첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 가장 큰 Meme 코인인 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu는 대규모 강세 랠리를 준비했지만 문제가 있습니다.

Biggest Meme Coins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Gear Up for Massive Bullish Rallies, but There’s a Catch

가장 큰 Meme 코인인 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu는 대규모 강세 랠리를 준비했지만 문제가 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/18 18:59 읽다: 911


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655896d22bb382184420ea2b

Popular meme-inspired cryptocurrencies Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have shown signs of bottoming out recently, leading analysts to predict massive rallies by year’s end. However, analysts caution these gains may be short-lived.

밈에서 영감을 받은 인기 암호화폐인 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu는 최근 바닥을 치는 조짐을 보였으며 분석가들은 연말까지 대규모 랠리를 예측했습니다. 그러나 분석가들은 이러한 이익이 단기간에 끝날 수 있다고 경고합니다.

Shiba Inu Trendline Breakout

Crypto trader Captain Faibik tweeted that Shiba Inu appears to have bottomed out already, with a major trendline breakout now confirmed. He predicts this could fuel a 2x bullish rally for Shiba Inu by mid-December.

암호화폐 트레이더인 Captain Faibik은 시바견이 이미 바닥을 치고 있는 것으로 보이며 이제 주요 추세선 돌파가 확인되었다고 트윗했습니다. 그는 이것이 12월 중순까지 Shiba Inu의 2배 강세 랠리를 촉진할 수 있다고 예측합니다.

In a follow-up tweet, Faibik notes Shiba Inu broke out of a major trendline and is currently undergoing a retest. If successful, he expects a rally up to 2x from current levels around $0.000009 by December.

The last major Shiba Inu breakout occurred in August with the launch of layer 2 network Shibarium. While prices initially erased a zero, the rally quickly reversed as the bear market continued.

Shiba Inu’s resilience during ongoing bearish conditions has made it a top trader’s choice. Shibarium’s launch increased utility with nearly 4 million transactions in just 6 months.

Many analysts now believe Shiba Inu looks ready for a trend reversal after bottoming out. A retest of resistance around $0.0000084 could spark a 200% surge.

Dogecoin Breaks Year-Long Channel

According to analyst Rekt Capital, Dogecoin has also shown bullish signals after breaking its year-long channel to the upside. This breakout comes after rallying 50% from channel lows.

Rekt Capital expects the upside move to continue as Dogecoin enjoys successful retests of the channel top as support. Breakouts from major technical patterns often precede new higher timeframe trends.

Read also:

Sustainability Remains Uncertain

지속가능성은 여전히 ​​불확실하다

While the current technical setup for both Shiba Inu and Dogecoin suggests the potential for strong rallies by December, traders should be cautious about getting overzealous. The sustainability of meme-driven rallies is often fleeting without continual hype and buying pressure. Unless fundamentals drastically improve, any gains could quickly evaporate. The catch is that while major breakouts look possible on the charts in the near-term, a shift in trader sentiment could rapidly reverse those gains as has happened frequently after previous meme coin pumps. Traders should factor this risk into any positions rather than expecting a prolonged trend change.

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The post Biggest Meme Coins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Gear Up for Massive Bullish Rallies, but There’s a Catch appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

가장 큰 Meme 코인인 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu, 대규모 강세 랠리를 준비했지만 문제가 발생했습니다. CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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