Exploration de la communauté Dogecoin
Découvrez la profonde valeur du Dogecoin et les derniers développements de Dogecoin.
Valeur marchande
61.47BChiffre d’affaires (24h)
Circulation147.67B DOGE
circulation totale147.67B DOGE
BNB Smart Chain (BEP20):
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111The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
222The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
333The 30-day statistical correlation between the price of Bitcoin and a specific crypto-asset. A correlation close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation between the two prices, a correlation near 0 suggests no correlation and a correlation close to -1 points to a strong negative correlation (meaning that the price of Bitcoin and the asset in question tend to move in opposite directions).
Corrélation statistique sur 30 jours entre le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs cryptographiques spécifiques. Une corrélation proche de 1 signifie qu’il existe une forte corrélation positive entre les deux prix, une corrélation proche de 0 signifie aucune corrélation et une corrélation proche de -1 indique une forte corrélation négative (ce qui signifie que le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs associés ont tendance à se déplacer dans des directions opposées).
Corrélation statistique sur 30 jours entre le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs cryptographiques spécifiques. Une corrélation proche de 1 signifie qu’il existe une forte corrélation positive entre les deux prix, une corrélation proche de 0 signifie aucune corrélation et une corrélation proche de -1 indique une forte corrélation négative (ce qui signifie que le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs associés ont tendance à se déplacer dans des directions opposées).
Corrélation statistique sur 30 jours entre le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs cryptographiques spécifiques. Une corrélation proche de 1 signifie qu’il existe une forte corrélation positive entre les deux prix, une corrélation proche de 0 signifie aucune corrélation et une corrélation proche de -1 indique une forte corrélation négative (ce qui signifie que le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs associés ont tendance à se déplacer dans des directions opposées).
Basée sur la métrique des transactions importantes, cette métrique montre le volume total de transfert pour chaque transaction supérieure à 100 000 $ au cours des sept derniers jours, ainsi que le nombre de transactions dépassant ce montant.
Cette métrique suit les changements hebdomadaires du nombre de membres dans les groupes Telegram officiels pour les actifs cryptographiques. Si l’actif cryptographique n’a pas de groupe Telegram officiel (comme Bitcoin), cet élément récapitulatif de la pièce ne sera pas affiché.
À l’aide d’un classificateur d’apprentissage automatique propriétaire, nous identifions les adresses des principales bourses centralisées, y compris leurs adresses de dépôt, leurs adresses de retrait, leurs portefeuilles chauds et leurs portefeuilles froids. À l’aide de ce classificateur, nous mesurons les flux nets vers les échanges. Nous calculons le flux net à l’aide de la formule suivante : Flux net = Entrée - Sortie
Corrélation statistique sur 30 jours entre le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs cryptographiques spécifiques. Une corrélation proche de 1 signifie qu’il existe une forte corrélation positive entre les deux prix, une corrélation proche de 0 signifie aucune corrélation et une corrélation proche de -1 indique une forte corrélation négative (ce qui signifie que le prix du Bitcoin et des actifs associés ont tendance à se déplacer dans des directions opposées).
Les signaux en chaîne sont calculés sur la base des métriques de la blockchain. Chaque signal utilise un modèle univarié, chacun avec une approche légèrement différente à mesure que les paramètres sont testés et itérés pour garantir la cohérence et la précision. Tous les signaux en chaîne sont recalculés quotidiennement et sont conçus pour prédire les mouvements de prix du lendemain.
Doge Fear & Greed Index est un indicateur multifactoriel pour l’analyse du sentiment des crypto-monnaies qui prend en compte les paramètres les plus critiques qui déterminent la psychologie du marché Doge, ce qui donne des résultats qui définissent le niveau de peur ou de cupidité sur le marché.
Cet indicateur résume les indicateurs mondiaux d’entrées/sorties financières. Il montre quel pourcentage d’adresses détenant ce crypto-actif sont rentables (entrées de fonds), quel pourcentage atteint l’équilibre (parité de financement) et quel pourcentage perd de l’argent (sorties de fonds) au prix actuel du marché.
- 100% profit
- 0% seuil de rentabilité
- 0% Perte
Cette mesure regroupe le pourcentage de l’offre en circulation détenue par les baleines (adresses détenant plus de 1 % de l’offre) et les investisseurs (adresses détenant entre 0,1 % et 1 %). La somme de ces deux éléments constitue la concentration totale des grands exploitants.
