첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 경쟁사, 사전 판매가 진행됨에 따라 암호화폐 상위 100위권을 목표로 함

Dogecoin Rival Takes Aim At Crypto Top 100 As Presale Gets Off To a Flying Start

Dogecoin 경쟁사, 사전 판매가 진행됨에 따라 암호화폐 상위 100위권을 목표로 함

풀어 주다: 2023/10/28 22:32 읽다: 505


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653d06e743454d26d4459079



1. Dogecoin rose to fame with a mass loyal following and support from Elon Musk.

2. NuggetRush is aiming to enter in the list of top 100 crypto with its exciting features.

2. NuggetRush는 흥미로운 기능을 통해 상위 100개 암호화폐 목록에 진입하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

3. The presale is going strong with $160K already raised in Round 1.

3. 1라운드에서 이미 16만 달러가 모금되면서 사전 판매가 활발하게 진행되고 있습니다.

Who doesn’t know Dogecoin that shot up to the moon, making early investors richer than they ever dreamed. But guess what? There’s a new Dogecoin rival taking aim at the crypto top 100, and it’s called NuggetRush (NUGX). Now, this isn’t just any random new crypto. 

You won’t believe it, but the presale for this top altcoin is already going blockbuster. But here’s the kicker: unlike Dogecoin, which rode the wave of meme fame, NUGX is different. It offers real utility, including a play-to-earn gaming model, making it much more than just a fad. 

Let’s find out more about why this is an altcoin to watch, from its strong presale to its features.

강력한 사전 판매부터 기능까지 왜 주목해야 할 알트코인인지 자세히 알아보세요.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

Dogecoin is Riding High with Loyal Followers and Celebrity Endorsements

Dogecoin started as nothing more than a meme. But here’s where it gets interesting: this “joke” got serious backing from big-time celebrities like Elon Musk. The Tesla CEO’s tweets and shout-outs pushed Dogecoin into the spotlight as one of the best altcoins to invest in.

Dogecoin은 단순한 밈으로 시작되었습니다. 하지만 여기서 흥미로운 점이 있습니다. 이 "농담"은 Elon Musk와 같은 유명 인사들의 열렬한 지지를 받았습니다. Tesla CEO의 트윗과 외침은 Dogecoin을 투자할 수 있는 최고의 알트코인 중 하나로 주목받게 했습니다.

When Dogecoin was rising, it had an upper hand because the crypto world had very few strong contenders. Early risk-takers saw their investments go up by so much that they could only dream of. 

While Dogecoin doesn’t have any exciting features, what it does have is a massive loyal following. This army of supporters is a large reason why Dogecoin is likely to stick around for a while in the best altcoins list.

However, it’s important to note that the crypto world is now changing, and new rivals with more features are coming up. Top crypto coins like NuggetRush are offering real-world utility, setting them up as strong competitors to the meme coin king.

그러나 이제 암호화폐 세계가 변화하고 있으며 더 많은 기능을 갖춘 새로운 경쟁자가 등장하고 있다는 점에 유의하는 것이 중요합니다. NuggetRush와 같은 최고의 암호화 코인은 실제 유틸리티를 제공하여 밈 코인 왕의 강력한 경쟁자로 자리매김하고 있습니다.

NuggetRush Takes Aim to Enter Top 100 Crypto List

NUGX is all set to enter the prestigious top 100 crypto list with some exciting features. But what sets it apart? Well, it offers a compelling play-to-earn (P2E) gaming model that’s been the talk of the town for a while.

NUGX는 몇 가지 흥미로운 기능을 갖춘 유명한 상위 100개 암호화폐 목록에 진입할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 그러나 무엇이 그것을 구별하는가? 글쎄요, 한동안 화제가 되었던 매력적인 P2E(Play-to-Earn) 게임 모델을 제공합니다.

Here’s how it works: players start by building their own mining operation. Think of it like a virtual gold rush where you get to be both the prospector and the investor. You explore a detailed virtual world in search of mineral-rich zones. Got a competitive streak? Dive into tournaments, quests, and battles to win even more rewards.

작동 방식은 다음과 같습니다. 플레이어는 자신만의 채굴 작업을 구축하는 것부터 시작합니다. 당신이 탐사자이자 투자자가 될 수 있는 가상의 골드러시처럼 생각해보세요. 광물이 풍부한 지역을 찾아 상세한 가상 세계를 탐험합니다. 연속적인 경쟁을 펼쳤나요? 토너먼트, 퀘스트, 전투에 참여해 더 많은 보상을 획득하세요.

Payment in the game is done through the native NUGX token. You can stake tokens to earn high returns in the future. This is called NFT staking. Moreover, it offers the ability to trade it for special in-game tools, or even use it to purchase character NFTs. 

Finally, you can exchange your in-game earnings for real-world rewards. With no buy or sell tax in this altcoin, you can save money that other crypto coins charge as transaction fees. Overall, it is the best crypto investment with real earning potential. 

마지막으로, 게임 내 수익을 실제 보상으로 교환할 수 있습니다. 이 알트코인에는 구매세 또는 판매세가 없으므로 다른 암호화폐가 거래 수수료로 부과하는 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다. 전반적으로 실제 수익 잠재력을 지닌 최고의 암호화폐 투자입니다.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<


In today’s crypto market, standing out is not as easy as it seems. NuggetRush is doing just that. With its P2E gaming model and an already successful presale, this Dogecoin rival is aiming for its spot in the Top 100. 

The real-world utility makes it a strong contender for anyone pondering, “What crypto should I buy?” Don’t miss this golden opportunity and add this altcoin in your crypto portfolio to get handsome returns.

실제 유틸리티는 "어떤 암호화폐를 사야 할까?"라고 고민하는 사람에게 강력한 경쟁자가 됩니다. 이 절호의 기회를 놓치지 말고 암호화폐 포트폴리오에 이 알트코인을 추가하여 상당한 수익을 얻으세요.

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

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The post Dogecoin Rival Takes Aim At Crypto Top 100 As Presale Gets Off To a Flying Start appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Dogecoin 라이벌이 사전 판매가 시작되면서 Crypto Top 100을 목표로 하고 있다는 게시물이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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