첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 시장 침체기 동안 이 토큰을 구매하세요: Ethereum Classic, Dogecoin 및 Tradecurve

Buy These Coins During Market Downturns: Ethereum Classic, Dogecoin, and Tradecurve

시장 침체기 동안 이 토큰을 구매하세요: Ethereum Classic, Dogecoin 및 Tradecurve

풀어 주다: 2023/07/19 22:13 읽다: 753


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64b6ac6ef482911202a89382

The crypto space has undergone a high level of turbulence recently when the market went on a downward trend. But not all is lost, as some altcoins managed to surprise investors with significant gains.

암호화폐 시장은 최근 시장이 하락세를 보이면서 높은 수준의 혼란을 겪었습니다. 그러나 일부 알트코인은 상당한 이익을 얻으며 투자자들을 놀라게 했기 때문에 모든 것이 손실된 것은 아닙니다.

According to analysts, some of the best altcoins to get during this time include Ethereum Classic (ETC), Tradecurve (TCRV), and Dogecoin (DOGE).



  • The Ethereum Classic price surged by 24.2% in the past month
  • 이더리움클래식 가격은 지난달 24.2% 급등했다.

  • Tradecurve saw an 80% growth in value
  • The Dogecoin price can surge by the end of July
  • Dogecoin 가격은 7월 말까지 급등할 수 있습니다.

>>Register For The Tradecurve Presale<<

Ethereum Classic Price Increased by 24.2%

이더리움 클래식 가격 24.2% 증가

The Ethereum Classic price was at $18.28 on July 11. When we go over its weekly performance, ETC saw its low point at $18.39, with its high point at $19.93. In addition, Ethereum Classic’s market cap was at $2,668,694,585. 

In the last 30 days, Ethereum Classic (ETC) went up in value by 24.2%, indicating that it had a bullish monthly performance. The project is in the green zone, and the Ethereum Classic (ETC) price can spike to over $20, according to analysts, making it a notable project to add to your crypto portfolio in 2023. But it’s not alone, as Dogecoin and Tradecurve also gained significant attention.

지난 30일 동안 이더리움 클래식(ETC)의 가치는 24.2% 상승해 월간 실적이 강세를 보인 것으로 나타났습니다. 분석가에 따르면 이 프로젝트는 녹색 영역에 있으며 ETC(Ethereum Classic) 가격이 20달러 이상 급등할 수 있어 2023년에 암호화폐 포트폴리오에 추가할 주목할만한 프로젝트가 될 수 있다고 합니다. 그러나 Dogecoin과 Tradecurve도 마찬가지로 혼자가 아닙니다. 상당한 주목을 받았습니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE) Eyeing $0.1 Price Target

Dogecoin (DOGE) $0.1 목표 가격을 노리고 있습니다

Dogecoin  is another cryptocurrency that surprised investors with its positive price performance. The DOGE price was $0.064978. During the past week, the Dogecoin price saw its low point of value at $0.064381, with its high point at $0.071004. 

In addition, the Dogecoin price increased by 4.9% in the last 30 days, and if it maintains this momentum, it can surge above $0.08 throughout July and is eyeing the $0.1 price range, making it a solid addition.

또한 도지코인 가격은 최근 30일 동안 4.9% 상승했는데, 이 모멘텀을 유지한다면 7월 내내 0.08달러 이상 급등할 수 있으며 0.1달러 가격대를 주목하고 있어 견조한 상승세를 보이고 있다.

Tradecurve (TCRV) To Surge by 40%

Tradecurve (TCRV) 40% 급등

Alongside Ethereum Classic and Dogecoin, another cryptocurrency that saw a massive surge in its value is Tradecurve , where its price spiked by 80%, bringing early investors massive ROI. At Stage 4 of its presale, TCRV  trades at $0.018. The price is set to increase by 40% in the upcoming week, so investors will want to join the project early in order to get the most significant benefits.

The key feature that helps Tradecurve stand out from the competition is its hybrid approach. It combines the best elements of CEXs and DEXs, it can provide high liquidity and availability with self-custody and full anonymity. Users can trade any derivative by depositing crypto and using it as collateral when making trades.

From features like high leverage starting at 500:1 to algorithmic trading and AI-driven trading bots, Tradecurve  can appeal to both beginners as well as newcomers, as it also implements a dedicated Trading Academy. Analysts predict that the token can climb by 100x at launch. 

500:1부터 시작하는 높은 레버리지와 같은 기능부터 알고리즘 거래 및 AI 기반 거래 봇에 이르기까지 Tradecurve는 전용 트레이딩 아카데미도 구현하므로 초보자는 물론 신규 사용자 모두의 관심을 끌 수 있습니다. 분석가들은 출시 시 토큰이 100배 상승할 수 있다고 예측합니다.

For more information about the TCRV presale:

Website | Presale | Twitter | Telegram

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시장 침체 기간 동안 이 코인 구매: Ethereum Classic, Dogecoin 및 Tradecurve 게시물이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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