- 0% actionnaire majoritaire
Cette métrique montre la répartition de la propriété des actifs cryptographiques en fonction de la durée de détention. Toutes les adresses détenant cet actif sont classées comme Hodler (détenant cette crypto-monnaie depuis plus d’un an), Cruiser (détenant depuis plus d’un mois mais moins d’un an) ou Trader (détenant depuis moins d’un mois).
- 0% > 1 Y
- 0% 1 - 12 M
- 100% < 1 M
Distribution de Dogecoins
Équilibre, DOGE |
adresse |
% adresse (total) |
% DOGE (total) |
(0 - 0.1) |
1859010 | 26.59% (100%) | 32720 DOGE | 13593 | 0% (0%) |
[0.1 - 1) |
732565 | 10.48% (73.41%) | 273802 DOGE | 113748 | 0% (0%) |
[1 - 10) |
1475877 | 21.11% (62.93%) | 4710245 DOGE | 1956825 | 0% (0%) |
[10 - 100) |
996073 | 14.25% (41.82%) | 41552539 DOGE | 17262589 | 0.03% (0.03%) |
[100 - 1,000) |
1075452 | 15.38% (27.57%) | 392592714 DOGE | 163098744 | 0.27% (0.27%) |
[1,000 - 10,000) |
618221 | 8.84% (12.18%) | 1995074795 DOGE | 828834008 | 1.35% (1.35%) |
[10,000 - 100,000) |
193498 | 2.77% (3.34%) | 5640461755 DOGE | 2343273815 | 3.82% (3.82%) |
[100,000 - 1,000,000) |
34843 | 0.5% (0.57%) | 9112075669 DOGE | 3785521335 | 6.18% (6.18%) |
[1,000,000 - 10,000,000) |
4270 | 0.06% (0.07%) | 10703728915 DOGE | 4446757868 | 7.26% (7.26%) |
[10,000,000 - 100,000,000) |
677 | 0.01% (0.01%) | 22135136861 DOGE | 9195822761 | 15.01% (15.01%) |
[100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000) |
103 | 0% (0%) | 23060635247 DOGE | 9580311874 | 15.63% (15.63%) |
[1,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000) |
17 | 0% (0%) | 45568864077 DOGE | 18931131988 | 30.89% (30.89%) |
[10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000) |
1 | 0% (0%) | 28856003393 DOGE | 11987940010 | 19.56% (19.56%) |
Répartition des postes
Liste riche en Dogecoin
# | adresse | Total des avoirs | % of coins | Entrez en premier | Dernière entrée | Nombre d’entrées | première sortie | résultat final | Nombre de sorties |
1 |
DDUXGMFNGpGjaAqyDun SMvceMBruc1wwKF 7d:+252430456 DOGE / 30d:-629976872 DOGE |
9,758,966,865 DOGE ($1,015,899,678) | 21.83% | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2024-07-25 01:48:42 | 219 | 2023-05-25 07:48:55 | 2024-07-11 05:10:55 | 1481 |
1 | 28,856,003,393 DOGE ($12,013,042,773) | 19.54 | 2023-05-09 02:49:30 | 2025-01-02 21:51:58 | 303 | 2023-05-10 07:21:55 | 2024-12-21 03:01:36 | 262 | |
2 |
D8ZEVbgf4yPs3MK8dMJJ7PpSyBKsbd66TX wallet:Binance |
8,000,142,026 DOGE ($3,330,539,127) | 5.42 | 2022-11-09 19:00:57 | 2025-01-03 19:12:01 | 1804 | 2022-11-09 19:28:44 | 2025-01-03 18:55:55 | 842 |
3 |
DE5opaXjFgDhFBqL6tBDxTAQ56zkX6EToX wallet:Binance |
7,152,805,747 DOGE ($2,977,784,561) | 4.84 | 2019-07-17 15:41:07 | 2024-12-03 09:11:30 | 442 | 2019-07-17 16:27:03 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 389 |
4 |
DU8gPC5mh4KxWJARQRxoESFark2jAguBr5 wallet:Cryptsy |
5,447,835,240 DOGE ($2,267,988,289) | 3.69 | 2023-12-21 23:31:30 | 2024-12-31 16:00:44 | 198 | 2023-12-26 17:28:46 | 2024-12-20 21:55:24 | 100 |
5 |
DDTtqnuZ5kfRT5qh2c7sNtqrJmV3iXYdGG wallet:Cryptsy |
