가격: $0.17764 -6.3271%
시장가치: 26.36B 0.963%
회전율 (24h): 2.19B 0%
권세: 0.963%
Price: $0.17764 -6.3271%
시장가치: 26.36B 0.963%
회전율 (24h): 2.19B 0%
권세: 0.963% 0.963%
  • 가격: $0.17764 -6.3271%
  • 시장가치: 26.36B 0.963%
  • 회전율 (24h): 2.19B 0%
  • 권세: 0.963% 0.963%
  • 가격: $0.17764 -6.3271%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > 비트코인(BTC)과 도지코인(DOGE)의 물결에 뛰어들지 않으시나요? 2023년 최고의 투자를 찾아보세요

Didn’t Catch the Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Wave? Discover the Top Investment for 2023

비트코인(BTC)과 도지코인(DOGE)의 물결에 뛰어들지 않으시나요? 2023년 최고의 투자를 찾아보세요

풀어 주다: 2023/10/17 20:15 읽다: 475

원저자:CoinPedia News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652e6dca31017a05ec086a3b

The post Didn’t Catch the Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Wave? Discover the Top Investment for 2023 appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

해당 게시물은 비트코인(BTC)과 도지코인(DOGE) 물결을 잡지 못했다고요? Coinpedia Fintech News에 처음 등장한 2023년 최고의 투자를 발견하세요

Back in the day, investors made huge gains by investing in Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE). However, in 2023, the slowed-down performance of the two is propelling investors to seek more rewarding options in the crypto market. Meanwhile, many experts have embraced VC Spectra (SPCT) as one of the top altcoins today due to its impressive rewards and groundbreaking features. 

So, let’s take a look at the facts and analyze which is the best crypto to invest in 2023.

그럼, 사실을 살펴보고 2023년에 투자하기에 가장 좋은 암호화폐가 무엇인지 분석해 보겠습니다.




  • Bitcoin (BTC) could drop under $26,500 in October 2023.
  • Dogecoin (DOGE) could drop to $0.050 by the end of the month.
  • VC Spectra (SPCT) holders are looking at 82% gains before the official launch.
  • VC Spectra(SPCT) 보유자는 공식 출시 전에 82%의 이익을 기대하고 있습니다.

BTC Price Prediction: Will Bitcoin Drop Below $26,500?

Bitcoin (BTC) decreased by 2.620% within five days, from $27,583 on October 9 to $26,860 on October 14. According to the latest BTC price prediction, Bitcoin’s (BTC) inability to consolidate above $27,000 could result in dips under $26,500 over the next two weeks. Bitcoin (BTC) bears point out the asset’s increased volatility in the preceding term as another factor behind this pessimistic Bitcoin forecast.

On the other hand, the positive sentiments over Bitcoin in the overall community have prompted several experts to give an optimistic BTC price prediction. In the best-case scenario, Bitcoin (BTC) could soon manage to reclaim its figures from the first week of October, when Bitcoin (BTC) traded above the $28,000 threshold

반면, 전체 커뮤니티에서 비트코인에 대한 긍정적인 감정으로 인해 몇몇 전문가들은 낙관적인 BTC 가격 예측을 내놓았습니다. 최선의 시나리오에서 비트코인(BTC)은 비트코인(BTC)이 28,000달러 기준점 이상으로 거래된 10월 첫째 주부터 수치를 곧 회복할 수 있습니다.

The SEC recently missed the October 13 deadline to appeal the court’s earlier decision in favor of Grayscale. Hence, analysts point out that this development is bound to increase the growth potential of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC).

SEC는 최근 그레이스케일에 유리한 법원의 이전 결정에 대해 항소할 수 있는 기한인 10월 13일을 놓쳤습니다. 따라서 분석가들은 이번 개발이 그레이스케일 비트코인 ​​트러스트(GBTC)의 성장 잠재력을 높일 것이라고 지적합니다.

DOGE Price Prediction: Will Dogecoin Decrease Toward $0.050?

DOGE 가격 예측: Dogecoin이 0.050달러로 하락할까요?

