첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 좁은 영역의 Dogecoin: Dogecoin이 0.076달러를 청산하면 랠리가 발생하는 이유

Dogecoin In Tight Zone: Why A Rally Will Happen If DOGE Clears $0.076

좁은 영역의 Dogecoin: Dogecoin이 0.076달러를 청산하면 랠리가 발생하는 이유

풀어 주다: 2023/11/17 18:00 읽다: 928

원저자:Keshav Verma

원본 소스:https://www.newsbtc.com/news/dogecoin/dogecoin-tight-zone-why-rally-doge-clears-0-076/

An analyst has explained how the next major Dogecoin resistance hurdle would be at $0.084 if the memecoin manages to clear $0.076.

한 분석가는 Memecoin이 0.076달러를 돌파할 경우 다음 주요 Dogecoin 저항 장애물이 0.084달러가 될 것이라고 설명했습니다.

Dogecoin Is Currently Sandwiched Between Major Support And Resistance Levels

Dogecoin은 현재 주요 지지선과 저항선 사이에 위치합니다.

In a new post on X, analyst Ali has discussed what the on-chain support and resistance levels are looking like for Dogecoin right now. A price level is said to be an on-chain support or resistance level on the basis of whether a large number of investors share their cost basis at it or not.

Cost basis” here naturally refers to the average price at which a holder acquired their DOGE. When the spot price is below the cost basis of an investor, they are naturally in a state of loss, while it being above implies they are enjoying positive returns.

여기서 "비용 기준"은 당연히 보유자가 DOGE를 획득한 평균 가격을 나타냅니다. 현물 가격이 투자자의 비용 기준보다 낮으면 당연히 손실 상태에 있고, 현물 가격이 높으면 긍정적인 수익을 누리고 있음을 의미합니다.

The below chart shows what the distribution of Dogecoin investors looks like currently on the basis of the price range that their cost basis lies.

Looks like the current price levels are surrounded by major investor blocks | Source: @ali_charts on X

현재 가격 수준은 주요 투자자 블록에 둘러싸여 있는 것 같습니다 | 출처: X의 @ali_charts

For any investor, their cost basis is an important psychological level and they may be prone to making some moves whenever the spot price retests it. Thus, if a large number of holders share their cost basis close together inside a particular range, the market could potentially see a sizeable reaction when the asset’s price ventures into the range.

Generally, whenever this retest happens from above (that is, the investors had been in profits before this), the meme coin’s price could feel some degree of support.

일반적으로 이러한 재테스트가 위에서 발생할 때마다(즉, 투자자가 이전에 수익을 냈던 경우) 밈 코인의 가격은 어느 정도 지지를 느낄 수 있습니다.

The reason behind this is that the holders may tend to believe that if this same level had been profitable earlier, it might be so again in the future, so they participate in some accumulation.

그 이유는 보유자가 이전에 동일한 수준이 수익성이 있었다면 미래에도 다시 수익성이 있을 것이라고 믿는 경향이 있어 일부 축적에 참여하기 때문입니다.

The opposite is the case whenever the Dogecoin price retests the cost basis of a large amount of investors from below. These investors would be tempted to exit at their break-even so the cryptocurrency could face resistance.

From the above graph, it’s visible that the DOGE levels above and below the current price both host the acquisition points of a large number of addresses. In particular, the $0.071 to $0.073 range has the cost basis of almost 200,000 holders, while the $0.074 to $0.076 range has 124,000 addresses.

“Note that support outstrips resistance in strength, hinting at the potential for an upward breakout,” says Ali. If Dogecoin can manage to clear this range of significant resistance off the back of this strong support, the next price level where it will face a hurdle would be around $0.084.

Ali는 “지지가 저항을 능가한다는 점에 주목하세요. 이는 상승 돌파 가능성을 암시합니다.”라고 말했습니다. Dogecoin이 강력한 지지를 바탕으로 이 범위의 상당한 저항을 제거할 수 있다면, 장애물에 직면하게 될 다음 가격 수준은 약 $0.084가 될 것입니다.

The in-between levels all have a relatively low amount of investors, so at least in theory, the memecoin shouldn’t have too hard a time mowing through them. Especially considering that, once the $0.076 level is through, the block that’s providing resistance right now would turn into a support boundary.

DOGE Price

도지 가격

Dogecoin is currently battling against the resistance offered by the aforementioned range as its price is floating around $0.075.

Dogecoin은 현재 가격이 0.075달러 부근에 있기 때문에 앞서 언급한 범위에서 제공되는 저항에 맞서 싸우고 있습니다.

The price of the memecoin appears to have been going up recently | Source: DOGEUSD on TradingView

최근 밈코인 가격이 오르는 것 같습니다 | 출처: TradingView의 DOGEUSD

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