첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 비트코인은 38,000달러 아래로 떨어지고 IOTA는 매일 33% 급등합니다(Market Watch)

Bitcoin Dips Below $38K, IOTA Explodes 33% Daily (Market Watch)

비트코인은 38,000달러 아래로 떨어지고 IOTA는 매일 33% 급등합니다(Market Watch)

풀어 주다: 2023/11/30 20:09 읽다: 571


원본 소스:https://cryptopotato.com/bitcoin-dips-below-38k-iota-explodes-33-daily-market-watch/

Bitcoin continues to be uncertain at the $38,000 level and has slipped below it in the past few hours.

비트코인은 38,000달러 수준에서 계속 불확실하며 지난 몇 시간 동안 그 아래로 떨어졌습니다.

Most altcoins are also slightly in the red today, with ETH close to breaking below $2,000 and SOL dipping beneath $60.

BTC Under $38K

$38,000 미만의 BTC

Last Friday saw bitcoin’s surge that drove the asset to an 18-month peak at $38,500. However, the cryptocurrency failed to maintain its momentum and dropped to under $38,000 almost immediately.

The weekend saw very few noteworthy movements, with BTC standing in a range between $37,000 and $37,500.

주말에는 BTC가 37,000달러에서 37,500달러 사이에 있는 등 주목할만한 움직임이 거의 없었습니다.

Monday and Tuesday, though, brought more pain for the bulls as the asset fell to a multi-day low of $36,700. Nevertheless, they managed to regain control over the market and pushed BTC north on Wednesday.

This culminated in a price surge to $38,400, but bitcoin couldn’t keep heading north and chart a new year and a half peak. Just the opposite, the asset has lost some traction since then and now trades under $38,000.

Its market capitalization has retraced to under $740 billion, while its dominance over the altcoins remains strong at 52%.

시가총액은 7,400억 달러 미만으로 되돌아갔고, 알트코인에 대한 지배력은 52%로 여전히 강력합니다.

IOTA Defies Market Sentiment

IOTA는 시장 감정을 무시합니다

Most larger-cap alts registered impressive price gains yesterday, but the landscape today has changed. Ethereum is down by 2% and is close to breaking below $2,000 after nearing $2,100 yesterday. Binance Coin, Ripple, Tron, Toncoin, Avalanche, and MATIC have declined by similar percentages.

Solana, Cardano, and Polkadot are down by more than 3%. This means that SOL is currently under $60, ADA is way below $0.4, and DOT is just inches above $5.

솔라나(Solana), 카르다노(Cardano), 폴카닷(Polkadot)은 3% 이상 하락했습니다. 이는 SOL이 현재 $60 미만이고, ADA가 $0.4보다 훨씬 낮으며, DOT가 $5보다 약간 높다는 것을 의미합니다.

Dogecoin is the only top 10 alt in the green. LEO, RUNE, UNJ, and MNT are with gains from the mid-cap alts.

IOTA, though, has emerged as the top performer from the top 100 digital assets, having soared by over 30% in a day.

The total crypto market cap has lost some steam and sits at $1.420 trillion on CMC.

전체 암호화폐 시가총액은 약간의 활력을 잃어 CMC에서 1조 4200억 달러에 달합니다.

The post Bitcoin Dips Below $38K, IOTA Explodes 33% Daily (Market Watch) appeared first on CryptoPotato.

비트코인이 38,000달러 아래로 하락하고 IOTA가 매일 33% 폭발합니다(Market Watch)가 CryptoPotato에 처음 등장했습니다.

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