5,031,001,964 DOGE ($2,094,456,428) | 3.41 | 2014-01-11 17:15:27 | 2024-12-03 09:36:10 | 618 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 2014-01-13 18:26:08 | 1 |
6 |
ADNbM5fBujCRBW1vqezNeAWmnsLp19ki3n wallet:4181401 |
4,264,761,629 DOGE ($1,775,462,914) | 2.89 | 2023-06-20 01:46:49 | 2025-01-04 00:14:28 | 125883 | 2023-06-20 01:58:43 | 2025-01-04 00:09:23 | 105583 |
7 |
DGmzv39riELTuigZCUD6sWoHEHPdSbxdUB wallet:Binance |
2,121,500,238 DOGE ($883,201,765) | 1.44 | 2022-05-23 18:48:20 | 2025-01-03 23:03:45 | 70 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 2023-01-25 19:19:07 | 22 |
8 |
DDogepartyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw1dfzr wallet:Dogeparty-XDP-burned |
1,854,587,196 DOGE ($772,083,196) | 1.26 | 2014-08-13 01:30:39 | 2025-01-03 14:41:29 | 21589 | 0 | ||
9 |
DDuXGMFNGpGjaAqyDunSMvceMBruc1wwKF wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,615,002,049 DOGE ($672,341,504) | 1.09 | 2022-07-21 05:47:51 | 2024-12-31 02:54:35 | 423 | 2022-09-17 00:40:55 | 2024-12-21 06:42:04 | 408 |
10 |
D94tDRhr4X9Tjgr8MG1Nrd5ARpesPAM7ZB wallet:Bybit-Wallet |
1,486,633,556 DOGE ($618,900,416) | 1.01 | 2021-09-28 19:05:53 | 2024-12-22 11:51:07 | 86 | 2021-09-28 22:54:02 | 2024-12-21 22:42:13 | 67 |
11 |
DAAhXpPfziaCcGweJMWE4RSucLcee7NcqL wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,211,918,302 DOGE ($504,533,709) | 0.8205 | 2023-11-04 13:07:50 | 2025-01-03 00:58:10 | 123 | 2024-06-13 12:28:42 | 2025-01-03 00:27:51 | 46 |
12 |
DMuFDCTwxdqzfWrCEE7HiMxBonKVU49Fz4 wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,193,662,574 DOGE ($496,933,667) | 0.8082 | 2022-06-22 17:18:40 | 2024-12-03 10:05:43 | 518 | 2022-07-16 01:25:10 | 2024-09-11 01:52:14 | 242 |
13 |
D78RSZmmfSXUAgFivtg5Ld5NMChVeDyWx8 wallet:3372160 |
1,113,126,755 DOGE ($463,405,800) | 0.7536 | 2021-05-18 10:30:38 | 2025-01-03 21:58:52 | 18037 | 2021-05-18 18:26:24 | 2024-12-11 13:40:46 | 17355 |
14 |
DBdiAmrND25pM7DW7awqiL696yx9x9q4dD wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,068,528,373 DOGE ($444,839,047) | 0.7234 | 2024-02-21 00:04:22 | 2025-01-03 20:01:20 | 142 | 2024-02-21 05:33:05 | 2025-01-02 20:02:15 | 64 |
15 |
DJfU2p6woQ9GiBdiXsWZWJnJ9uDdZfSSNC wallet:Binance-hotwallet |
1,007,343,368 DOGE ($419,367,118) | 0.682 | 2021-11-17 16:09:02 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1123036 | 2021-11-24 11:33:27 | 2025-01-04 00:14:47 | 1122779 |
Outils en vedette
Outils en vedette
Cliquez pour voir, il existe de nombreux outils et plates-formes triés sur le volet nécessaires pour utiliser la blockchain Dogecoin, tels que : portefeuille de crypto-monnaie, plate-forme d’analyse de données en chaîne, plate-forme d’analyse de données d’échange, navigateur blockchain, achats, paiement, NFT, échange, etc.
Vous aider à explorer plus facilement le monde de la blockchain Dogecoin.
Sujets en vedette
20 articles
Activité des baleines Dogecoin
Obtenez les dernières informations sur les activités des baleines Dogecoin grâce à notre analyse complète. Découvrez les tendances, les modèles et l'impact de ces baleines sur le marché Dogecoin. Restez informé grâce à notre analyse d’experts et gardez une longueur d’avance dans votre parcours de crypto-monnaie.
