첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 현재 DOGE 검토: Dogecoin이 상승할 것인가?

Current DOGE Comments: Will Dogecoin Rise?

현재 DOGE 검토: Dogecoin이 상승할 것인가?

풀어 주다: 2023/10/10 06:17 읽다: 348


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65247909d853266e60c5febb

Market fluctuations continue and after the BTC price dropped to $27,200 levels, it climbed back to $27,500. The recovery in price is not benefiting altcoins as they continue to hit new lows due to similar movements that have been going on for a long time.

시장 변동은 계속되며 BTC 가격이 27,200달러 수준으로 떨어진 후 27,500달러로 다시 상승했습니다. 오랫동안 지속되어 온 유사한 움직임으로 인해 계속해서 신저가를 기록하고 있기 때문에 가격 회복은 알트코인에 도움이 되지 않습니다.

Current DOGE Comments

현재 DOGE 댓글

We previously mentioned that the price held at $0.06 due to support from futures. According to Coinalyze data at the time of writing, there is an open position of $222 million, with a 4.27% decrease in the last 24 hours. In addition, we saw liquidation of $1.7 million. We can say that the support is about to be lost as the price drops to $0.058.

Due to miner sales, DOGE price is losing the critical price zone as the support in futures erodes. This situation may trigger a journey to deeper lows as previously mentioned.

채굴기 판매로 인해 DOGE 가격은 선물 지원이 약화됨에 따라 임계 가격 영역을 잃고 있습니다. 이러한 상황은 앞서 언급한 것처럼 더 깊은 저점으로의 여정을 촉발할 수 있습니다.

Due to the fluctuations in BTC price, altcoins are eroding and BTCD has climbed to 50.3%. This increase is unfavorable for other cryptocurrencies, especially DOGE. Despite a 60% increase in cumulative trading volume, the volume is at $27 billion. The increase in BTC volume has exceeded 150%, but considering the price decline, we can say that it is supported by sellers.

Will Dogecoin Rise?

With the price of oil climbing back to $88 and concerns rising due to geopolitical issues, it would be quite surprising for cryptocurrencies, especially meme coins like DOGE, to experience a price increase. The price of Dogecoin is losing the $0.059 support. If it continues to close below this level, investors may see deeper lows of $0.055 and $0.05.

석유 가격이 88달러로 다시 오르고 지정학적 문제로 인해 우려가 높아지는 상황에서 암호화폐, 특히 DOGE와 같은 밈 코인이 가격 인상을 경험한다는 것은 상당히 놀라운 일이 될 것입니다. Dogecoin의 가격은 0.059달러의 지지를 잃고 있습니다. 계속해서 이 수준 아래로 마감되면 투자자들은 $0.055와 $0.05의 더 깊은 최저점을 볼 수 있습니다.

With the start of Bitcoin‘s price decline, if a large selling wave comes, DOGE could drop to $0.035, which is the 2023 bottom for investors. The ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine, as well as previously announced production supply cuts, are pushing up oil prices and strengthening concerns about inflation. And yes, there is an indirect connection between the decline in DOGE and the price of oil.

비트코인 가격 하락이 시작되면서 대규모 매도세가 발생하면 DOGE는 2023년 최저치인 0.035달러까지 하락할 수 있습니다. 이스라엘과 팔레스타인 간의 계속되는 갈등과 이전에 발표된 생산 공급 삭감으로 인해 유가가 상승하고 인플레이션에 대한 우려가 커지고 있습니다. 그리고 그렇습니다. DOGE 하락과 석유 가격 사이에는 간접적인 연관성이 있습니다.

This zone was also visited on August 17th. If the daily closing is not below the horizontal support level of $0.06, there is hope for DOGE investors.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not investment advice. Investors should be aware of the high volatility and therefore risk associated with cryptocurrencies and should conduct their own research before making transactions.
Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/current-doge-comments-will-dogecoin-rise/

계속 읽기: https://en.coin-turk.com/current-doge-comments-will-dogecoin-rise/

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