첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin (DOGE) 가격이 주요 저항에 접근합니다: 이중 상단 형성

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Nears Key Resistance: Double Top Formation

Dogecoin (DOGE) 가격이 주요 저항에 접근합니다: 이중 상단 형성

풀어 주다: 2023/12/04 10:04 읽다: 748


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656d25b83f621b2ee7dd317b

Dogecoin (DOGE) is now flirting with a critical resistance level that could dictate its near-term trajectory. The price chart suggests the formation of a double top, a bearish reversal pattern that could signal a retreat from its recent highs.

Dogecoin(DOGE)은 현재 단기 궤적을 좌우할 수 있는 중요한 저항 수준에 도전하고 있습니다. 가격 차트는 최근 고점에서 하락세를 나타낼 수 있는 약세 반전 패턴인 이중 천정의 형성을 시사합니다.

This pattern, characterized by two consecutive peaks at approximately the same price level, is often interpreted by technical analysts as a precursor to a potential sell-off. Currently, DOGE is testing this crucial resistance, and its failure to break through could see the price reverse course toward lower support levels.

거의 동일한 가격 수준에서 두 번의 연속 고점을 특징으로 하는 이 패턴은 종종 기술 분석가에 의해 잠재적 매도의 전조로 해석됩니다. 현재 DOGE는 이 중요한 저항을 테스트하고 있으며, 돌파하지 못하면 가격이 낮은 지원 수준으로 역전될 수 있습니다.

https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/DOGEUSDT/?exchange=CoinbaseDOGE/USDT chart by TradingView

TradingView의 DOGE/USDT 차트

The lack of substantial social media traction, which historically has been a key driver for Dogecoin's rallies, might be partly responsible for the coin's unenthusiastic performance. In the absence of significant endorsements or mentions from high-profile personalities like Elon Musk, DOGE could not find an alternative source of fuel.

Investors, however, still have some hope. There is a contingent within the DOGE community that believes the integration of Dogecoin as a payment mechanism on various platforms could spur a new wave of interest and investment. This speculative but potentially impactful development could inject the necessary momentum for DOGE to overcome the resistance and avoid the bearish implications of the double top formation.

하지만 투자자들은 아직 희망을 갖고 있다. DOGE 커뮤니티에는 다양한 플랫폼의 결제 메커니즘으로 Dogecoin을 통합하면 새로운 관심과 투자의 물결이 촉발될 수 있다고 믿는 단체가 있습니다. 이러한 투기적이지만 잠재적으로 영향력이 있는 전개는 DOGE가 저항을 극복하고 이중 천정 형성의 약세 영향을 피하기 위해 필요한 모멘텀을 주입할 수 있습니다.

Despite this, the current market dynamics suggest caution. Volume analysis and market sentiment indicators have yet to signal a strong conviction that could support a breakthrough. The double top looms as a warning sign for traders, suggesting that the path of least resistance may be downward, should the broader market sentiment fail to shift in favor of the meme coin.

Bitcoin aims at $40,000

비트코인은 $40,000를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Bitcoin (BTC) is on the cusp of a critical breakthrough, with its price recently soaring to the highest level of the year, spurred by investor optimism following comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell hinting at stable interest rates​​.

Technical charts reveal a bullish narrative as BTC navigates an ascending channel, bolstering the sentiment that $40,000 is within reach. The market's robust upward momentum is evidenced by a staggering $600 million in short liquidations, an emphatic display of the shifting market dynamics.

On-chain data supports this narrative, with Bitcoin futures open interest on the rise, signaling an inflow of capital and a sustained commitment from traders. This increase in open interest, coupled with the considerable liquidation volume, indicates a market brimming with activity and potential for significant price movements.

온체인 데이터는 비트코인 ​​선물 미결제약정이 증가하면서 자본 유입과 거래자의 지속적인 헌신을 알리는 등 이러한 이야기를 뒷받침합니다. 이러한 미결제약정의 증가는 상당한 청산량과 함께 시장이 활발하고 상당한 가격 변동 가능성이 있음을 나타냅니다.

As Bitcoin flirts with the $39,000 mark, investors should watch closely for a sustained push beyond this resistance. The RSI, while indicative of strong buying pressure, also cautions of an overextended market, which is a direct signal of an upcoming price correction.

Adding to the intrigue, Bitcoin's social dominance is surging as interest shifts from altcoins back to the original cryptocurrency. With more dominant performance of the digital gold on the market, alternative assets gradually lose funding, which leads to a more sustainable rally of BTC.

음모에 더해, 관심이 알트코인에서 원래 암호화폐로 다시 이동함에 따라 비트코인의 사회적 지배력이 급증하고 있습니다. 시장에서 디지털 금의 지배적인 성과로 인해 대체 자산은 점차 자금을 잃어 BTC의 보다 지속 가능한 랠리로 이어집니다.

With the year drawing to a close, Bitcoin has outpaced gains across many asset classes, reflecting an increased appetite for risk among investors. Furthermore, the crypto market awaits the SEC's potential approval of a Bitcoin-linked ETF, which could serve as a significant boost for the whole industry and spark an inflow of institutional funds we needed so drastically.

While technical indicators and market sentiment point toward a bullish trend, caution is not something you should put aside considering the current state of indicators like the RSI. Nonetheless, the market's fundamentals, coupled with supportive macroeconomic conditions, suggest that the coveted $40,000 price point is not only within sight but may well be breached in the foreseeable future.

기술적 지표와 시장 심리가 강세 추세를 가리키고 있지만, RSI와 같은 지표의 현재 상태를 고려할 때 주의를 기울여야 할 사항은 아닙니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 시장의 펀더멘털과 우호적인 거시경제적 상황은 탐나는 40,000달러 가격대가 눈앞에 있을 뿐만 아니라 가까운 미래에 돌파될 가능성이 있음을 시사합니다.

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