첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Elon Musk의 Cybertruck은 Dogecoin과 이 새로운 Altcoin을 받아들일까요?

Will Elon Musk’s cybertruck accept Dogecoin and this new altcoin?

Elon Musk의 Cybertruck은 Dogecoin과 이 새로운 Altcoin을 받아들일까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/12/13 22:00 읽다: 552


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6579b0a463342d0b2c4f5772

Elon Musk의 Cybertruck은 Dogecoin과 이 새로운 Altcoin을 받아들일까요?

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.

공개: 이 기사는 투자 조언을 나타내지 않습니다. 이 페이지에 소개된 콘텐츠와 자료는 교육 목적으로만 사용됩니다.

The crypto market has attracted celebrities and high-profile figures due to its opportunities and usabilities. Tech billionaire Elon Musk is one of the most ardent supporters of cryptocurrencies, especially Dogecoin (DOGE).

But a new crypto project, Pullix, has entered the arena and could surpass Dogecoin. Pullix is in its first presale stage, with supporters bullish on its prospects.

그러나 새로운 암호화폐 프로젝트인 Pullix가 등장하여 Dogecoin을 능가할 수 있습니다. Pullix는 첫 번째 사전 판매 단계에 있으며 지지자들은 전망에 대해 낙관적입니다.

Dogecoin mentioned on Tesla cybertruck page

Tesla 사이버트럭 페이지에 언급된 Dogecoin

Elon Musk’s companies have always had a special interest in Dogecoin. Interestingly, the code used on the checkout page of the Tesla Cybertruck has mentioned Dogecoin more than 50 times. This is noteworthy because this cryptocurrency is the only one cited in the Tesla code base. 

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당신도 좋아할 수도 있습니다: 분석가는 Dogecoin에 대한 지지를 9센트로 보고 있습니다.

This has led to speculation that Tesla might allow for the payment of Cybertruck using Dogecoin, especially given Musk’s fondness for the coin. It is worth noting that Tesla has already permitted customers to purchase merchandise using Dogecoin.

However, neither the company nor Musk has officially confirmed whether Dogecoin will be accepted as a payment option for Cybertruck.

If it happens, it will be a significant push for the meme coin.

만약 그런 일이 발생한다면 밈 코인에 대한 상당한 추진력이 될 것입니다.

Meanwhile, DOGE remains on an uptrend. It is trading at $0.0948, up 6% in the past week and 18% in the last month. 

Pullix presale

풀릭스 사전판매

According to a report by Market Research Future, the market size of online trading platforms has the potential to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 7% by 2032. 

The report also suggests that the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies could further boost this growth rate. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pullix, a community-backed exchange, has entered the market with its native crypto, PLX. 

보고서는 또한 암호화폐의 인기가 높아짐에 따라 이러한 성장률이 더욱 높아질 수 있다고 제안합니다. 커뮤니티 기반 거래소인 Pullix는 이 기회를 이용하여 자체 암호화폐인 PLX로 시장에 진출했습니다.

Pullix is a blockchain-powered exchange that allows people to invest in a variety of assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and Forex, among others, with a single account. 

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The platform is web-based, meaning there is no need to download any app or software. Moreover, unlike other exchanges that charge high transaction fees, Pullix does not levy any commissions on trades. 

플랫폼은 웹 기반이므로 앱이나 소프트웨어를 다운로드할 필요가 없습니다. 또한 높은 거래 수수료를 부과하는 다른 거래소와 달리 Pullix는 거래에 대한 수수료를 부과하지 않습니다.

Pullix is transparent and enables users to connect their wallet, deposit crypto, and trade without giving up their custody, reducing the risk of commingling client assets. This ensures that the investments of all traders are safeguarded. 

The platform’s ecosystem includes yield farming, which allows users to earn PLX tokens by contributing to the liquidity pool through staking. Additionally, copy trading, an AI-supported algorithm that enables traders to copy the trading strategies of experienced investors, is also available.

Currently, in the presale stage 1, PLX is available for $0.04. However, analysts expect the token to rally before the end of the presale.

현재 1단계 프리세일에서 PLX는 $0.04에 구매 가능합니다. 그러나 분석가들은 사전 판매가 끝나기 전에 토큰이 반등할 것으로 예상합니다.

Pullix has a total supply of 200 million PLX. 60% has been allocated to the presale. 

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale, see the links below: 

Pullix의 프리세일에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 참조하세요.

Visit Pullix 

Join The Pullix communities

Pullix 커뮤니티에 가입하세요

Read more: Early Ethereum whale moves $90m to Kraken; Arweave holders eyeing Pullix presale 

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

공개: 이 콘텐츠는 제3자에 의해 제공됩니다. crypto.news는 이 페이지에 언급된 어떤 제품도 보증하지 않습니다. 사용자는 회사와 관련된 조치를 취하기 전에 스스로 조사해야 합니다.

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