첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 0.04달러 목표로 큰 하락 직전의 DOGE 가격

DOGE Price On The Edge Of A Massive Fall Targeting $0.04

0.04달러 목표로 큰 하락 직전의 DOGE 가격

풀어 주다: 2023/08/29 16:30 읽다: 778


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64edaa29a35a1354fb5e3d26

Dogecoin and most of the crypto market, especially Bitcoin and the top altcoins, have come under heavy selling pressure, with investors seeming disinterested in the usual buy-the-dip narratives due to fears that more losses are likely before the crypto market begins the run into the 2024/2025 bull market.

Dogecoin과 대부분의 암호화폐 시장, 특히 비트코인과 상위 알트코인은 엄청난 매도 압력을 받고 있으며, 투자자들은 암호화폐 시장이 시작되기 전에 더 많은 손실이 발생할 수 있다는 두려움으로 인해 일반적인 하락 매수 이야기에 무관심해 보입니다. 2024/2025 강세장에 진입합니다.


BTC price, as previously mentioned, risks bowing to another sell-off below $25,000 before it can make its bullish case above $30,000.

앞서 언급한 바와 같이 BTC 가격은 $30,000 이상으로 강세를 보이기 전에 $25,000 미만의 또 다른 매도에 굴복할 위험이 있습니다.

As for Dogecoin, support at $0.06 is playing a critical role in the ongoing stability and must be defended at all costs. Otherwise, trading below this level might push DOGE price into an extended downtrend targeting $0.044 and $0.04 areas, respectively.

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Navigating DOGE Price Weakening Market Structure

구독한 번에 하나의 뉴스레터를 통해 암호화폐 혁명을 소개하는 데 동참하세요. 지금 구독하여 수백만 명의 다른 구독자들과 함께 받은 편지함으로 바로 매일 뉴스와 시장 업데이트를 받으세요(맞습니다. 수백만 명이 우리를 사랑합니다!) — 무엇을 기다리고 계십니까?DOGE 가격 약세 시장 구조 탐색

Dogecoin sits below all three major moving averages, starting with the 50-day EMA (red), the 100-day EMA (blue) and the 200-day EMA (purple). This position implies that DOGE price is vulnerable to declines unless buyers ignore the entire crypto environment (currently in shambles) to gain ground above the moving averages and most importantly the resistance at $0.07.

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As seen on the chart, Dogecoin’s movements have since October’s run-up to $0.16, been confined below a descending channel, which bulls must break to make significant headway to the psychological resistance at $0.2.

The technical outlook in shorter timeframes like the four-hour chart foreshadows a 7% fall if a bearish rectangle pattern confirms a breakout.

4시간 차트와 같은 더 짧은 기간의 기술적 전망은 약세 직사각형 패턴이 돌파를 확인하는 경우 7% 하락을 예고합니다.

Dogecoin holds in a precarious position, where movement below the rectangle lower limit at $0.0614 may add credence to the fears around losses extending beneath $0.06 and exacerbating the potential dip to $0.044 and $0.04 buyer congestion and liquidity zones.

It’s Not Over For DOGE Bulls

A recovery is likely to follow the ongoing consolidation above support at $0.06 based on the uptrend in the Money Flow Index (MFI).

The (MFI) tracks the amount and direction of money flowing into and out of DOGE markets over some time. It combines both price and volume data to measure the buying and selling pressure on an asset.

(MFI)는 일정 기간 동안 DOGE 시장에 들어오고 나가는 자금의 양과 방향을 추적합니다. 가격과 거래량 데이터를 결합하여 자산에 대한 매수 및 매도 압력을 측정합니다.

An uptrend in the MFI indicates that more money is flowing into Dogecoin markets than out, which could signal a bullish trend or a potential price reversal first to $0.07 and later above the channel on its way past $0.1.

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