13 articles
Extraction de Dogecoins
Le minage de Dogecoin est le processus d'ajout de nouveaux blocs de transactions à la blockchain Dogecoin. Les mineurs sont récompensés par un nouveau Dogecoin pour leur travail. Cette rubrique propose des articles liés au minage de Dogecoin, notamment sur la manière d'exploiter du Dogecoin, les meilleurs matériels et logiciels de minage et la rentabilité du minage de Dogecoin.
20 articles
Lancement du vaisseau Spacex
Cette rubrique fournit des articles relatifs aux lancements de SpaceX Starship, notamment les dates de lancement, les détails de la mission et l'état du lancement. Restez au courant des derniers lancements de SpaceX Starship avec cette ressource informative et complète.
Actualités Dogecoin
Jan / 18
- 2025年01月18日 09时Dogecoin最新价格
- Jan 18, 2025 at 09:00 am
- Dogecoin experiences a significant upward trend, with a 14.64% price increase in the last 24 hours. Currently trading at $0.43221668924647, Dogecoin's surge is attributed to growing community support, exchange listings, and strong fundamentals such as fast transactions and low fees. The price rally has generated excitement within the cryptocurrency industry, but the sustainability of the trend remains influenced by market conditions and competition.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- 2025年01月18日 07时Dogecoin最新价格
- Jan 18, 2025 at 07:30 am
- Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a remarkable surge in value, rising by over 9% in the last 24 hours. This upswing follows a period of relative stability and is driven by increased investor interest, positive media coverage, and increased retail adoption. Technical indicators suggest a bullish trend that could potentially lead to further price appreciation in the coming days.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- Cryptos for 2025: Cardano, Solana, XRP, Dogecoin and Remittix
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:34 am
- Navigating the evolving cryptocurrency market, investors are searching for standout tokens. Cardano aims to integrate Ripple's stablecoin, while Solana's ETF potential and XRP's favorable legal ruling attract attention. Dogecoin's utility expansion and Tesla's acceptance boost its appeal. Remittix emerges as a PayFi contender, merging crypto and traditional finance for cross-border payments. Its unique value proposition and presale success indicate potential for disruption in the market.
- Cardano Solana XRP Dogecoin Remittix
- Elon Bromance (ELOBRO) Solana Memecoin Will Rally 19,000% Before Exchange Listing, As Shiba Inu and DOGE Fall
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:34 am
- Elon Bromance (ELOBRO), a newly-launched Solana memecoin, exhibits a high potential for substantial growth due to upcoming exchange listings, early investor advantages, and its similarity to successful memecoins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin. Investors can acquire ELOBRO by connecting a wallet to Raydium.io or Jup.ag and using the provided contract address. The Solana memecoin market trend, combined with the proven success of memecoins in generating large returns, suggests that ELOBRO could create a new wave of memecoin millionaires. However, investors are cautioned to approach memecoin investments with caution due to their speculative nature and potential for volatility.
- Solana Memecoin Shiba Inu DOGE
- Dogecoin to $1? Traders say a 140% DOGE rally could happen before February
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:09 am
- The recent 10% surge in Dogecoin (DOGE) indicates a potential trend reversal, driven by two accumulation periods and a retest above $0.35. This breakout suggests a strong foundation for further rallies, earning DOGE the title of a "dino" coin alongside Bitcoin and XRP. Whale interest and positive market sentiment reinforce this bullish outlook, with analysts predicting a 60% likelihood of DOGE reaching $1 by the end of January and highlighting a target price of $1 based on technical analysis.
- Dogecoin DOGE Rally February
- Exciting Developments in Dogecoin Whale Activity Spark Market Optimism
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:09 am
- Recent market activity has seen a notable surge in Dogecoin whale behavior, with substantial transfers and acquisitions of tokens, totaling over 800 million DOGE. This increase in whale activity has boosted market sentiment and raised expectations for a potential price increase, with analysts pointing to historical trends as indicators of a possible surge in DOGE's value.
- Dogecoin whale activity
- Dogecoin Whales Drive Market Enthusiasm
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:09 am
- Dogecoin resurgence takes center stage as whale activity surges. A transfer of 600 million DOGE and whale acquisitions of 200 million tokens from exchanges have fueled market enthusiasm. These transactions suggest a potential price increase for DOGE, with bullish sentiment driving positive projections for its future value.
- Dogecoin whales
- Trump’s Inauguration: Altcoins Set for Growth ETH, DOGE and DTX
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:04 am
- With the impending inauguration of President Trump, altcoins are gaining investor attention. Ethereum (ETH) is projected to rally, with analysts predicting a surge to $10,000. Dogecoin (DOGE) is also expected to benefit from the post-inauguration boost, with forecasted gains of up to $6. DTX Exchange, a hybrid platform combining CEX and DEX advantages, has also attracted significant interest, raising over $11.9 million during its presale.
