첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin(DOGE)은 2023년 말까지 $0.1에 도달할까요? 지표는 낙관적이지 않습니다

Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Hit $0.1 Before 2023 Ends? Indicators Are Not Promising

Dogecoin(DOGE)은 2023년 말까지 $0.1에 도달할까요? 지표는 낙관적이지 않습니다

풀어 주다: 2023/09/28 04:07 읽다: 804


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651467be9a3d3d655a2bc517

With the current downtrend and descending triangle pattern forming on the Dogecoin price chart, it seems unlikely that Dogecoin will hit the $0.1 mark before the end of 2023.

Dogecoin 가격 차트에 현재 하락 추세와 하강 삼각형 패턴이 형성되어 있는 상황에서 Dogecoin이 2023년 말 이전에 0.1달러 선에 도달할 가능성은 낮아 보입니다.

Dogecoin is currently trading around $0.06, which aligns with the lower support trendline of the descending triangle pattern. Typically in this pattern, a breakout occurs in the direction of the overarching trend, which has been bearish for Dogecoin, according to altFINS. If the price breaks below the $0.06 support level, we can expect Dogecoin to drop to test the next support around $0.053.

Source: altFINS – Start using it today

출처: altFINS – 오늘부터 사용해보세요

The momentum indicators also hint at weakening bullish strength for Dogecoin. While the MACD line remains above the signal line in bullish territory, the histogram bars are declining and the RSI is below 45 indicating fading upside momentum.

To hit $0.1, Dogecoin would have to break past the stiff overhead resistance around $0.07 (also the 200-day moving average) as well as the psychological resistance at $0.1. With the current technical setup, this seems unlikely given the bearish momentum.

0.1달러에 도달하려면 Dogecoin이 0.07달러(200일 이동 평균) 부근의 견고한 오버헤드 저항과 0.1달러의 심리적 저항을 돌파해야 합니다. 현재의 기술적 설정으로 볼 때 약세 모멘텀을 고려할 때 이는 가능성이 없어 보입니다.

The path of least resistance appears to be for Dogecoin to break down from the triangle rather than breaking out above it.

저항이 가장 적은 경로는 Dogecoin이 삼각형 위로 돌파하기보다는 삼각형에서 무너지는 것으로 보입니다.

The technical analysis site Walletinvestor.com has issued a bearish Dogecoin price forecast, projecting that the average DOGE price could decline to $0.01069 by the end of 2023.

Therefore, while anything is possible in crypto, the odds seem stacked against Dogecoin hitting the $0.1 level in the remaining months of 2023. The trajectory would have to reverse sharply from the current downtrend and technical posture for Dogecoin to have a chance at $0.1 before year’s end. Unless buyers step in aggressively, Dogecoin may end up retesting lower support levels instead.

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The post Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Hit $0.1 Before 2023 Ends? Indicators Are Not Promising appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

게시물 Dogecoin(DOGE)이 2023년이 끝나기 전에 $0.1에 도달할까요? 지표는 유망하지 않습니다. CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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