첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 코인 순위, 카르다노 가격 예측에서 ADA가 Dogecoin을 추월 – ADA가 계속해서 상승할 수 있을까요?

Cardano Price Prediction as ADA Overtakes Dogecoin in Coin Rankings – Can ADA Keep Rising?

코인 순위, 카르다노 가격 예측에서 ADA가 Dogecoin을 추월 – ADA가 계속해서 상승할 수 있을까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/10/18 18:15 읽다: 952


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652faca7d04cda30cc5ee237

The price of Cardano (ADA) has fallen by 1.5% in the past 24 hours, with its drop to $0.246034 coming on a day when the wider market remains largely flat.

출처: TradingViewCardano(ADA)의 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 1.5% 하락했으며, 더 넓은 시장이 대체로 보합세를 유지하는 날에는 $0.246034까지 하락했습니다.

ADA is also down by 4.5% in the past fortnight, yet it continues to hold onto the ninth spot in the cryptocurrency market cap rankings, one place ahead of Dogecoin, which has fallen harder recently.

ADA 역시 지난 2주 동안 4.5% 하락했지만 암호화폐 시가총액 순위에서는 최근 더욱 하락세를 보이고 있는 Dogecoin보다 한 단계 앞서 있는 9위 자리를 계속 유지하고 있습니다.

Given just how oversold ADA has been in recent months, the altcoin is likely to rise further in the near future, especially when it remains one of the strongest tokens in terms of fundamentals.

Cardano Price Prediction as ADA Overtakes Dogecoin in Coin Rankings – Can ADA Keep Rising?

ADA continues to look fairly weak as far as its indicators are concerned, although this could be taken as a sign that it's long overdue a rebound rally.

ADA가 코인 순위에서 Dogecoin을 추월함에 따른 Cardano 가격 예측 - ADA는 계속 상승할 수 있습니까? ADA는 지표에 관한 한 상당히 약해 보이지만, 이는 반등 반등이 오래 지연되었다는 신호로 받아들일 수 있습니다.

For instance, its relative strength index (purple) has continued to dip again, falling towards 40 and likely to sink to 30 or lower before the altcoin corrects itself upwards.

At the same time, its 30-day exponential moving average (yellow) continues to languish well below its 200-day average (blue), another strong signal that the coin is highly oversold and should rebound.

동시에 30일 지수 이동 평균(노란색)은 200일 평균(파란색)보다 훨씬 낮은 상태를 계속 유지하고 있으며 이는 코인이 매우 과매도되어 반등해야 한다는 또 다른 강력한 신호입니다.

One ray of light is ADA's support level (green), which has been rising steadily over the past month or so, suggesting that the altcoin won't fall much lower before seeing another rally.

Of course, the question remains as to when a rally is likely to arrive, with the wider market remaining subdued as a result of poor macroeconomic conditions and ongoing uncertainty over whether the SEC will approve recent Bitcoin ETF applications.

This week saw ADA (along with the rest of the market) surge after false rumors emerged that the securities regulator had approved such an application, and while everything has come back down to Earth since then, the spike shows what will happen if and when an ETF is really approved.

이번 주에는 증권 규제 당국이 그러한 신청을 승인했다는 잘못된 소문이 나온 후 ADA(나머지 시장과 함께)가 급등했습니다. 그 이후 모든 것이 지구로 돌아왔지만, 급등은 만약에 어떤 일이 일어날지 보여줍니다. ETF가 실제로 승인되었습니다.

Not only would ADA enjoy a big rally along with the market, but the newfound bullishness would ensure that investors saw the altcoin in a more favorable and optimistic light, recognising its strong fundamentals.

Indeed, Cardano continues to grow steadily, even with the ongoing bearish market, with its total value locked in increasing by more than 200% since the beginning of the year.

