첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 가격 급등: 강세 추세가 계속 될까요?

Dogecoin Price Surges: Will the Bullish Trend Continue?

Dogecoin 가격 급등: 강세 추세가 계속 될까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/19 05:00 읽다: 649

원저자:Crypto News Land

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65591c6bb6fb7849f425f6c8

  • Dogecoin surged by almost 20%, confirming bullish momentum from levels below $0.07.
  • Dogecoin은 거의 20% 급등하여 0.07달러 미만 수준에서 강세 모멘텀을 확인했습니다.

  • After weakening near the $0.0864 mark, DOGE is retesting towards $0.08, nearing the 0.618 FIB level.
  • $0.0864 근처에서 약세를 보인 후 DOGE는 0.618 FIB 수준에 가까운 $0.08을 향해 다시 테스트하고 있습니다.

  • Dogecoin faces a critical resistance zone between $0.094 and $0.095, crucial for a potential uptrend continuation.

Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently garnered significant attention for its remarkable market movements. A surge in trading volume, largely influenced by bullish sentiment, propelled DOGE to surge by nearly 20%. 

Dogecoin(DOGE)은 최근 놀라운 시장 움직임으로 큰 주목을 받았습니다. 강세 정서에 크게 영향을 받은 거래량이 급증하면서 DOGE는 거의 20% 급등했습니다.

This surge marked a crucial turning point as it managed to break away from its previous lows below the $0.07 mark. Confirming a breakout from a descending trend within a descending triangle, the coin’s upward momentum was affirmed, although the possibility of a retest lingered.

Currently, DOGE is in the midst of a retest, retracing its steps back to the 0.5 Fibonacci (FIB) levels after showing weakness around the 0.618 FIB levels at approximately $0.0864. The potential bearish momentum could drive the price closer to the $0.08 mark, yet hopes remain for a bounce-back, expected around $0.0785 to $0.079. Should prices drop below critical support levels, a surge in buying volume might offer an opportunity for recovery.

현재 DOGE는 약 0.0864달러로 0.618 FIB 수준 부근에서 약세를 보인 후 0.5 피보나치(FIB) 수준으로 되돌아가는 재테스트를 진행 중입니다. 잠재적인 약세 모멘텀으로 인해 가격이 0.08달러에 더 가까워질 수 있지만 반등에 대한 희망은 여전히 ​​남아 있으며 약 0.0785~0.079달러로 예상됩니다. 가격이 중요한 지원 수준 아래로 떨어지면 구매량이 급증하여 회복의 기회를 제공할 수 있습니다.

Analysts and enthusiasts are eyeing a potential rebound that could empower DOGE to reclaim levels above $0.085, possibly pushing the price beyond the $0.09 mark. However, the challenge lies in breaching the critical resistance zone situated between $0.094 and $0.095, coinciding with the 0.786 Fibonacci (FIB) levels. Sustained consolidation above these levels is considered pivotal for DOGE’s upward trajectory, fostering optimism for an imminent rise in its value.

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포스트 Dogecoin 가격 급등: 강세 추세가 계속 될까요? Crypto News Land에 처음 등장했습니다.

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