첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > DOGE-1 우주 임무가 FCC 허가를 받아 현실에 가까워졌습니다.

DOGE-1 Space Mission Moves Closer to Reality With FCC License

DOGE-1 우주 임무가 FCC 허가를 받아 현실에 가까워졌습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/02 06:00 읽다: 526


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/doge-1-space-mission-moves-closer-to-reality-with-fcc-license/

DOGE-1 우주 임무가 FCC 허가를 받아 현실에 가까워졌습니다.

Samuel Reid, the CEO and founder of renewable energy-based logistics firm Geometric Energy Corporation announced today that his company has received a license from the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the much-awaited DOGE-1 mission to the moon.

재생 가능 에너지 기반 물류 회사인 기하학 에너지 코퍼레이션(Geometric Energy Corporation)의 CEO이자 설립자인 사무엘 리드(Samuel Reid)는 오늘 그의 회사가 오랫동안 기다려온 달 탐사 DOGE-1 임무에 대해 미국 연방통신위원회(FCC)로부터 허가를 받았다고 발표했습니다.

Multiple Approvals Bagged by DOGE-1 Mission

According to the document, the FCC authorized the licensee, which in this case is Geometric Energy, “to use and operate the radio transmitting facilities hereinafter described for radio communications in accordance with the program of experimentation described by the licensee in its application for license.”

문서에 따르면, FCC는 라이선스 취득자(이 경우에는 기하학적 에너지)에게 “라이선스 신청 시 라이선스 취득자가 설명한 실험 프로그램에 따라 무선 통신을 위해 이하에 설명하는 무선 전송 시설을 사용하고 운영할 수 있는 권한을 부여했습니다. ”

The news comes barely a few days after the Dogecoin-funded space mission to launch DOGE-1 bagged the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approval. It is worth noting that the launch has been postponed multiple times since Elon Musk, the tech mogul and crypto enthusiast, took to X (formerly Twitter) on May 9, 2021, to announce the community-funded mission. 

SpaceX was blamed for a significant percentage of the delays. Per Musk’s announcement, DOGE-1 is billed to be part of a rideshare on the Nova-C/IM-1 mission, a joint initiative between Intuitive Machines and NASA. Ultimately, it is a push to move the canine-themed memecoin into space, a rare ideology that is deeply rooted in community synergy.

Dogecoin Reacts to the FCC License News

Dogecoin은 FCC 라이센스 뉴스에 반응합니다

Notably, this mission demonstrates Dogecoin’s power and its potential beyond the conventional crypto market. Once DOGE-1 lands in space, it will broadcast images and ads back to the earth. 

This is after it must have displayed the same content in space through the use of an attached screen. After receiving NTIA’s approval a few days ago, the FCC license was the only authorization left for the mission to be achieved.

부착된 화면을 이용하여 동일한 내용을 공간에 표시한 이후이다. 며칠 전 NTIA의 승인을 받은 후 FCC 라이센스는 임무를 달성하기 위해 남은 유일한 인증이었습니다.

With this approval, the DOGE-1 satellite is finally going to space by January 2024. It is worth noting that DOGE is already responding to the forthcoming launch.

이번 승인으로 DOGE-1 위성은 마침내 2024년 1월까지 우주로 갈 수 있게 되었습니다. DOGE가 이미 다가오는 발사에 대응하고 있다는 점은 주목할 가치가 있습니다.

No long ago, Dogecoin price jumped by a significant percentage which saw the token trade above $0.08 for the first time since the general memecoin frenzy of July. At the time of writing, Dogecoin is up 3.4% to $0.0833, a move that has propped the market capitalization to $11.3 billion.

The post DOGE-1 Space Mission Moves Closer to Reality With FCC License appeared first on CoinGape.

FCC 라이선스를 통해 DOGE-1 우주 임무가 현실에 더 가까워진 게시물이 CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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