실제로 Cardano는 현재 진행 중인 하락장에도 불구하고 꾸준히 성장을 이어가고 있으며, 총 가치는 연초 이후 200% 이상 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

This testifies to the growing usage of Cardano as a layer-one blockchain, as does the latest data from Input Output Hong Kong (Cardano's main developer), which shows that the platform is now home to 146 launched projects/apps and nearly 1,300 projects under development.

이는 Cardano가 레이어 1 블록체인으로 점점 더 많이 사용되고 있음을 입증하며, 입력 출력 홍콩(Cardano의 주요 개발자)의 최신 데이터도 마찬가지입니다. 이는 플랫폼이 현재 146개의 출시된 프로젝트/앱과 약 1,300개의 프로젝트의 본거지임을 보여줍니다. 개발.

This suggests that Cardano could begin growing exponentially during the next bull market (hopefully next year), with ADA set to benefit in parallel.

이는 Cardano가 다음 강세장(아마도 내년) 동안 기하급수적으로 성장하기 시작할 수 있으며 ADA도 병행하여 이익을 얻을 수 있음을 의미합니다.

From its current level of around $0.246002, it's likely to return to $0.30 within the next few weeks, before possibly seeing out 2023 at $0.40.

현재 약 0.246002달러 수준에서 향후 몇 주 내에 0.30달러로 돌아갈 가능성이 높으며, 2023년에는 0.40달러가 될 수도 있습니다.

Other Alts With High Potential

Traders and investors may find that it takes several months for ADA to make real progress, something which may incline many to look towards newer altcoins in the meantime, particularly those with the potential for quick gains.

Presale coins are one way to make market-beating returns quickly, with the best of these often rallying big once they list on exchanges.

One of the likeliest candidates to do this is TG.Casino (TGC), a decentralized casino platform that has raised more than $1.1 million since opening its presale a few weeks ago.

이를 수행할 가능성이 가장 높은 후보 중 하나는 몇 주 전 사전 판매를 시작한 이후 110만 달러 이상을 모금한 분산형 카지노 플랫폼인 TG.Casino(TGC)입니다.

There are a couple of reasons why TG.Casino has been able to raise over $1 million so quickly, with the first being that its platform uniquely combines online gambling with social media.

That is, it operates largely on popular social messaging app Telegram, harnessing the latter in order to help it quickly grow a big community of users of supporters.

즉, 인기 있는 소셜 메시징 앱인 Telegram을 기반으로 주로 운영되며 후자를 활용하여 지지자 사용자로 구성된 대규모 커뮤니티를 빠르게 성장시킬 수 있습니다.

This use of Telegram gives it an originality that has clearly attracted many investors, yet the second factor helping its raise is the fact that it has already launched its platform.

Its platform offers a wide and constantly expanding roster of games, from classic card games to newer and more original experiences.

Games can be joined by waging the platform's native token, TGC, which comes with hard cap of 100 million.

게임은 플랫폼의 기본 토큰인 TGC를 사용하여 참여할 수 있으며, 이는 하드 캡 1억 개로 제공됩니다.

40% of this total has been allocated to the presale, with 20% devoted to staking rewards and 10% to gaming rewards, making it a highly decentralized altcoin.

이 총액 중 40%는 사전 판매에 할당되었으며, 20%는 스테이킹 보상에, 10%는 게임 보상에 할당되어 고도로 분산된 알트코인이 되었습니다.

Investors can buy some early – and at what may turn out to be a steep discount – by going the official TG.Casino website, where 1 TGC costs $0.125.

투자자들은 1 TGC의 가격이 $0.125인 공식 TG.Casino 웹사이트를 방문하여 일부를 조기에 구매할 수 있으며 상당한 할인을 받을 수 있습니다.

Of course, time is limited, with TGC's listing on exchanges later in the year likely to see it rise strongly.

물론 시간은 제한되어 있으며, 연말에 TGC가 거래소에 상장하면 크게 상승할 가능성이 높습니다.

Visit TG.Casino Now

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.



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