- Altcoins ETH DOGE DTX
- 2025年01月18日 06时Dogecoin最新价格
- Jan 18, 2025 at 06:00 am
- Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a significant upward trend, with a price increase of 8.87%, reaching $0.41403199626172 as of January 18, 2025, 06:00 UTC. This surge is accompanied by a substantial trading volume of $6315248044.959, indicating active market participation. DOGE's market capitalization has also risen to $61138289930.562, demonstrating investor confidence. The cryptocurrency's positive momentum is likely driven by its growing popularity and adoption.
- Dogecoin DogecoinPrice
- The Ultimate Guide to the 4 Best New Meme Coins to Buy and Hold for Long Term—Maximize Your Gains Today!
- Jan 18, 2025 at 05:54 am
- With the rise of meme coins beyond just a trend, the cryptocurrency market presents potential for long-term gains. BTFD Coin (BTFD) stands out with its presale, Bulls Squad community, and Play-to-Earn game. Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Pepe Coin (PEPE) boast strong communities, expanding ecosystems, and unique features like deflationary mechanics. These meme coins offer a blend of entertainment, community, and investment prospects, with BTFD Coin's presale providing an early entry point.
- meme coins Cryptocurrency
- RCO Finance beta platform launch attracts interest from crypto AI players
- Jan 18, 2025 at 05:49 am
- Revolutionizing DeFi with Crypto AI, RCO Finance introduces its beta platform, attracting crypto AI enthusiasts. Strategically leveraging AI for enhanced investment strategies, automated portfolio management, and personalized insights, RCO Finance caters to the growing crypto AI sector, offering a diverse range of financial instruments and a secure, accessible platform.
- RCO Finance beta platform Crypto AI
- Will a Dogecoin ETF Drive Prices Higher?
- Jan 18, 2025 at 05:39 am
- Dogecoin's price has seen an 11% surge fueled by market recovery and the excitement over the possible debut of a Dogecoin ETF. The anticipation of a Dogecoin ETF, similar to the successful Bitcoin ETF, is expected to drive demand and increase Dogecoin's price, potentially stabilizing it and reducing volatility.
- Dogecoin ETF price increase
- Dogecoin Price Takes Off: ETF Buzz Creates Excitement
- Jan 18, 2025 at 05:39 am
- Dogecoin's value has surged by 11%, reaching its monthly peak due to the anticipation of a potential Dogecoin ETF. The launch of a Spot Bitcoin ETF and the subsequent success and inflows have created excitement for a Dogecoin equivalent, considering its widespread popularity as a meme coin.
- Dogecoin ETF excitement
- SHIB Price Adds 12% Overnight as Meme Cryptos Recovering
- Jan 18, 2025 at 04:49 am
- Amidst the cryptocurrency market's recent surge, meme coins have emerged as a major force. Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have led the charge, with Pepe (PEPE) and Bonk (BONK) also gaining significant traction. The rally has extended to other meme coins such as Floki (FLOKI), while most top 100 cryptocurrencies experienced gains. The overall market capitalization has increased by 4.3%, with altcoins dominating the landscape.
- SHIB meme cryptos
- Regret Missing Out on Dogecoin? Arctic Pablo Is the Next Big Meme Coin for Exponential Returns
- Jan 18, 2025 at 04:38 am
- Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC), an innovative meme coin, offers a unique adventure with potential for exponential returns. Inspired by an explorer navigating icy landscapes, each presale phase unveils a different chapter, increasing token value as the journey unfolds. With a deflationary mechanism and 66% APY staking, Arctic Pablo stands out as a top contender in the meme coin market.
- Dogecoin Arctic Pablo Meme Coin
Jan / 18
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:42 am
- Dogecoin broke above a crucial resistance and in this video we will be analyzing the cryptocurrency to see the next levels on Dogecoin Sign up link : ...
- Dogecoin
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:42 am
- DOGECOIN PRICE PREDICTION 2024 📊Join the Cilinix Premium for Amazing Value & Trade Signals!🔥 https://www.patreon.com/cilinixcrypto https://discord.gg/...
