첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 드라마 합법화, DigiToads 사전 판매로 고래 승리

Dogecoin drama takes legal turn, DigiToads presale wins over whales

Dogecoin 드라마 합법화, DigiToads 사전 판매로 고래 승리

풀어 주다: 2023/08/16 15:30 읽다: 977


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64dc789b0d7e13347d92409f

In the crypto market, two narratives currently dominate: the Dogecoin lawsuit and the rise of DigiToads in the ongoing presale. These can reshape the meme coin landscape and the broader crypto market.

암호화폐 시장에서는 현재 Dogecoin 소송과 진행 중인 사전 판매에서 DigiToads의 부상이라는 두 가지 이야기가 지배적입니다. 이는 밈 코인 환경과 더 넓은 암호화폐 시장을 재편할 수 있습니다.

Dogecoin holders sue Elon Musk

Dogecoin 보유자들, Elon Musk를 고소

Dogecoin is firm beyond factors related to the market. Over 67 million DOGE worth over $5 million were moved to Coinbase recently. The transfer pumped prices by 3%, fanning speculations about the trigger of the whale transfer.

Dogecoin은 시장과 관련된 요소를 넘어서 확고합니다. 500만 달러 이상의 가치가 있는 6,700만 개 이상의 DOGE가 최근 Coinbase로 이전되었습니다. 이번 환적으로 인해 가격이 3% 상승해 고래 환적 촉발 계기에 대한 추측이 부채질됐다.

Adding further complexity to the Dogecoin narrative is an ongoing legal contention that features Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, as a central figure. Recognized within the crypto community, Musk is currently entangled in a legal disagreement with a collective of Dogecoin investors. At the heart of this dispute lies a motion by Musk’s legal team in a New York federal court, aiming to dismiss the plaintiffs’ revised complaint.

당신은 또한 좋아할 수도 있습니다: Elon Musk의 주요 소송 담당자는 Dogecoin 소송 사가 중에 철수합니다

The legal dispute has been notable for its vigorous exchanges, as Musk’s legal representatives have described the tactics of the opposing legal team as “aggressive and confrontational.” The crypto community is closely following the legal proceedings, recognizing the potential implications for one of the most widely recognized meme coins and Elon.

DigiToads in the meme coin scene

밈 코인 장면의 DigiToads

While Dogecoin faces challenges, DigiToads is emerging as a noteworthy player in the meme coin landscape. The presale of DigiToads showcases strategic planning and the confidence of early backers. The presale featured staged price increments across ten distinct phases that aim to reward early supporters.

당신도 좋아할 수도 있습니다: Litecoin과 Monero가 비틀거리고 DigiToads는 강세 모멘텀을 유지합니다

DigiToads has introduced a play-to-earn gaming platform, allowing users to acquire, train, and battle with unique digital amphibian creatures with individual attributes, ensuring a diverse and captivating gaming experience. TOADS enables in-game purchases for players to enhance their digital toads and improve their competitive advantage in battles.

Beyond gaming, DigiToads is involved in broader societal concerns. A portion of its earnings is dedicated to environmental sustainability initiatives, underscoring the project’s forward-thinking approach. 

Moreover, DigiToads is actively engaging its community through regular AMA sessions, a transparent and doxxed team, KYC-verified and audited smart contracts, and a community-driven strategy.

또한 DigiToads는 정기 AMA 세션, 투명하고 신상 털기된 팀, KYC 검증 및 감사를 거친 스마트 계약, 커뮤니티 중심 전략을 통해 커뮤니티에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.


The crypto space is volatile and can be intriguing, with the ongoing developments surrounding Dogecoin serving as a testament to this reality. The ascent of DigiToads represents a fusion of innovation, utility, and potential profitability in the meme coin landscape. 

암호화폐 공간은 변동성이 크고 흥미로울 수 있으며, Dogecoin을 둘러싼 지속적인 개발은 이러한 현실에 대한 증거로 작용합니다. DigiToads의 상승은 밈 코인 환경에서 혁신, 유용성 및 잠재적 수익성의 융합을 나타냅니다.

While the TOADS presale is almost over, with all tokens sold out and demand rising, those interested can explore the provided links to secure a 30% bonus if they choose to participate.

Visit DigiToads presale

DigiToads 사전 판매 방문

Mint DigiToads NFTs here

여기에 Mint DigiToads NFT가 있습니다.

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

OpenSea에서 DigiToads NFT 구매

Join the community 

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