첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 1달러 미만으로 크리스마스에 구매할 수 있는 암호화폐 3개

3 cryptocurrencies under $1 to buy for Xmas

1달러 미만으로 크리스마스에 구매할 수 있는 암호화폐 3개

풀어 주다: 2023/12/06 06:01 읽다: 690


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656f351216787c05ab330465

While Xmas bells are already chiming through the streets, the cryptocurrency industry is starting to rejoice in what looks like a ‘fresh supercycle’ led by the flagship decentralized finance (DeFi) asset, Bitcoin (BTC), which has surpassed a massive price level at $41,000.

이미 크리스마스 종소리가 거리에 울리고 있는 가운데, 암호화폐 업계는 대표적인 탈중앙화 금융(DeFi) 자산인 비트코인(BTC)이 이끄는 '신선한 슈퍼사이클'에 기뻐하기 시작했습니다. $41,000.

That said, although Bitcoin’s price tag at $41,512 per wholecoin might be too high for some, there are still other, cheaper assets, some that are even trading under the threshold of as little as $1, and Finbold has scoured the market to deliver the list of worthy cryptocurrency purchases for holidays this year.

#1 Cardano (ADA)

1위 카르다노(ADA)

Specifically, considering its recent price action and popularity among institutional investors and whales, reflected in the surge in ADA transactions over $100,000 noted by professional crypto trader Ali Martinez, Cardano (ADA) is possibly looking forward to a continuation of the bullish trend, making it a good buy this Christmas.

구체적으로, 전문 암호화폐 거래자 알리 마르티네즈(Ali Martinez)가 언급한 10만 달러 이상의 ADA 거래 급증에 반영된 최근 가격 조치와 기관 투자자 및 고래 사이의 인기를 고려할 때 Cardano(ADA)는 강세 추세가 지속되기를 기대하고 있을 가능성이 있습니다. 이번 크리스마스에 잘 샀어요.

As for its price at press time, it amounted to $0.40, down 1.45% in the last 24 hours but nonetheless advancing 6.30% across the previous seven days and making more significant progress of 16.62% on its monthly chart, as per the data on December 5.

#2 Dogecoin (DOGE)



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Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) managed to overcome a massive obstacle at $0.087 that Martinez earlier predicted could lead to a target of $0.14, which it could reach considering its DOGE-1 Satellite has received a green light from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for its launch.

한편, Dogecoin(DOGE)은 Martinez가 이전에 예측한 $0.14의 목표로 이어질 수 있다고 예측한 $0.087라는 엄청난 장애물을 극복했습니다. 이는 DOGE-1 위성이 미국 국가통신정보청(NTIA)으로부터 승인을 받은 것을 고려하면 도달할 수 있는 목표입니다. ) 출시를 위해.

As things stand, this crypto asset is currently changing hands at the price of $0.090, recording an increase of 1.74% on the day, and adding up to the 15.09% gain on its weekly chart and the advance of 25.54% in the last month, according to the latest information.

#3 Polygon (MATIC)

In the meantime, Polygon (MATIC) whales have gone on a buying spree, scooping up 120 million MATIC in the last week of November, or $90 million worth of the token, as Martinez pointed out. At the same time, Coinbase International Exchange and Coinbase Advanced launched Polygon perpetual future contracts.

그 사이 Polygon(MATIC) 고래들은 11월 마지막 주에 1억 2천만 MATIC, 즉 마르티네즈가 지적한 대로 9천만 달러 상당의 토큰을 획득하는 등 구매에 나섰습니다. 동시에 Coinbase International Exchange와 Coinbase Advanced는 Polygon 무기한 선물 계약을 출시했습니다.

For now, Polygon’s price stands at $0.79, which represents a decline of 1.07% over the past day but still an increase of 7.46% in the last week and a 14.53% growth across the past month, according to the most recent information retrieved on December 5.



All things considered, the above crypto assets look like solid buys this Christmas, taking into account their recent price movements, positive developments, and optimistic outlook. However, carrying out one’s own research is essential before any investment.

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/3-cryptocurrencies-under-1-to-buy-for-xmas-tbt72666.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/3-cryptocurrency-under-1-to-buy-for-xmas-tbt72666.html

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