첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin(DOGE)과 Shiba Inu(SHIB)는 시장 압력에 직면해 있으며 돌파할 준비가 되어 있습니까?

Dogecoin (DOGE) And Shiba Inu (SHIB) Face Market Pressure, Are They Poised For A Breakthrough?

Dogecoin(DOGE)과 Shiba Inu(SHIB)는 시장 압력에 직면해 있으며 돌파할 준비가 되어 있습니까?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 20:26 읽다: 517

원저자:Crypto Daily™

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6554ccb724e55c158a4c71da

Dogecoin(DOGE)과 Shiba Inu(SHIB)는 시장 압력에 직면해 있으며 돌파할 준비가 되어 있습니까?

Despite a recent 4% drop in Bitcoin's value to $35K, the overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market remains cautiously optimistic. Despite this recent dip the overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market remains cautiously optimistic. Amidst this backdrop, Avalanche (AVAX), Fantom (FTM), and Chainlink (LINK) continue to hold their ground, while ScapesMania emerges as a new player with promising prospects.

최근 비트코인 ​​가치가 35,000달러로 4% 하락했음에도 불구하고 암호화폐 시장의 전반적인 정서는 여전히 조심스럽게 낙관적입니다. 이러한 최근 하락세에도 불구하고 암호화폐 시장의 전반적인 정서는 여전히 조심스럽게 낙관적입니다. 이러한 배경 속에서 Avalanche(AVAX), Fantom(FTM) 및 Chainlink(LINK)가 계속해서 입지를 굳히고 있으며 ScapesMania는 유망한 전망을 가진 새로운 플레이어로 부상하고 있습니다.


  • ScapesMania: Emerging as a promising new player in the crypto market, ScapesMania garners attention for its innovative approach and safety focus; this positioning sets the stage for potential growth – indeed, an amplified market presence is within reach.
  • Avalanche (AVAX): Demonstrating resilience and potential for growth, Avalanche (AVAX) is consolidating its position in the market, with indicators pointing towards a gradual increase in value.
  • Fantom (FTM): With its unique features and expanding ecosystem, Fantom (FTM) distinguishes itself; this suggests a potential for significant growth and acknowledgement within the cryptocurrency market.
  • Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink (LINK) gains traction due to its integral role in the crypto ecosystem; it demonstrates promising growth potential: strong fundamentals and escalating market interest support this trajectory.

Ride The Wave Of Innovation With ScapesMania

While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

Presale is Live Now – Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

사전 판매가 진행 중입니다. 지금 가입하여 MANIA의 혜택을 누리세요. 수상 경력이 있는 개발자 팀의 지원을 받는 ScapesMania는 투명성을 상징합니다. 모든 회원의 소셜 미디어 프로필은 공개됩니다. 프로젝트는 게임에 큰 혁신을 가져오는 것뿐만 아니라 커뮤니티를 최전선과 중앙에 배치함으로써 이를 달성할 수 있습니다. 고객 참여를 유도하고 훌륭한 토큰경제학과 넉넉한 보상을 통해 모든 사람이 혜택을 누릴 수 있도록 하는 것이 ScapesMania를 밝은 미래를 위한 프로젝트로 만드는 것입니다.

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits

사전 판매가 진행 중입니다. 주요 혜택에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Avalanche (AVAX): Gearing Up For Growth

In the wake of Bitcoin's recovery, Avalanche (AVAX) is at a crucial juncture. Ava Labs strategically realigns, implementing workforce optimization to underscore resilience and growth in an unpredictable market.

Avalanche(AVAX): 성장을 위한 준비 비트코인의 회복으로 인해 Avalanche(AVAX)는 중요한 시점에 있습니다. Ava Labs는 예측할 수 없는 시장에서 회복력과 성장을 강조하기 위해 인력 최적화를 구현하여 전략적으로 재편합니다.

