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Dogecoin HODLERs Are Beating Shiba Inu With 57% Landing In Profits

Dogecoin 보유자는 Shiba Inu를 57%의 수익으로 이겼습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 20:54 읽다: 543


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65538b6c690b5c6f63836071

Data analytics from IntoTheBlock paint a bleak picture for Shiba Inu investors. A mere 25% of SHIB holders are currently profiting, while 71% are experiencing investment losses. 

IntoTheBlock의 데이터 분석은 Shiba Inu 투자자들에게 암울한 그림을 그립니다. 현재 SHIB 보유자의 25%만이 수익을 내고 있는 반면, 71%는 투자 손실을 겪고 있습니다.

According to IntoTheBlock, Dogecoin depicts a slightly more optimistic picture compared to SHIB. 

With current prices, 57% of DOGE holders are in profit, against SHIB’s 25%. A notable 39% of DOGE investors are experiencing a loss, showing a smaller proportion than SHIB’s 71%. Additionally, 4% of DOGE investors are at break-even.

현재 가격으로 DOGE 보유자의 57%가 이익을 내고 있는 반면 SHIB는 25%입니다. DOGE 투자자 중 무려 39%가 손실을 입고 있어 SHIB(71%)보다 낮은 비율을 보이고 있다. 또한 DOGE 투자자의 4%가 손익 분기점에 있습니다.

The commitment of investors is evident in both camps. Dogecoin holders match Shiba Inu investors in loyalty, with respective 72% and 73% sustaining their positions for over a year. 

투자자들의 헌신은 두 진영 모두에서 분명하게 드러납니다. Dogecoin 보유자는 충성도 측면에서 Shiba Inu 투자자와 일치하며 각각 72%와 73%가 1년 이상 자신의 위치를 ​​유지합니다.

The statistics for medium-term holders (1-12 months) and new entrants (<1 month) are also comparable, hinting at a similar investor behavior pattern for both meme coins.

While Dogecoin exhibits a healthier financial status among its holders, Shiba Inu shows a competitive advantage in other areas. 

Dogecoin은 보유자들 사이에서 더 건강한 재정 상태를 보이는 반면, Shiba Inu는 다른 영역에서 경쟁 우위를 보여줍니다.

Read Also: Shiba Inu Holders Warned as Exciting SHIB Developments Unfold

또한 읽어보세요: 흥미진진한 SHIB 개발이 전개되면서 시바견 보유자들에게 경고

SHIB’s transactional value for significant trades over $100K surpasses that of DOGE over the past seven days, indicating more considerable large-scale investor interest or movement. This could signify a potential for growth or increased liquidity that might benefit SHIB in the long run.

Community Engagement and Market Presence: Both Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have seen minimal change in Telegram members, with DOGE at a 0.05% increase over the past week, suggesting a period of stability within their communities. 

Simultaneously, the transaction demographics disclose a more Western-centric engagement for Dogecoin, with a 55% to 45% split between West and East. This could reflect the influence of Western media and notable endorsements by entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk on DOGE’s prominence.

As per the latest figures, DOGE is currently priced at $0.075, while SHIB stands at $0.00000861, experiencing a 2.24% and 2.03% dip, respectively, over the past day.

최신 수치에 따르면 DOGE의 현재 가격은 0.075달러이고 SHIB는 0.00000861달러로 지난 하루 동안 각각 2.24%와 2.03% 하락했습니다.



The post Dogecoin HODLERs Are Beating Shiba Inu With 57% Landing In Profits appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

Dogecoin HODLER가 Shiba Inu를 57%의 수익으로 이기고 있다는 게시물이 BitcoinWorld에 처음 나타났습니다.

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