첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 코인베이스, 미국에서 암호화폐 선물 거래 제공 승인 획득

Coinbase Secures Approval To Offer Crypto Futures Trading in U.S

코인베이스, 미국에서 암호화폐 선물 거래 제공 승인 획득

풀어 주다: 2023/08/17 01:00 읽다: 957


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64dcfe32fe05822893c8891a

  • This is a huge win for Coinbase and the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole.
  • Coinbase Financial Markets is now a licensed Futures Commission Merchant (FCM).
  • Coinbase Financial Markets은 이제 허가받은 FCM(선물거래위원회) 판매자입니다.

The National Futures Association of the US CFTC has granted Coinbase Financial Markets, a futures commission merchant registered with the CFTC, approval to provide crypto futures trading to qualified consumers in the US. Despite a lawsuit by the US SEC, this is a huge win for Coinbase and the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole.

미국 CFTC의 전국선물협회(National Futures Association)는 CFTC에 등록된 선물 수수료 판매자인 Coinbase Financial Markets에 미국 내 적격 소비자에게 암호화폐 선물 거래를 제공하도록 승인했습니다. 미국 SEC의 소송에도 불구하고 이는 코인베이스와 암호화폐 생태계 전체에 있어 큰 승리입니다.

Coinbase Financial Markets is now a licensed Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) according to the National Futures Association. According to an official post published on August 16, this would enable Coinbase to provide cryptocurrency futures trading directly to its clients in the United States.

Pushing Crypto Adoption

In September of 2021, Coinbase applied to the NFA to get registered as an FCM. With the help of the CFTC, the cryptocurrency exchange has implemented all of the necessary measures to ensure the safety of its users. The firm intends to promote economic liberty by working with authorities to get product approvals. It also helps in making the safest and most reliable goods and services possible.

2021년 9월, 코인베이스는 FCM 등록을 위해 NFA에 신청했습니다. CFTC의 도움으로 암호화폐 거래소는 사용자의 안전을 보장하기 위해 필요한 모든 조치를 구현했습니다. 회사는 제품 승인을 얻기 위해 당국과 협력하여 경제적 자유를 증진할 계획입니다. 또한 가장 안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 상품과 서비스를 만드는 데 도움이 됩니다.

Coinbase Financial Markets now provides access to regulated derivatives products for clients in the United States. Now, Coinbase is the first cryptocurrency exchange to provide both spot trading and regulated leveraged crypto futures. It will make the crypto market more accessible in the United States without putting users at risk.

As of last week, Coinbase customers in Canada may make use of the Interac e-Transfers thanks to the company’s cooperation with Peoples Trust Company. Since it is Coinbase’s second-most crypto-aware foreign market, the exchange has big hopes to grow there as well.

지난 주부터 캐나다의 Coinbase 고객은 회사와 Peoples Trust Company의 협력 덕분에 Interac e-Transfers를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이곳은 코인베이스에서 암호화폐를 두 번째로 많이 인식하는 해외 시장이기 때문에 거래소도 그곳에서 성장할 수 있다는 큰 희망을 갖고 있습니다.

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