- Dogecoin
- Free Signals on DOGE Coin| Massive Pump Alert ⚠️ | 16/01/2025. #trading #crypto ##binance
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:39 am
- $DOGE /USDT Bull Run Alert: The Hype Is Real! 🔥Entry Now 💯 Current Price: $0.4120 🟢 Long Setup: Buy Zone: $0.41300 - $0.41500 Targets: $0.46000 and $0...
- free signals DOGE Coin #trading #crypto #binance
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:36 am
- 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻AD PANEL ÖN SATIŞ KAYIT LİNKİ: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://app.adpanel.com/invite?ref=UD08172 👇🏻👇🏻Detaylı Ön satış videosu:👇🏻👇🏻 https://www.youtube.com/w...
- Claim Unlimited Baby Doge Coins | Baby Doge Coin Faucet | Withdrawal to Cwalllet
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:36 am
- #babydoge #memecoin #crypto Unlimited Baby Doge Coin Faucet - Get Free Baby Doge Coin Site Link: https://cutt.ly/Fe3o2uhn Cwallet: https://cutt.ly/He3...
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:33 am
- Hey crypto lovers! Want to add some Dogecoin to your portfolio? In this video, we’ll show you how to buy Dogecoin directly from Trust Wallet in just a...
- DOGE Coin Trust Wallet
- Jan 18, 2025 at 08:33 am
- LINK PARA CADASTRO NA CORRETORA BITGET – VÁRIOS CUPONS https://www.bitget.com/events/activities/b4808207a8eb5af59ead916d059e275f?color=black&channelCo...
- Baby Doge Coin Solana 1.000% 10X Oportunidade
- Jan 18, 2025 at 04:36 am
- CoinTR 400 TL ÇEKİLEBİLİR AİRDROP : KAYIT : https://bit.ly/401sX3Y ETKİNLİK : https://www.cointr.com/tr/events/activities/29cd36d641a256fb84d60436467e...
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- DOGE COIN LIVE #2025 #shorts #trading #dogecoin #binance #doge #bitcoin #modi #india #coindcx #ai
- Jan 18, 2025 at 04:33 am
- Crypto Market and Stock market arw highly volatile in nature so invest/trade at your own risk🚨🚨🚨 Important links: Blog: https://knowledgeportal2024-25...
- DOGE Coin Trading Dogecoin Binance DOGE Bitcoin modi India CoinDCX AI
- Coin Price Prediction 2025 | Best Meme Coin to buy Now| Baby doge coin price
- Jan 18, 2025 at 04:30 am
- Coin Price Prediction 2025 | Best Meme Coin to buy Now !! Baby Doge Coin | Babydoge Coin Price Prediction And Analysis #babydogecoin #babydoge #pepepr...
- Meme Coin Baby Doge Coin
- Jan 18, 2025 at 01:06 am
- Bitcoin and Crypto Currency Market Price Prediction and Technical Analysis - Meme Coins like Doge Coin, Shiba Inu, Dogelon Mars, Luna Classic Lunc and...
- DOGE Dogecoin $1 BULLRUN pump
- ATH Token Presale Start | ATH Listing Confirm In March | Athene Network
- Jan 18, 2025 at 01:03 am
- Athene Network New Update. Athene Network Mining. Athene Network Withdrawal. Athene App. Athene Network Listing Update. Video Topic: In this Video I T...
- ATH Token Presale LISTING March Athene Network
- Safefolio Token | Safefolio Airdrop| Safefolio Biggest Airdrop | Pi Network New Update
- Jan 18, 2025 at 01:03 am
- Safefolio Token | Safefolio Airdrop| Safefolio Biggest Airdrop | Pi Network New Update https://safefolio.digital/referral/dG91c2lmYTgwMDBAZ21haWwuY29t...
Nouvelles de la communauté
$PNUT is the $DOGE of this cycle. Green candles soon.
Extra $Doge giveaway to help out my friends 1 Winner Total Prize: 100 Doge Duration: 1st of February To Enter: Follow @theofficial_mrx @PresidentJRamb...
Which is the most "american" cryptocurrency?! I am longing $XRP $HBAR $SOL $DOGE as my bullish President Trump play, any other USA coins to buy?! Comm...
Nouvelles de la communauté
$PNUT is the $DOGE of this cycle. Green candles soon.
Extra $Doge giveaway to help out my friends 1 Winner Total Prize: 100 Doge Duration: 1st of February To Enter: Follow @theofficial_mrx @PresidentJRamb...
Which is the most "american" cryptocurrency?! I am longing $XRP $HBAR $SOL $DOGE as my bullish President Trump play, any other USA coins to buy?! Comm...