첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 암호화폐 충돌: Dogecoin 대 Floki Inu – 연말 대결

Crypto Clash: Dogecoin vs. Floki Inu – A Year-End Faceoff

암호화폐 충돌: Dogecoin 대 Floki Inu – 연말 대결

풀어 주다: 2023/12/11 14:03 읽다: 866

원저자:Cryptos Newss

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6576947bedfb20666ad4d145

암호화폐 충돌: Dogecoin 대 Floki Inu – 연말 대결

Key Points:

키 포인트:

  • Dogecoin’s rollercoaster ride: Surges, dips, and the RSI suspense.
  • Floki Inu’s tale of bounce and decline: Resilience amid market dynamics.
  • Market capitalization clash: Dogecoin’s dominance vs. Floki’s frequent uptrends.

In the ever-evolving world of meme tokens, Dogecoin and Floki Inu are captivating the crypto community with their distinctive price movements as the year draws to a close. Let’s delve into the recent trends and explore what the future might hold for these quirky digital assets.

Dogecoin’s Rollercoaster Ride

Over the last three days, Dogecoin’s daily chart resembled a rollercoaster, showcasing notable price fluctuations. Two remarkable surges, each exceeding 6%, marked the past week. The latest surge, a 6.24% increase on December 8th, propelled the coin to $0.10. However, the joyride seems to have hit a minor bump, with the current trading price hovering around $0.09, reflecting a negligible decrease of less than 1%.

Dogecoin의 롤러코스터 라이드지난 3일 동안 Dogecoin의 일일 차트는 롤러코스터와 유사하여 눈에 띄는 가격 변동을 보여주었습니다. 지난주에는 각각 6%를 넘는 두 번의 놀라운 급등이 있었습니다. 12월 8일 6.24% 증가한 최근 급등으로 인해 코인은 0.10달러로 상승했습니다. 그러나 조이라이드는 현재 거래 가격이 약 0.09달러를 맴돌면서 1% 미만의 미미한 감소를 반영하는 등 약간의 충격을 받은 것으로 보입니다.

Despite these recent dips, Dogecoin has managed to maintain its bullish trend, as indicated by the Relative Strength Index (RSI) standing above 68. However, the RSI line has experienced a slight decline due to the recent downturns in price, adding an element of suspense to Dogecoin’s year-end performance.

Floki Inu: A Tale of Bounce and Decline

In contrast, Floki Inu’s daily chart over the past seven days tells a tale of bounce and decline. While it encountered declines on four days, three notable uptrends, recording increases of 11%, 13%, and 6%, collectively outweighed the losses. The most substantial decline, slightly above 8%, did little to deter its overall positive momentum.

Floki Inu: 반등과 하락의 이야기 이와 대조적으로 지난 7일간 Floki Inu의 일일 차트는 반등과 하락의 이야기를 보여줍니다. 4일 동안 하락세를 보였지만 11%, 13%, 6%의 증가를 기록하는 세 가지 주목할만한 상승 추세가 전체적으로 손실을 능가했습니다. 8%를 약간 넘는 가장 큰 하락세는 전반적인 긍정적 모멘텀을 거의 억제하지 못했습니다.

Currently trading with a decline of more than 1%, Floki Inu, much like its canine counterpart, is holding onto its bullish trend with an RSI above 60%. Despite this, the question lingers whether this trend will be enough to outshine Dogecoin in the year-end crypto spectacle.

Market Capitalization Clash

Analyzing market capitalization reveals an interesting dynamic. Floki Inu has exhibited more frequent price uptrends in the last seven days, boasting a 17% increase compared to Dogecoin’s slightly lower uptrend of over 15%. However, the numbers tell a different story when it comes to market cap rankings.

As of now, Dogecoin reigns supreme with a market capitalization of around $13.8 billion, dwarfing Floki’s $375 million. While Floki may be experiencing more frequent percentage gains, Dogecoin’s established position in the market could play a pivotal role in determining the year-end outcome.



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Disclaimer: Please note that the viewpoints and perspectives expressed by the author, as well as any individuals referenced in this article, are intended solely for informational purposes. They should not be construed as financial or investment advice. It’s important to acknowledge that investing in or trading cryptoassets carries inherent financial risks.

Originally published at https://cryptosnewss.com on December 11, 2023.

원본은 2023년 12월 11일 https://cryptosnewss.com에 게시되었습니다.

주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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