첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin: DOGE는 2023년 12월까지 얼마나 높이 올라갈 수 있나요?

Dogecoin: How High Could DOGE Rise by December 2023?

Dogecoin: DOGE는 2023년 12월까지 얼마나 높이 올라갈 수 있나요?

풀어 주다: 2023/08/09 14:30 읽다: 458


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64d3300a1b06be62956cb200

Dogecoin is currently trading at $0.07 and is among the least-performing digital assets of 2023. DOGE has barely rallied, delivering little to no gains to investors in the last eight months. The meme coin spurted in price a few times but quickly shed its gains in less than 24 hours.

Dogecoin은 현재 0.07달러에 거래되고 있으며 2023년 실적이 가장 낮은 디지털 자산 중 하나입니다. DOGE는 거의 반등하지 않았으며 지난 8개월 동안 투자자에게 거의 또는 전혀 이익을 주지 못했습니다. 밈 코인은 몇 차례 가격이 급등했지만 24시간 이내에 빠르게 상승폭을 잃었습니다.

Also Read: Shiba Inu: What’s the First Thing You’ll Do When SHIB Reaches $0.01?

또한 읽어 보세요: 시바견: SHIB가 $0.01에 도달하면 가장 먼저 할 일은 무엇입니까?

While the first eight months were disastrous for DOGE, will the next four months change its fortunes? In this article, we will highlight how high or low Dogecoin could trade by the end of 2023.

처음 8개월은 DOGE에게 비참한 시기였지만, 다음 4개월 동안 DOGE의 운명이 바뀔까요? 이 기사에서는 2023년 말까지 Dogecoin이 얼마나 높거나 낮게 거래될 수 있는지 강조할 것입니다.

Dogecoin: Price Prediction For December 2023

Leading on-chain metrics and price prediction firm Changelly has painted a bearish picture for DOGE. The forecast suggested that Dogecoin could trade at the same $0.07 by the end of December 2023. According to the prediction, Dogecoin could trade flat in the next four months of the year, barely delivering any profits. That’s a downturn of nearly 1% by the end of the year.

선도적인 온체인 지표 및 가격 예측 회사인 Changelly는 DOGE에 대해 약세를 그렸습니다. 예측에 따르면 Dogecoin은 2023년 12월 말까지 동일한 0.07달러에 거래될 수 있습니다. 예측에 따르면 Dogecoin은 향후 4개월 동안 변동 없이 거래되어 거의 수익을 내지 못할 수 있습니다. 이는 연말까지 거의 1%의 하락세입니다.

Also Read: Shiba Inu: You Only Need $10 To Become a SHIB Millionaire

Therefore, all indicators for DOGE remain bearish, as the cryptocurrency might no longer deliver returns as it did in 2021. New investors have been holding onto their bags for two years, and their portfolio remains underwater. No exciting events are taking place in its ecosystem that could lure investors into pouring their money into DOGE. A change of events for Dogecoin is not on the cards, as the markets are not geared up for a bull run.

Also Read: Shiba Inu: Investor Would Have Made $40 Million With A $200 Investment

또한 읽어 보세요: 시바견: 투자자는 200달러 투자로 4천만 달러를 벌었을 것입니다

In conclusion, it is advised to remain cautious before taking an entry position in DOGE during this period. There are more chances of DOGE slipping down in price than heading north by the end of the year. At press time, Dogecoin was trading at $0.074 and was up 1.5% in the 24-hour day trade. DOGE is down nearly 90% from its all-time high of $0.73, which it reached in May 2021.
  • Dogecoin
  • 도지코인

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