures sur 24)
Dogecoin Price and Market Analysis
Prix de Dogecoin et analyse du marché
As of February 7, 2025, at 11:00 AM, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $0.25149294451466. The 24-hour trading volume is $1,922,576,183.8014. The value of Dogecoin has decreased by 3.30390455% over the past 24 hours.
Au 7 février 2025, à 11h00, le prix de Dogecoin (DOGE) est de 0,25149294451466. Le volume de négociation 24 heures sur 24 est de 1 922 576 183,8014 $. La valeur de Dogecoin a diminué de 3,30390455% au cours des dernières 24 heures.
Key Metrics:
Mesures clés:
- Bitcoin Circulation Supply: 147,941,476,383.71
- Dogecoin Circulation Supply: None (Unspecific)
- Dogecoin Maximum Supply: None (Unspecific)
- Dogecoin Total Supply: 147,941,476,383.71
- Dogecoin Market Capitalization: $37,206,237,511.584
Market Performance:
Bitcoin Circulation Supply: 147 941 476,383.71 Dogecoin Circulation Supply: Aucune (non spécifique) DoGECOIN MAXIMUM ASSIMMUM: Aucune (non spécifique) Dogecoin Total Supply: 147 941 476,383.71DogeCoin Bourse Capitalisation: 37,206,237,511.584
In the past 24 hours, the price of Dogecoin has witnessed a significant drop of 3.30390455%. However, it remains a popular and widely traded cryptocurrency.
Au cours des dernières 24 heures, le prix de Dogecoin a connu une baisse significative de 3,30390455%. Cependant, il reste une crypto-monnaie populaire et largement échangée.
Additional Information:
Informations Complémentaires:
- Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.
- It was created in 2013 as a satirical parody of Bitcoin.
- Dogecoin has gained mainstream attention and adoption in recent years.
- The cryptocurrency's mascot is a Shiba Inu dog, popularized by an internet meme.
Dogecoin est une crypto-monnaie décentralisée et peer-to-peer.