첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 트레이더는 세 가지 암호화폐에 대한 전망을 업데이트하면서 “알트코인은 앞으로 두 달 안에 전기화될 것”이라고 말했습니다.

‘Coming Two Months Are Going To Be Electric for Altcoins’, Says Trader As He Updates Outlook on Three Cryptos

트레이더는 세 가지 암호화폐에 대한 전망을 업데이트하면서 “알트코인은 앞으로 두 달 안에 전기화될 것”이라고 말했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/09 14:03 읽다: 826


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6573887f815db01108cc2ae1

A widely followed crypto analyst says that the next two months will be dynamite for altcoins as he updates his outlook on three digital assets.

Crypto strategist Michaël van de Poppe tells his 676,100 followers on the social media platform X that while the bottom for the BTC/ETH pair may be coming in, the next two months will be “electric” for altcoins.

암호화폐 전략가 미카엘 반 데 포페(Michaël van de Poppe)는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 X의 676,100명의 팔로워들에게 BTC/ETH 쌍의 바닥이 올 수 있지만 향후 2개월은 알트코인의 "전기"가 될 것이라고 말했습니다.




“Bitcoin still consolidating around $43,000 while Ethereum is taking more momentum. The bottom for ETH/BTC is close or maybe in. Coming two months are going to be electric for altcoins further. Enjoy the ride!”

ETH/BTC is trading for $0.0536 at time of writing.

Van de Poppe goes on to give his outlook on layer-2 blockchains Optimism (OP) and Arbitrum (ARB) as well as popular meme asset Pepe (PEPE).

Van de Poppe는 계속해서 레이어 2 블록체인 Optimism(OP)과 Arbitrum(ARB)은 물론 인기 있는 밈 자산인 Pepe(PEPE)에 대한 자신의 전망을 제시합니다.

According to the analyst, meme coin PEPE is showing a lot of momentum and could end up being the next Dogecoin (DOGE), also noting that buying the dips is a viable strategy.

“This one shows a lot of momentum, but I’d like to see a retest at 1285-1350 and then continue towards 2000. Buying dips on this one is a proper strategy at this market stage. It may be the new DOGE.”

PEPE is trading for $0.000002 at time of writing.

Moving on to layer-2 scaling solution Optimism, van de Poppe says it appears as if it is following the same path as top smart contract platform Ethereum (ETH).

레이어 2 스케일링 솔루션인 Optimism으로 이동하면서 van de Poppe는 최고의 스마트 계약 플랫폼인 Ethereum(ETH)과 동일한 경로를 따르는 것처럼 보인다고 말했습니다.

“Another one follows the path of Ethereum. If there’s a correction, then it would be wise to look at the region between $1.85-1.935 to ensure you’re getting a proper entry. Right now, you’re basically chasing the candles.”

OP is trading for $2.11 at time of writing.

The strategist concludes his Analysis by saying that ARB, much like OP, is following the path of Ethereum and is setting the stage up to surge to the $1.30 level, adding that a bullish Q1 will follow.

전략가는 OP와 마찬가지로 ARB가 이더리움의 길을 따르고 있으며 1.30달러 수준으로 급등할 수 있는 무대를 마련하고 있으며 1분기에 강세를 보일 것이라고 덧붙임으로써 분석을 마무리합니다.

“Arbitrum is following in the footsteps of Ethereum. Ethereum is showing strength, so is Arbitrum and so is Optimism. Great move here, probably some retests lower, but it seems ready for $1.30 and a bullish Q1.”

ARB is moving for $1.16 at time of writing.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/coming-two-months-are-going-to-be-electric-for-altcoins-says-trader-as-he-updates-outlook-on-three-cryptos-tbt73113.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/coming-two-months-are-going-to-be-electric-for-altcoins-says-trader-as-he-updates-outlook-on- three-cryptos-tbt73113. HTML

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