첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 가격 예측: 연말 강세장 접근, DOGE 4% 상승 – $1 출시 예정?

Dogecoin Price Prediction: DOGE Rallies Up 4% as End of Year Bull Market Approaches – $1 Incoming?

Dogecoin 가격 예측: 연말 강세장 접근, DOGE 4% 상승 – $1 출시 예정?

풀어 주다: 2023/10/16 00:16 읽다: 523


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652bf890ba6c0c02710e63f8

As the year-end bull market looms, Dogecoin (DOGE) showcases a remarkable rally, surging by 4% and reigniting speculations of a potential leap to the $1 mark. 

연말 강세장이 다가옴에 따라 Dogecoin(DOGE)은 4% 급등하는 놀라운 랠리를 선보이며 잠재적으로 1달러 선까지 도약할 것이라는 추측을 다시 불러일으킵니다.

The crypto landscape has been rife with buzz, particularly around Elon Musk's recent philosophical tweet, which has sent ripples through the crypto community, possibly influencing Dogecoin's momentum. 

Furthermore, the coin's technical indicators suggest we might be approaching a critical turning point for DOGE. 

게다가, 코인의 기술 지표는 우리가 DOGE의 중요한 전환점에 접근하고 있음을 시사합니다.

While there's much enthusiasm, Dogecoin's past sluggish performance and a prevailing bearish outlook cannot be overlooked. 

Adding to the mix are rumours of a partnership between Elon Musk and billionaire investor Bill Ackman, leaving many wondering about its implications for Dogecoin's future trajectory.

여기에 Elon Musk와 억만장자 투자자 Bill Ackman 사이의 파트너십에 대한 소문이 추가되어 많은 사람들이 이것이 Dogecoin의 미래 궤적에 미치는 영향에 대해 궁금해하고 있습니다.

Elon Musk's Philosophical Tweet and Its Crypto Community Impact

A recent tweet from Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest entrepreneur, has ignited excitement within the global cryptocurrency community. Musk took a philosophical approach this time, discussing the challenges of overcoming hatred and navigating regulatory issues.

As is often the case, his tweets had the most significant impact on the DOGE, SHIB, and XRP communities. 

종종 그렇듯이 그의 트윗은 DOGE, SHIB 및 XRP 커뮤니티에 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.

Musk asked his 159.7 million Twitter followers: "How many times did you face adversity before achieving success?" Prominent figures like Billy Markus from Dogecoin and experts in Shiba Inu responded almost instantly.

Musk's tweets hold significant importance due to his status as the most followed individual on Twitter, now known as the X app. 

머스크의 트윗은 현재 X 앱으로 알려진 트위터에서 가장 많은 팔로어를 보유한 개인이기 때문에 매우 중요합니다.

Hence, Elon Musk's recent tweet discussing overcoming challenges and dealing with regulators stirred excitement in the crypto community, particularly for DOGE. 

Musk & Ackman's Alleged Alliance: Implications for Dogecoin's Future

Apart from this, the mere mention of both Elon Musk and Bill Ackman in a single conversation is enough to ignite excitement in the cryptocurrency world. 

Musk & Ackman의 주장된 동맹: Dogecoin의 미래에 대한 함의 이 외에도 단일 대화에서 Elon Musk와 Bill Ackman을 모두 언급하는 것만으로도 암호화폐 세계에 흥분을 불러일으키기에 충분합니다.

Recent rumours suggest a potential partnership between Musk's X social media platform and Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management, leaving people curious about its implications, especially for Dogecoin.

Billionaire Bill Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square, has shown interest in Musk's X platform, which boasts nearly 800,000 users. 

퍼싱 스퀘어(Pershing Square)의 CEO인 억만장자 빌 애크먼(Bill Ackman)은 거의 80만 명의 사용자를 자랑하는 머스크의 X 플랫폼에 관심을 보였습니다.

With recent regulatory approval for Ackman's SPARC, a focus on private growth companies is clear. Musk's ties to Dogecoin and speculation about DOGE being used in X's payment systems raise questions about a partnership's potential to drive Dogecoin's value towards $0.75. 

This union could notably boost DOGE's price through expanded adoption and influence. 

이 조합은 채택과 영향력 확대를 통해 DOGE의 가격을 눈에 띄게 높일 수 있습니다.

Dogecoin Price

On October 15, Dogecoin (DOGE/USD) showcased some promising signs in its daily technical outlook. As of today, Dogecoin's price rests at $0.059396. Within the last 24 hours, the coin experienced a trading volume of $118.45 million, and its value has ascended by 1.50%.

According to CoinMarketCap, Dogecoin presently ranks 9th with an impressive live market capitalization of approximately $8.4 billion. The circulating supply stands at a hefty 141.42 billion DOGE coins, though its maximum supply remains undisclosed.

