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Deciphering Bitcoin Unpredictable Dive Amid a Flourishing Stock Market

주식시장 호황 속에 비트코인의 예측할 수 없는 폭락을 해독하다

풀어 주다: 2023/10/12 22:17 읽다: 762


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6527f02563cdc72dacc0de05

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  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies see extended declines, marking a sixth day of downturn.
  • 비트코인과 기타 암호화폐는 하락세를 이어가며 6일째 하락세를 이어가고 있습니다.

  • The leading digital asset, Bitcoin, has dipped below $26,750, deviating from recent highs near $28,000.
  • While stock markets thrive, Bitcoin’s performance seems misaligned with traditional market trends.
  • 주식 시장이 번창하는 동안 비트코인의 성과는 전통적인 시장 추세와 맞지 않는 것 같습니다.

As Bitcoin takes a nosedive, experts ponder its inverse relationship with thriving stock markets, and await the impact of upcoming U.S. CPI inflation data.

Bitcoin’s Resurgence Wanes

비트코인의 부활이 약해지고 있습니다

Despite the optimism fueled by a late-September rally, Bitcoin’s recent surge appears to be short-lived. Falling back by 1.5% in the last 24 hours, the premier cryptocurrency stands below the $26,750 mark, a far cry from its weekend high near $28,000. This descent into the $26,000 zone, a territory where Bitcoin stagnated for over a month, has dashed hopes of a sustained bullish momentum, especially with the coveted $30,000 level within sights.

9월 말 랠리에 따른 낙관론에도 불구하고 비트코인의 최근 급등은 오래 가지 못하는 것으로 보입니다. 지난 24시간 동안 1.5% 하락한 최고 암호화폐는 $26,750 선 아래에 있으며 이는 $28,000에 가까운 주말 최고치와 크게 다릅니다. 비트코인이 한 달 넘게 정체된 영역인 26,000달러 영역으로의 이러한 하강은 특히 탐나는 30,000달러 수준을 눈앞에 두고 지속적인 강세 모멘텀에 대한 희망을 무너뜨렸습니다.

In Contrast to Stock Markets

주식 시장과 대조적으로

Contrary to Bitcoin’s behavior, traditional stock markets have displayed resilience. With indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 marking four days of consistent gains, Bitcoin’s contrasting performance becomes conspicuous. Speculations are rife: while some analysts perceive a cautious stance from crypto traders in light of potential Middle East conflicts, others opine that the charm of Bitcoin might be dimming once more.

Anticipation Around U.S. CPI Data

미국 CPI 데이터에 대한 기대

Expectations are high regarding the U.S. consumer-price index (CPI) inflation data slated for release. The outcome, whether positive or negative, might serve as a catalyst, either propelling Bitcoin beyond the $27,000 mark or solidifying its position in the precarious $26,000 territory. Interestingly, while the prospects of the Federal Reserve abstaining from another interest rate hike have bolstered stocks, the cryptocurrency sector remains seemingly indifferent to such macroeconomic shifts.

The Wider Crypto Landscape

더 넓은 암호화폐 환경

Bitcoin’s decline seems to have cast a shadow over the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. Ether, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has trimmed its value by 1%, standing at $1,550. Concurrently, altcoins haven’t been spared either, with Cardano and Polygon witnessing dips of under 1% and 2% respectively. Even the popular memecoins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, have experienced roughly a 1% decrease in value.



The crypto market, led by Bitcoin, appears to be in a state of flux. With recent bullish fervor fading and Bitcoin retracing to previously stagnant levels, stakeholders and enthusiasts await triggers that might set the direction. Whether it’s upcoming economic data, geopolitical scenarios, or inherent market dynamics, the ensuing phase for Bitcoin and its peers is bound to be decisive.

The post Deciphering Bitcoin Unpredictable Dive Amid a Flourishing Stock Market appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

주식 시장이 번창하는 가운데 예측할 수 없는 비트코인 ​​해독 포스트가 COINOTAG NEWS에 처음 등장했습니다.

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