첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin은 다른 알트코인의 하락에도 불구하고 상승합니다. 하지만 이것이 지금 구매하기에 가장 좋은 밈 코인인가요?

Dogecoin Sees Gains Despite Other Altcoins Falling, But Are These the Best Meme Coins to Buy Now?

Dogecoin은 다른 알트코인의 하락에도 불구하고 상승합니다. 하지만 이것이 지금 구매하기에 가장 좋은 밈 코인인가요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/18 02:11 읽다: 332

원저자:CoinPedia News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6557a696f546da16a95c98bf

The post Dogecoin Sees Gains Despite Other Altcoins Falling, But Are These the Best Meme Coins to Buy Now? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

게시물 Dogecoin은 다른 Altcoin 하락에도 불구하고 이익을 얻었지만 이것이 지금 구매할 수 있는 최고의 Meme 코인입니까? Coinpedia Fintech News에 처음 등장

It’s been a great few days for Dogecoin (DOGE) holders, with the coin’s value rising 20% from Tuesday’s low. Even more impressively, DOGE’s uptick in momentum has come while most other altcoins are experiencing a sell-off. In this article, we take a closer look at Dogecoin’s price movements before highlighting five alternative meme coins that investors may wish to consider buying.

DOGE Price Soars as Bullish Technicals Align

강세 기술이 일치함에 따라 DOGE 가격이 급등합니다.

At the time of writing, DOGE has soared to $0.083 – its highest level since July’s peak.

In total, the DOGE price has climbed 45% in the last 30 days, marking the token’s strongest run of form in five months.

Dogecoin has posted four bullish weekly closes in a row and looks likely to make it five this week as demand continues to ramp up.

Dogecoin은 4회 연속으로 강세를 보이는 주간 마감을 기록했으며 수요가 계속 증가함에 따라 이번 주에는 5회 연속 마감할 것으로 보입니다.

Technical factors are driving the ongoing DOGE surge, with price breaking out of a descending wedge pattern on the weekly time frame.

This pattern has been in play since January, and its break to the upside suggests a potential reversal in DOGE’s longer-term bearish trend.

To summarize, things are finally looking up for Dogecoin holders – setting the stage for an exciting end to 2023.

요약하자면, 마침내 Dogecoin 보유자를 찾고 있으며 2023년을 흥미진진하게 마무리할 수 있는 무대를 마련하고 있습니다.

Which Alternative Meme Coins Could Be the Best to Buy Now?

지금 구매하는 것이 가장 좋은 대체 Meme 코인은 무엇입니까?

With Dogecoin rising, most meme coins are also experiencing an uptick in momentum.

Highlighted below are five alternative coins that could be set to match (or even exceed) DOGE’s gains:

아래에는 DOGE의 이익과 일치하거나 초과하도록 설정할 수 있는 5개의 대체 코인이 강조되어 있습니다.

1. Meme Kombat (MK)

1. 밈컴뱃(MK)

First up is Meme Kombat (MK), a new meme coin attracting significant attention from investors.

This innovative project brings together the worlds of memes and battle arenas for an exciting crypto gaming experience.

이 혁신적인 프로젝트는 흥미진진한 암호화폐 게임 경험을 위해 밈과 전투 경기장의 세계를 결합합니다.

Meme Kombat allows players to wager MK on meme battles to earn additional tokens and rewards.

Aside from these automated on-chain battles, Meme Kombat also provides a staking protocol for passive earnings.

이러한 자동화된 온체인 전투 외에도 Meme Kombat은 수동적 수입을 위한 스테이킹 프로토콜도 제공합니다.

The Meme Kombat presale has raised over $1.8 million in investment, with buyers piling into the Telegram community to learn more about the development team’s ambitions.

During the current presale stage, MK tokens are available at $0.205 each, a potentially attractive entry point for investors.

2. Wall Street Memes (WSM)

2. 월스트리트 밈(WSM)

Next up is Wall Street Memes (WSM), which draws inspiration from the retail trading movement that stood up against Wall Street during GameStop’s short squeeze.

다음은 GameStop의 공매도 기간 동안 월스트리트에 맞섰던 소매 거래 운동에서 영감을 얻은 WSM(Wall Street Memes)입니다.

As a top new meme coin with high social engagement, evidenced by over one million followers across its socials, WSM allows holders to benefit financially from the community’s growth.

Not only that, but WSM also has several use cases, including being used for staking and within the Wall Street Memes Casino.

