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Dogecoin on the Brink: The Tug of War Between Bulls and Bears!

붕괴 직전의 도지코인: 황소와 곰의 줄다리기!

풀어 주다: 2023/10/19 20:14 읽다: 798


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65310fa0766ba1352b4916f0

  • Dogecoin’s price hints at a possible decisive breakout soon.
  • Dogecoin의 가격은 곧 결정적인 돌파가 가능함을 암시합니다.

  • Analysts watch as DOGE grapples with a stubborn resistance trendline.
  • Despite challenges, there’s a shimmer of optimism for a potential rally.
  • 어려움에도 불구하고 잠재적인 랠리에 대한 낙관론이 희미하게 빛나고 있습니다.

As Dogecoin hovers in a delicate balance, the crypto world watches with bated breath: Will the meme-inspired currency rally or succumb to bearish pressures?

DOGE: Teetering on the Edge

DOGE: 가장자리에서 티터링

Dogecoin (DOGE), often dubbed the meme coin, finds itself caught in a tight price range, hinting at an imminent breakout. After facing its fifth resistance trendline rejection recently, characterized by a glaring high wick on the daily candlestick chart, the crypto community is on high alert. Historical patterns suggest that such rejections typically precede substantial market corrections.DOGE’s price stands at $0.058295, reflecting a 24-hour dip of 1.5% and a minuscule seven-day loss of 0.1%.

Dogecoin’s Potential Outcomes

Dogecoin의 잠재적 결과

Should the current selling momentum persist, DOGE might experience a further drop of around 4-5%, prompting a revisit of the annual support trendline at an approximate value of $0.055. Currently, the coin’s price is sandwiched between two significant trendlines, suggesting an upcoming decisive upward thrust or a downward tumble.

Hopeful Signs Amidst a Mixed Landscape

Despite the somewhat bearish sentiment, there are still rays of hope for the Dogecoin community. A breakout above the elusive resistance trendline could potentially trigger a 16.8% price surge, aiming for the $0.068 mark. Such a scenario has traders and investors perched on a knife’s edge. However, data from IntoTheBlock paints a mixed picture. Astonishingly, 61% of DOGE addresses are currently in the red. Only 31% of all DOGE holders are profiting, while an overwhelming 59% are grappling with losses.

다소 부정적인 정서에도 불구하고 Dogecoin 커뮤니티에는 여전히 희망의 빛이 있습니다. 파악하기 어려운 저항 추세선을 돌파하면 잠재적으로 16.8%의 가격 급등이 발생하여 0.068달러를 목표로 할 수 있습니다. 그러한 시나리오에서는 거래자와 투자자가 칼날에 앉게 됩니다. 그러나 IntoTheBlock의 데이터는 혼합된 그림을 그립니다. 놀랍게도 현재 DOGE 주소의 61%가 적자 상태입니다. 전체 DOGE 보유자 중 31%만이 수익을 내고 있는 반면, 압도적인 59%는 손실로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

Long-Term Commitment in the DOGE Community

DOGE 커뮤니티의 장기적인 헌신

Despite the ongoing challenges, there’s undeniable loyalty among Dogecoin holders. An impressive 72% have clung to their holdings for over a year, emphasizing their faith in the digital asset. Another 26% have maintained their positions for between a month and a year, whereas 2% have been in the game for less than a month.


The crypto market, with its ever-present volatility, continues to be a rollercoaster of risks and opportunities. While Dogecoin currently teeters on a precipice, the commitment of its community is palpable. Whether it surges in a bullish rally or faces further declines, DOGE remains a testament to the unpredictable yet captivating world of cryptocurrency.

항상 변동성이 있는 암호화폐 시장은 계속해서 위험과 기회의 롤러코스터입니다. Dogecoin은 현재 위기에 처해 있지만 커뮤니티의 헌신은 뚜렷합니다. 강세 랠리로 급등하든 추가 하락에 직면하든 DOGE는 예측할 수 없지만 매혹적인 암호화폐 세계에 대한 증거로 남아 있습니다.

The post Dogecoin on the Brink: The Tug of War Between Bulls and Bears! appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

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주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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