Dogecoin Price Prediction 

For those keeping a close watch on the 4-hour chart timeframe, there are some critical price levels to monitor:

  • Pivot Point: $0.06230
  • Immediate Resistance: $0.06500
  • Subsequent Resistances: $0.06780 and $0.07060
  • Immediate Support: $0.05940
  • Further Supports: $0.05660 and $0.05380

In terms of technical indicators, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) clocks in at 46, suggesting a bearish sentiment as it's below the pivotal 50 mark. While specific figures for the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) are pending, its trend lines are often paramount in predicting possible momentum shifts. 

피벗 포인트: $0.06230즉시 저항: $0.06500후속 저항: $0.06780 및 $0.07060즉시 지지: $0.05940추가 지지: $0.05660 및 $0.05380기술 지표 측면에서 상대 강도 지수(RSI)는 46을 기록하며 아래와 같이 약세 심리를 시사합니다. 는 중요한 50점. MACD(Moving Average Convergence Divergence)에 대한 구체적인 수치는 아직 발표되지 않았지만 추세선은 가능한 모멘텀 변화를 예측하는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 경우가 많습니다.

Meanwhile, the 50-Day Exponential Moving Average (50 EMA) stands at $0.05930, suggesting a bullish trend since Dogecoin's price is slightly above this figure.

한편, 50일 지수 이동 평균(50 EMA)은 $0.05930으로 Dogecoin의 가격이 이 수치보다 약간 높기 때문에 강세 추세를 시사합니다.

While the exact chart patterns observed for Dogecoin are yet to be specified, these patterns can offer significant insights into potential future movements.

In conclusion, the overall sentiment for Dogecoin leans bullish as it is slightly above the $0.0593 mark. In the short term, it's expected that Dogecoin might touch or test some of the aforementioned resistance levels. 

결론적으로, Dogecoin에 대한 전반적인 정서는 0.0593달러를 약간 웃돌기 때문에 낙관적입니다. 단기적으로는 Dogecoin이 앞서 언급한 저항 수준 중 일부를 건드리거나 테스트할 수 있을 것으로 예상됩니다.

As always, investors should stay informed and be ready for the volatile nature of the crypto markets.

For those closely watching the crypto market trends, be sure to check out our recent article on Bitcoin price prediction. Get the latest insights on BTC's potential trajectory.

Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX) Presale Raises Over $1.3M!

Dive into the innovative world of Bitcoin Minetrix and its distinct stake-to-mine approach - marking a remarkable achievement as the presale exceeds $1.3 million.

Bitcoin Minetrix(BTCMTX) 사전 판매로 130만 달러 이상 모금!Bitcoin Minetrix의 혁신적인 세계와 독특한 지분-채굴 접근 방식에 대해 알아보세요. 사전 판매가 130만 달러를 초과하여 놀라운 성과를 거두었습니다.

Offering an enticing 1224% Staking APY, Bitcoin Minetrix presents a platform for users to buy, stake, and watch their rewards flourish.

매력적인 1224% 스테이킹 APY를 제공하는 Bitcoin Minetrix는 사용자가 구매하고, 스테이킹하고, 보상이 풍성해지는 것을 볼 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공합니다.

The pinnacle of passive income in the crypto universe is now more accessible than ever.

With the methods employed by Bitcoin Minetrix, gone are the days of large initial investments and navigating complex mining contracts.

Bitcoin Minetrix가 채택한 방법을 사용하면 대규모 초기 투자와 복잡한 채굴 계약을 탐색하는 시대가 지났습니다.

BTCMTX Advantage - Key Points

  • Market Uniqueness: Bitcoin Minetrix stands out in a saturated cloud mining landscape, introducing the inaugural tokenized Bitcoin cloud mining system, and redefining industry standards.
  • Secure on Ethereum Blockchain: By operating on the trusted Ethereum blockchain, Bitcoin Minetrix guarantees top security, mitigating risks from external mining pools and deterring deceptive cloud mining services.
  • Commitment to Decentralization: Embracing the true essence of decentralization, Bitcoin Minetrix shifts mining profits from large entities to individual investors via its innovative Stake-to-Mine approach.
  • Capitalizing on Bitcoin Halving: Positioned to leverage the forthcoming Bitcoin halving, Bitcoin Minetrix offers a platform for investors to potentially benefit from Bitcoin's historical price spikes post-halving, without the capital risks.
  • BTCMTX Presale Momentum: The BTCMTX presale is gaining traction, raising over $1.3of its $1.54M target, pricing each token at a competitive $0.011, presenting early backers with a front-row seat to this mining revolution.

Secure your position in this transformative journey by joining the BTCMTX presale today.


Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

면책 조항: 암호화폐는 위험도가 높은 자산 클래스입니다. 이 기사는 정보 제공의 목적으로 제공되며 투자 조언을 구성하지 않습니다. 모든 자본을 잃을 수 있습니다.



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