Avalanche (AVAX) technical indicators show a promising trend. The 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at $13.4436 surpassing the 200-day SMA at $12.3670 signals a potential momentum gain. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), hovering between 70-80%, indicates that Avalanche (AVAX) might be slightly overbought, hinting at a possible market correction. With resistance levels at $13.4297 and $13.9208 and support levels at $12.4474 and $11.9563, Avalanche (AVAX) shows a pattern of volatility but also resilience.

Avalanche (AVAX) faces two potential futures: a bullish scenario driven by sustained adoption and strategic initiatives, and a bearish scenario influenced by market downturns and operational challenges.

Fantom (FTM): On The Verge Of A Bullish Breakthrough

Fantom (FTM) recently shattered a pivotal weekly trend, indicating an intense bullish momentum. This break suggests a potential 35% gain in the near future, with Fantom (FTM) currently trading around $0.3311.

Fantom (FTM): 강세 돌파 직전Fantom (FTM)은 최근 강력한 강세 모멘텀을 나타내는 중추적인 주간 추세를 깨뜨렸습니다. 이번 돌파는 팬텀(FTM)이 현재 약 $0.3311에 거래되고 있는 가운데 가까운 시일 내에 35%의 잠재적인 이익을 얻을 수 있음을 시사합니다.

The key support level for Fantom (FTM) is at $0.2390 and it is crucial to stay above this mark for the continuation of its upward trajectory. If sustained, Fantom (FTM) could challenge the resistance at $0.3839 and potentially reach the supply zone between $0.4449 and $0.5262.

The RSI above 50 and positive trends in the Awesome Oscillator indicate a robust bullish sentiment for Fantom (FTM). However, a drop below the $0.2390 support could shift the focus to the lower range of $0.1530, highlighting the need for cautious trading strategies.

50을 넘는 RSI와 Awesome Oscillator의 긍정적인 추세는 Fantom(FTM)에 대한 강력한 강세 감정을 나타냅니다. 그러나 $0.2390 지지선 아래로 떨어지면 $0.1530의 낮은 범위로 초점이 옮겨갈 수 있으므로 신중한 거래 전략이 필요합니다.

Chainlink (LINK): Connecting For Success

Chainlink (LINK) has seen a remarkable 26% rise in just six days, pushing its price to around $14, a peak last reached in April 2022. Currently, LINK's price fluctuates between $8.30 and $13.22, with its moving averages indicating bullish momentum.

The surge is attributed to Chainlink (LINK) involvement in real-world asset tokenization and early signs of institutional adoption. Strategic partnerships, particularly within the IoT sector, have reinforced Chainlink (LINK) position in the market.

With support levels at $0.33 and $5.25 and resistance levels at $15.09 and $20.01, Chainlink shows potential for further growth. Yet, these projections might undergo an impact from market fluctuations – thus demanding a cautious approach: this serves as your warning in the face of promising prospects.

$0.33 및 $5.25의 지원 수준과 $15.09 및 $20.01의 저항 수준을 통해 Chainlink는 추가 성장 가능성을 보여줍니다. 그러나 이러한 예측은 시장 변동의 영향을 받을 수 있으므로 신중한 접근이 필요합니다. 이는 유망한 전망에 대한 경고 역할을 합니다.


Currently, the cryptocurrency market observes Avalanche (AVAX), Fantom (FTM), Chainlink (LINK), and newcomer ScapesMania; it remains a field of dynamic and promising developments. These altcoins exhibit resilience and potential despite Bitcoin's recent dip. Particularly noteworthy is ScapesMania – its innovative approach coupled with a successful presale positions it as an emerging contender, thereby contributing to the evolution of the crypto landscape in unique ways.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

면책조항: 이 기사는 후원을 받은 기사이며 정보 제공의 목적으로만 사용됩니다. 이는 Crypto Daily의 견해를 반영하지 않으며 법률, 세금, 투자 또는 재정적 조언으로 사용하려는 의도도 없습니다.


관련 주제: #알트코인 #속보 #스포트라이트

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