첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > BONK가 상승함에 따라 Dogecoin 가격이 하락합니다. DOGE 예측은 어떻습니까?

Dogecoin prices dip as BONK climbs – What about DOGE predictions?

BONK가 상승함에 따라 Dogecoin 가격이 하락합니다. DOGE 예측은 어떻습니까?

풀어 주다: 2023/12/17 07:01 읽다: 991

원저자:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News

원본 소스:https://ambcrypto.com/dogecoin-prices-dip-as-bonk-climbs-what-about-doge-predictions/

  • DOGE has failed to rally amid the recent surge in BONK’s price.
  • DOGE는 최근 BONK 가격 급등으로 반등에 실패했습니다.

  • Despite the decline, many Dogecoin holders remain in profit.
  • 하락세에도 불구하고 많은 Dogecoin 보유자들은 여전히 ​​이익을 유지하고 있습니다.

Leading meme coin Dogecoin [DOGE] has seen a decline in its value, while the value of Solana-based dog-themed coin BONK has risen by over 100% in the past few days.

At press time, DOGE exchanged hands at $0.09395, logging a 3% price decline in the last 24 hours. The coin’s price has dropped by almost 10% in the last week.

보도 당시 DOGE는 $0.09395에 거래되었으며 지난 24시간 동안 3%의 가격 하락을 기록했습니다. 지난 주에 코인 가격이 거의 10% 하락했습니다.

On the other hand, BONK’s price has risen by over 70% in the last seven days. In fact, among the top five leading meme coins, it is the only asset that has witnessed a price rally in the last week, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

Source: CoinMarketCap

BONK’s recent rally has been propelled by its listing on crypto exchanges such as KuCoin, Coinbase, and Binance. 

BONK의 최근 랠리는 KuCoin, Coinbase 및 Binance와 같은 암호화폐 거래소에 상장되면서 추진되었습니다.

DOGE has failed to bark in the past few days

DOGE는 지난 며칠 동안 짖지 않았습니다.

AMBCrypto assessed the coin’s price movements on a daily chart and found that it initiated a new bear cycle on 12th December. This was when its MACD intersected its trend line in a downtrend.

AMBCrypto는 일일 차트에서 코인의 가격 변동을 평가한 결과 12월 12일에 새로운 약세 주기가 시작되었음을 확인했습니다. 이것은 MACD가 하락 추세에서 추세선과 교차했을 때였습니다.

When an asset’s MACD line crosses below its trend line, many traders view it as a signal to consider selling or taking a more cautious approach.

This is because the movement signals a potential shift in momentum, which often results in a downward movement in the asset’s price.

Since the MACD crossover occurred, DOGE’s value has plummeted by 3%.

MACD 크로스오버가 발생한 이후 DOGE의 가치는 3% 급락했습니다.

Also, its Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) has since trended downward. Although it remained above the zero line at press time, a steady decline in an asset’s CMF signals the gradual exit of liquidity from the market.

When market liquidity craters, an asset’s value decline often follows.

시장 유동성이 분화되면 자산 가치 하락이 뒤따르는 경우가 많습니다.

Source: DOGE/USDT on TradingView

Most DOGE holders remain in profit

대부분의 DOGE 보유자는 이익을 유지합니다

Interestingly, despite the recent decline in DOGE’s value and the low demand for the meme coin, many of its holders continue to hold at a profit, as readings from its Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio show.

Is your portfolio green? Check the DOGE Profit Calculator

당신의 포트폴리오는 녹색인가요? DOGE 이익 계산기를 확인하세요.

At press time, DOGE’s MVRV ratio was 8.29%. This meant that if all investors sold their holdings at the coin’s current market value of $0.0939, they would be guaranteed at least an 8% profit.

Data from Santiment showed that 78% of the coin’s total supply remains in profit. 

Santiment의 데이터에 따르면 코인 총 공급량의 78%가 여전히 수익을 내고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

Source: Santiment

출처: 상티멘트

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