첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 인플루언서는 커뮤니티를 표적으로 삼는 사기 코인에 대해 경고음을 울립니다.

Dogecoin Influencer Issues Alert On Scam Tokens Targeting The Community

Dogecoin 인플루언서는 커뮤니티를 표적으로 삼는 사기 코인에 대해 경고음을 울립니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/11 06:11 읽다: 468


원본 소스:https://bitcoinist.com/dogecoin-influencer-issues-alert-on-scam-tokens-targeting-the-community/

A popular name in the Dogecoin community has raised alarm about the increasing prevalence of scam tokens specifically targeting Dogecoin community members. According to Mishaboar, an avid Dogecoin enthusiast, the community has recently been targeted by a series of “pump and dump” scam coins looking to capitalize on Dogecoin’s popularity. These scam tokens which are created almost every day, lure in unsuspecting buyers with promises of huge gains, only to crash in value after the scammers dump their coins leading to a collapse in price.

Scammers Promoting Fake Tokens

가짜 토큰을 홍보하는 사기꾼

In a recent post on social media platform X, Mishaboar warned members of the community of actors making use of the Dogecoin tag or targeting specific events to entice unsuspecting victims.

The Dogecoin community has experienced phenomenal growth from its days as the first meme token, to recently celebrating its 10th birthday. Dogecoin has been subject to various positives in its lifespan, gaining the support of popular names like Elon Musk, which has helped it climb to the 9th spot in terms of market cap. Doge’s popularity has given rise to other meme tokens like Shiba Inu and PEPE, which have gone on to build their own ecosystems and garner a support community.

However, the meme token has also been subject to negatives, one of which is dubious actors looking to steal money from members of the community. Several other Dogecoin copycats and scam tokens have appeared over the years, hijacking the Dogecoin tag trademark to encourage people to buy in.

그러나 밈 토큰은 부정적인 영향을 받았는데, 그 중 하나는 커뮤니티 구성원으로부터 돈을 훔치려는 의심스러운 행위자였습니다. 여러 다른 Dogecoin 모방범과 사기 토큰이 수년에 걸쳐 등장하여 사람들의 구매를 장려하기 위해 Dogecoin 태그 상표를 탈취했습니다.

According to Mishaboar, proponents of these scam tokens manipulate X’s algorithm to promote airdrops for their coins. After experiencing a price surge, large holders will dump their tokens and slip away with huge profits, and prices collapse in a few hours. 

“Stay away from ANY ad or post encouraging you to get free “airdrops”. No exception. I am even surprised @X is still allowing ads containing that keyword to run,” he tweeted.

“무료 “에어드롭”을 받도록 권유하는 광고나 게시물을 멀리하세요. 예외 없음. @X가 여전히 해당 키워드가 포함된 광고를 허용하고 있다는 사실에 놀랐습니다.”라고 그는 트윗했습니다.

The crypto space can be treacherous to some investors, as it is continuously subject to various hacks and scam methods. According to blockchain audit company Certik, November was the most damaging month of the year in terms of losses, with investors losing approximately $363 million to exploits, hacks, and scams. Approximately $1.1 million was lost to pump and dump schemes in particular.

What’s Next For Dogecoin?

DOGE finally broke the $0.1 level for the first time this year on December 6 and has traded around the region for the past few days. At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.1, looking to gain a footing above this price level. The crypto is already up by 17.45% in a 7-day timeframe and on-chain metrics point to a further price increase to $0.15.   

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