첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > DOGE 대 SHIB: SHIB와 DOGE로 1000달러를 투자하면 12개월 만에 부자가 될 수 있습니다! 알아내다…

DOGE vs. SHIB: How $1000 in SHIB and DOGE Can Make You Rich in 12 Months! FIND OUT…

DOGE 대 SHIB: SHIB와 DOGE로 1000달러를 투자하면 12개월 만에 부자가 될 수 있습니다! 알아내다…

풀어 주다: 2023/10/04 16:17 읽다: 254

원저자:CryptoTicker ENG

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651d10f0c4605a6c67315db8

Investing $1000 in SHIB and DOGE: What to Expect After 12 Months

SHIB 및 DOGE에 $1000 투자: 12개월 후 예상되는 사항

Cryptocurrencies have been making headlines for their potential to generate substantial returns on investment. Two of the most talked-about cryptocurrencies in recent times are Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE). In this article, we will explore the prospects of investing $1000 in SHIB and DOGE and calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) after 12 months. Let’s take a look at this DOGE vs. SHIB article in more detail.

DOGE vs. SHIB: Understanding SHIB and DOGE


Before diving into the investment potential, let’s take a closer look at both SHIB and DOGE.

투자 잠재력에 대해 알아보기 전에 SHIB와 DOGE에 대해 자세히 살펴보겠습니다.

    • Current Price: $0.000007196
    • Market Cap: $4.24 billion
    • 시가총액: 42억 4천만 달러

    • 1-Month Price Change: -7.02%
  • Dogecoin (DOGE):


    • Current Price: $0.06093
    • 현재 가격: $0.06093

    • Market Cap: $8.61 billion
    • 1-Month Price Change: -3.63%
    • 1개월 가격 변동: -3.63%

DOGE vs. SHIB: Investing $1000 in SHIB

If you decide to invest $1000 in SHIB at its current price of $0.000007196, you can calculate the number of SHIB tokens you would acquire by dividing the investment amount by the token price:

$1000 / $0.000007196 ≈ 139,138,726 SHIB tokens

$1000 / $0.000007196 ≒ 139,138,726 SHIB 토큰

Now, let’s calculate the potential ROI after 12 months. To do this, we’ll need to make some assumptions about the future price of SHIB. Since cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and unpredictable, it’s essential to take these numbers with caution.

Let’s assume three different scenarios for SHIB’s price growth after 12 months:

12개월 후 SHIB의 가격 상승에 대한 세 가지 시나리오를 가정해 보겠습니다.

  • Conservative Scenario (5% Growth):
  • 보수적인 시나리오(5% 성장):

  • SHIB Price After 12 Months: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.05) ≈ $0.000007556
  • 12개월 후 SHIB 가격: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.05) ≒ $0.000007556

  • Moderate Scenario (15% Growth):
  • SHIB Price After 12 Months: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.15) ≈ $0.000008265
  • 12개월 후 SHIB 가격: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.15) ≒ $0.000008265

  1. Optimistic Scenario (30% Growth):
  2. 낙관적 시나리오(30% 성장):

  • SHIB Price After 12 Months: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.30) ≈ $0.000009355
  • 12개월 후 SHIB 가격: $0.000007196 * (1 + 0.30) ≒ $0.000009355

Now, we can calculate the potential ROI for each scenario:

  1. Conservative ROI:
  2. 보수적인 ROI:

  • ROI = (New SHIB Value – Initial Investment) / Initial Investment
  • ROI = ($0.000007556 – $0.000007196) / $0.000007196 ≈ 4.99%
  1. Moderate ROI:
  2. Moderate ROI:

  • ROI = ($0.000008265 – $0.000007196) / $0.000007196 ≈ 14.84%
  • ROI = ($0.000008265 – $0.000007196) / $0.000007196 ≒ 14.84%

  1. Optimistic ROI:
  • ROI = ($0.000009355 – $0.000007196) / $0.000007196 ≈ 29.97%

DOGE vs. SHIB: Investing $1000 in DOGE

DOGE 대 SHIB: DOGE에 $1000 투자

If you decide to invest $1000 in DOGE at its current price of $0.06093, you can calculate the number of DOGE coins you would acquire by dividing the investment amount by the token price:

$1000 / $0.06093 ≈ 16,415.83 DOGE coins

$1000 / $0.06093 ≒ 16,415.83 DOGE 코인

Now, let’s calculate the potential ROI for DOGE after 12 months using the same scenarios as before:

이제 이전과 동일한 시나리오를 사용하여 12개월 후 DOGE의 잠재적 ROI를 계산해 보겠습니다.

  1. Conservative Scenario (5% Growth):
  2. 보수적인 시나리오(5% 성장):

  • DOGE Price After 12 Months: $0.06093 * (1 + 0.05) ≈ $0.06400
  1. Moderate Scenario (15% Growth):
  • DOGE Price After 12 Months: $0.06093 * (1 + 0.15) ≈ $0.07007
  • 12개월 후 DOGE 가격: $0.06093 * (1 + 0.15) ≒ $0.07007

  1. Optimistic Scenario (30% Growth):
  2. 낙관적 시나리오(30% 성장):

  • DOGE Price After 12 Months: $0.06093 * (1 + 0.30) ≈ $0.07920
  • 12개월 후 DOGE 가격: $0.06093 * (1 + 0.30) ≒ $0.07920

Now, we can calculate the potential ROI for each scenario:

  1. Conservative ROI:
  2. 보수적인 ROI:

  • ROI = (New DOGE Value – Initial Investment) / Initial Investment
  • ROI = ($0.06400 – $0.06093) / $0.06093 ≈ 5.03%
  1. Moderate ROI:
  2. Moderate ROI:

  • ROI = ($0.07007 – $0.06093) / $0.06093 ≈ 14.96%
  • ROI = ($0.07007 – $0.06093) / $0.06093 ≒ 14.96%

  1. Optimistic ROI:
  • ROI = ($0.07920 – $0.06093) / $0.06093 ≈ 29.91%



Investing in cryptocurrencies like SHIB and DOGE can be highly profitable, but it comes with significant risks due to their volatile nature. The potential ROI after 12 months depends on various factors, including market sentiment, adoption, and external events.

SHIB 및 DOGE와 같은 암호화폐에 투자하면 수익성이 높지만 변동성이 크기 때문에 상당한 위험이 따릅니다. 12개월 후의 잠재적 ROI는 시장 정서, 채택, 외부 이벤트 등 다양한 요인에 따라 달라집니다.

In our scenarios, we assumed different levels of growth for SHIB and DOGE, ranging from conservative to optimistic. It’s crucial to do thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. 

우리 시나리오에서는 SHIB와 DOGE에 대해 보수적인 것부터 낙관적인 것까지 다양한 수준의 성장을 가정했습니다. 투자 결정을 내리기 전에 철저한 조사를 수행하고 위험 허용 범위를 고려하는 것이 중요합니다.

Additionally, diversifying your portfolio and not putting all your funds into a single cryptocurrency is a wise strategy to manage risk.

Always consult with a financial advisor or do your own due diligence before investing in cryptocurrencies or any other asset class. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and the crypto market is known for its rapid fluctuations.

암호화폐나 기타 자산 클래스에 투자하기 전에 항상 금융 자문가와 상담하거나 자체 실사를 수행하십시오. 과거 성과는 미래 결과를 나타내지 않으며, 암호화폐 시장은 급격한 변동으로 알려져 있습니다.

주요 주제

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