첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Chase Bank 고객은 이제 FCF Pay를 통해 암호화폐로 모기지 비용을 지불할 수 있습니다.

Chase Bank customers can now pay mortgages using crypto through FCF Pay

Chase Bank 고객은 이제 FCF Pay를 통해 암호화폐로 모기지 비용을 지불할 수 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/06 00:16 읽다: 205


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651ec991a15b5f6d81eaf8e1

  • Chase Bank customers can make cryptocurrency payments for credit card bills, loans, and mortgages.
  • Chase Bank 고객은 신용카드 청구서, 대출 및 주택담보대출에 대해 암호화폐 결제를 할 수 있습니다.

  • Accepted cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, XRP, Dogecoin, Binance Coin, Tether, and USD Coin.
  • Despite this collaboration, Chase Bank maintains its stance of settling payments in fiat currency, not cryptocurrencies.
  • 이러한 협력에도 불구하고 체이스뱅크는 암호화폐가 아닌 법정화폐로 결제한다는 입장을 유지하고 있다.

In a significant development in the world of finance, Chase Bank, a subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase, has teamed up with FCF Pay, a Canadian blockchain payments processor, to offer customers the option of paying their credit card bills, loans, and mortgage payments using cryptocurrencies.

금융계의 중요한 발전에서 JP Morgan Chase의 자회사인 Chase Bank는 캐나다의 블록체인 결제 처리업체인 FCF Pay와 협력하여 고객에게 신용 카드 청구서, 대출금 및 모기지 지불금을 지불할 수 있는 옵션을 제공했습니다. 암호화폐를 사용합니다.

This move adds Chase Bank to the growing list of financial institutions that are exploring the integration of digital currencies into their services.

Cryptocurrency payments for bills

청구서에 대한 암호화폐 결제

Under this new partnership, Chase Bank customers can make payments using a variety of popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), Binance Coin (BNB), as well as stablecoins like Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC).

This expanded payment option reflects the increasing acceptance of digital assets in mainstream finance.

이 확장된 결제 옵션은 주류 금융에서 디지털 자산의 수용이 증가하고 있음을 반영합니다.

While this development may seem like Chase Bank is fully embracing cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to clarify that the bank’s core stance on crypto has not shifted. FCF Pay processes these cryptocurrency payments on behalf of customers, but the final settlements with Chase Bank are made in fiat currency through an off-ramp solution.

This ensures that Chase Bank continues to operate within traditional financial frameworks.

Chase doesn’t directly accept crypto

체이스는 암호화폐를 직접적으로 받아들이지 않습니다

Justin K. Page, the Communications VP for Chase Bank, emphasized that Chase does not directly accept cryptocurrencies for mortgage payments, loans, or credit cards. The bank’s official position remains unchanged, as it does not have an affiliation with FCF Pay. This distinction is crucial, as it clears any misconceptions about the bank’s stance on cryptocurrency acceptance.

Notably, Chase Bank’s foray into cryptocurrency payments follows the footsteps of other major financial institutions that have embraced blockchain technology. Earlier in 2023, JP Morgan Chase launched blockchain Euro payments, demonstrating its support for the adoption of blockchain technology.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/chase-bank-customers-can-now-pay-mortgages-using-crypto-through-fcf-pay-tbt65257.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/chase-bank-customers-can-now-pay-mortgages-using-crypto-through-fcf-pay-tbt65257.html

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