This casino platform adds to WSM’s appeal, offering over 5,000 games and crypto account funding, plus a generous sign-up bonus of 200% (up to $25,000).

이 카지노 플랫폼은 5,000개 이상의 게임과 암호화폐 계정 자금을 제공하고 200%(최대 $25,000)의 넉넉한 가입 보너스를 제공하여 WSM의 매력을 더해줍니다.

Investors can buy WSM tokens from Uniswap or Tier-1 exchanges like HTX and OKX, with the token currently trading around the $0.023 level.

3. Sponge (SPONGE)

As its name implies, Sponge (SPONGE) is a meme coin based on the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon character, although it has no official affiliation.

SPONGE aims to build a vibrant community around this beloved character and is targeting a $1 billion market cap.

SPONGE는 이 사랑받는 캐릭터를 중심으로 활발한 커뮤니티를 구축하는 것을 목표로 하며 시가총액 10억 달러를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Although the token has traded sideways in the past few months, momentum has recently rocketed following the SPONGE airdrop.

Boosting momentum further was the launch of the SPONGE staking protocol, which has been highly anticipated by the community. 

커뮤니티에서 큰 기대를 모았던 SPONGE 스테이킹 프로토콜의 출시로 더욱 추진력이 높아졌습니다.

According to CoinMarketCap, SPONGE trading volume reached over $620,000 in the past 24 hours, with the token up a whopping 281% in the past month. 

Prospective investors can buy SPONGE tokens through various leading exchanges, including CoinW and Gate.io.

예비 투자자는 CoinW 및 Gate.io를 포함한 다양한 주요 거래소를 통해 SPONGE 토큰을 구입할 수 있습니다.

4. Grok (GROK)

Grok (GROK) is a meme coin inspired by Elon Musk’s venture, Grok AI, and stands out as another exciting entrant to the crypto market.

Grok(GROK)은 Elon Musk의 벤처인 Grok AI에서 영감을 받은 밈 코인이며 암호화폐 시장에 또 다른 흥미로운 진입자로 돋보입니다.

In the first eight days of its launch, GROK reached a market cap of over $160 million, driven by meme-driven enthusiasm and speculative buying.

The token’s value rocketed by over 10,000% in a week, peaking at $0.024 on Monday.

토큰의 가치는 일주일 만에 10,000% 이상 급등하여 월요일에 $0.024로 최고치를 기록했습니다.

Despite controversies surrounding the developer’s past, which raised concerns within the crypto community, Grok has managed to maintain a large degree of support.

암호화폐 커뮤니티 내에서 우려를 불러일으키는 개발자의 과거를 둘러싼 논란에도 불구하고 Grok은 상당한 수준의 지원을 유지해 왔습니다.

Although the token has no apparent use case, its indirect link to Elon Musk and hilarious branding make it another trending meme coin that investors may wish to buy now.

토큰에는 뚜렷한 사용 사례가 없지만 Elon Musk와의 간접적인 연결 및 재미있는 브랜딩으로 인해 투자자가 지금 구매하고 싶어할 수 있는 또 다른 인기 밈 코인이 되었습니다.

5. TokenFi (TOKEN)

5. TokenFi (TOKEN)

Lastly, TokenFi (TOKEN) is a crypto project launched by the Floki Inu (FLOKI) team that is rapidly gaining traction in the tokenization space.

As a platform for crypto and asset tokenization, TokenFi aims to streamline the entire process, positioning itself as the go-to option for market newcomers.

Its native token, TOKEN, is crucial to the platform’s ecosystem, enabling users to create their own cryptocurrencies without needing coding expertise.

기본 토큰인 TOKEN은 플랫폼 생태계에 매우 중요하므로 사용자는 코딩 전문 지식 없이도 자신만의 암호화폐를 만들 수 있습니다.

TokenFi initially launched on multiple networks, including Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, with a total supply of 10 million TOKENs.

Despite facing challenges, the strong support from the FLOKI community has helped TOKEN reach a market cap of $29.8 million.

어려움에 직면했음에도 불구하고 FLOKI 커뮤니티의 강력한 지원으로 TOKEN은 시가총액 2,980만 달러에 도달했습니다.

Currently trading at $0.029, TOKEN is another exciting coin that meme coin enthusiasts may wish to watch.

현재 0.029달러에 거래되는 TOKEN은 밈 코인 애호가들이 보고 싶어할 또 다른 흥미로운 코인입니다.

주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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  • 밈의 왕: Dogecoin
    밈의 왕: Dogecoin
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