첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin은 지난번과 동일한 패턴을 형성하고 있으며 23,200%의 급증을 기록하고 있습니다.

Dogecoin Forms Same Exact Pattern That Last Time Unleashed 23,200% Surge – Buckle Up!

Dogecoin은 지난번과 동일한 패턴을 형성하고 있으며 23,200%의 급증을 기록하고 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/08/06 03:30 읽다: 949


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64ce9fae0039f9292b8b0b36

Leading cryptocurrency Dogecoin ($DOGE) may be on the brink of a significant breakout, according to insights from renowned Twitter analysts.

유명 트위터 분석가들의 통찰력에 따르면 선두 암호화폐인 Dogecoin($DOGE)이 상당한 돌파구에 직면할 수 있다고 합니다.

Famous technical analysis expert, Ali from @ali_charts, recently commented on the potential for a bullish breakout for Dogecoin.

Drawing attention to a pivotal mark, Ali tweeted, “A sustained weekly close above $0.080 will be my green light. But if it dips below $0.067, I’ll reconsider.” This sentiment harkens back to a prior observation made by the analyst on July 23rd, where he noted a similar pattern.

알리는 중요한 표시에 주목하면서 다음과 같이 트윗했습니다. “주당 0.080달러 이상으로 지속되는 종가가 나의 청신호가 될 것입니다. 하지만 0.067달러 아래로 떨어지면 재고해보겠습니다.” 이러한 정서는 분석가가 7월 23일에 유사한 패턴을 지적한 이전 관찰과 관련이 있습니다.

Back then, he commented on the development of a descending triangle on Dogecoin’s monthly chart, highlighting that the last such occurrence resulted in a staggering 23,200% surge for $DOGE.

Complementing Ali’s analysis, well-known trader Colin
, or @Vires_Num3ris
, delved deeper into the long-term prospects for Dogecoin. He acknowledged the healthiness of the $DOGE chart and raised intriguing possibilities based on the Lindy effect, unit bias, and influence from billionaire Elon Musk. Offering a cautious yet optimistic stance, he stated, “Elon has me thinking $1+ is not as delusional as it once seemed.”

However, it wasn’t all bullish sentiment for Dogecoin. Colin contemplated the potential for the cryptocurrency to test the top of its current channel by September 2024, which would situate it at $30. To put this in perspective, that would require a market cap of $4 trillion, or a 400-fold increase. Such a jump, in Colin’s words, “DOES seem pretty delusional.”

그러나 이것이 Dogecoin에 대한 낙관적인 감정만은 아니었습니다. Colin은 암호화폐가 2024년 9월까지 현재 채널의 최고 수준을 테스트하여 $30에 도달할 가능성을 고려했습니다. 이를 관점에서 보면 시가총액은 4조 달러, 즉 400배 증가가 필요합니다. Colin의 말에 따르면 이러한 점프는 "상당히 망상적인 것 같습니다."

Nonetheless, Colin didn’t entirely dismiss the prospect of major gains in 2024. He suggested that a notable divergence between equities and crypto could lead to a scenario where significant profits arise in the crypto sphere. The rollout of crypto ETFs, coupled with a decline in equities, might divert increased attention to cryptocurrencies, sparking intense market excitement.

Concluding his thread, Colin tempered expectations, stating, “The last bull cycle was comparatively anemic (particularly for #bitcoin), so perhaps this next one exceeds expectations once again.” However, he also added a note of caution, indicating that he currently doesn’t assign high odds to this theory.

As the crypto community keeps a close eye on these predictions, only time will tell whether these bullish sentiments will materialize for Dogecoin.

암호화폐 커뮤니티가 이러한 예측을 면밀히 관찰하고 있기 때문에 이러한 낙관적인 정서가 Dogecoin에 실현될지는 시간만이 알 수 있을 것입니다.

게시물 Dogecoin은 지난번에 23,200% 급증을 일으켰던 것과 동일한 패턴을 형성합니다 – 버클 업! CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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