가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
권세: 0.9978%
Price: $0.18964 -3.6261%
시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
권세: 0.9978% 0.9978%
  • 가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
  • 시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
  • 회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
  • 권세: 0.9978% 0.9978%
  • 가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > Dogecoin Creator揭示了对不久的将来的计划 - 他在写Doge Book吗?

Dogecoin Creator Reveals Plans for Near Future - Is He Writing DOGE Book?

Dogecoin Creator揭示了对不久的将来的计划 - 他在写Doge Book吗?

풀어 주다: 2025/02/07 00:06 읽다: 531


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/en/articles/67a4d55732124436d5a3995d

Dogecoin Creator揭示了对不久的将来的计划 - 他在写Doge Book吗?

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Via U.Today

U.today를 통해

Billy Markus, who collaborated with Jackson Palmer to create the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, has sparked interest within the crypto community with a recent tweet.

Billy Markus, who collaborated with Jackson Palmer to create the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, has sparked interest within the crypto community with a recent tweet.

Markus, a software developer, expressed his enjoyment in working and "building cool stuff." However, he listed aspects of his work that he dislikes encountering.

소프트웨어 개발자 인 Markus는 일하고 "멋진 물건을 구축하는 것"에 대한 즐거움을 표현했습니다. 그러나 그는 자신의 작품의 측면을 싫어하는 일을 나열했습니다.

Markus also shed light on his current projects. He did not clarify whether these projects were personal endeavors or hobbies. However, one project holds particular significance: Markus revealed that he is writing a book. This announcement has piqued the curiosity of the DOGE community.

Markus는 또한 그의 현재 프로젝트를 밝히고 있습니다. 그는이 프로젝트가 개인적인 노력인지 취미인지를 명확히하지 않았다. 그러나 한 프로젝트는 특히 중요합니다. Markus는 그가 책을 쓰고 있다고 밝혔다. 이 발표는 Doge 커뮤니티의 호기심을 불러 일으켰습니다.

DOGE Founder Embarks on Book Writing

DOGE Founder Embarks on Book Writing

According to Markus' tweet, his passions include creating innovative products. Conversely, he finds aspects of his work unappealing, such as commuting, unproductive meetings, working on projects with limited impact, encountering low-impact bugs, dealing with bureaucracy, and generating status reports.

According to Markus' tweet, his passions include creating innovative products. Conversely, he finds aspects of his work unappealing, such as commuting, unproductive meetings, working on projects with limited impact, encountering low-impact bugs, dealing with bureaucracy, and generating status reports.

When questioned about his current endeavors, the Dogecoin creator disclosed that he is "making a game, making an app," and "writing a book."

When questioned about his current endeavors, the Dogecoin creator disclosed that he is "making a game, making an app," and "writing a book."

Curious users inquired about the book's title and subject matter. One DOGE enthusiast asked if Markus' book would focus on Dogecoin, a top 10 cryptocurrency with a market cap of $38.6 million at the time of writing: "Maintaining a ramen diet after creating a 40b dollar meme coin?"

호기심 많은 사용자는이 책의 제목과 주제에 대해 물었습니다. 한 Doge 애호가는 Markus의 책이 Dogecoin에 초점을 맞출 것인지 물었습니다. Dogecoin에 초점을 맞출 것인지, 글을 쓰는 시점에서 시가 총액이 3,860 만 달러 인 Top 10 Cryptocurrency : "40B 달러 밈 동전을 만든 후라면 다이어트를 유지합니까?"

  • making a game
  • making an app
  • writing a book

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) February 5, 2025

게임 제작을 책을 앱 작성 - 시베토시 나카모토 (@billym2k) 2025 년 2 월 5 일

Original Article Source: [U.Today](https://u.today/dogecoin-creator-announces-book-writing)

Original Article Source: [U.Today](https://u.today/dogecoin-creator-announces-book-writing)

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