The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has dipped by 3.563% over seven days, from $0.061 on October 7 to $0.059 on October 14. Dogecoin (DOGE) bears believe that DOGE will continue to lag behind newer and better-equipped meme coins that provide higher short-term gains. As for the latest DOGE price prediction, Dogecoin holders could expect drops toward $0.050 by the end of October.

In addition, Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus stated in an X post on October 12 that the (DOGE) community has shown an overall lack of productivity and unwarranted hostility toward the Dogecoin Foundation.

또한 Dogecoin 공동 창시자인 Billy Markus는 10월 12일 X 게시물에서 (DOGE) 커뮤니티가 전반적으로 생산성이 부족하고 Dogecoin 재단에 대한 부당한 적대감을 보여주었다고 밝혔습니다.

Conversely, some experts have given an optimistic DOGE price prediction due to Dogecoin’s (DOGE) increased adoption. For example, Honda enabled payments in Dogecoin (DOGE) and several other tokens on September 27. Dogecoin (DOGE) bulls point out the platform’s association with Elon Musk as another factor that could propel investors to buy Dogecoin in the following term.

VC Spectra (SPCT) Offers Attractive Benefits and Extensive Risk Analysis

Numerous experts have pointed to VC Spectra (SPCT) as the best crypto investment in 2023 based on its fantastic growth potential. More precisely, analysts believe that SPCT’s amazing real-life utility could enable this hidden game to outclass meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and challenge more successful rivals such as Bitcoin (BTC).

수많은 전문가들은 환상적인 성장 잠재력을 바탕으로 VC Spectra(SPCT)를 2023년 최고의 암호화폐 투자로 꼽았습니다. 보다 정확하게 분석가들은 SPCT의 놀라운 실제 유틸리티를 통해 이 숨겨진 게임이 Dogecoin(DOGE)과 같은 밈 코인을 능가하고 Bitcoin(BTC)과 같은 더 성공적인 라이벌에 도전할 수 있다고 믿습니다.

VC Spectra (SPCT) is an innovative decentralized hedge fund that allows users to spread their investments across various niche markets and advanced blockchain projects. SPCT holders can track their portfolios’ progress via VC Spectra’s powerful visual tools and earn valuable rewards such as quarterly dividends and buybacks.

VC Spectra(SPCT)는 사용자가 다양한 틈새 시장과 고급 블록체인 프로젝트에 투자를 분산할 수 있는 혁신적인 분산형 헤지 펀드입니다. SPCT 보유자는 VC Spectra의 강력한 시각적 도구를 통해 포트폴리오의 진행 상황을 추적하고 분기별 배당금 및 환매와 같은 귀중한 보상을 얻을 수 있습니다.

In addition, investors can utilize VC Spectra’s (SPCT) rigorous risk analysis to maximize the profits of their informed investment decisions. On the other hand, the deflationary VC Spectra (SPCT) token grants many unique benefits, such as voting rights for future investments and access to pre-ICO discounts.

VC Spectra (SPCT) is currently at Stage 3 of the public presale, available for just $0.044. Therefore, VC Spectra investors are set to receive up to 82% gains when SPCT reaches the projected $0.080 target by the end of Stage 6.

VC Spectra(SPCT)는 현재 3단계 공개 사전 판매 중이며 단 $0.044에 구입할 수 있습니다. 따라서 VC Spectra 투자자는 SPCT가 6단계가 끝날 때까지 예상 $0.080 목표에 도달하면 최대 82%의 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다.

While Stage 1 investors have already received an astonishing 450% gains, the rewards could get exponentially bigger after SPCT launches on major exchanges. Join the presale now to obtain a remarkable 100% bonus on all deposits!

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

Presale: https://invest.vcspectra.io/login

사전 판매: https://invest.vcspectra.io/login

Website: https://vcspectra.io

Telegram: https://t.me/VCSpectra

텔레그램: https://t.me/VCSpectra

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectravcfund

트위터: https://twitter.com/spectravcfund

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