첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin에서 기대할 수 있는 것: 투자자를 위한 지지 및 저항 수준

What to Expect for Dogecoin: Support and Resistance Levels for Investors

Dogecoin에서 기대할 수 있는 것: 투자자를 위한 지지 및 저항 수준

풀어 주다: 2023/07/22 14:30 읽다: 913


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64bb72b53d537f545623af28

With a market value of $16 billion, Dogecoin is the largest meme token in the cryptocurrency sector. One of the biggest contributors to the token’s recognition and significant price increase is Elon Musk, who managed to draw attention to Dogecoin with a recent tweet. While things seem to be going well for Dogecoin, there is concern about an unbreakable resistance level.

Tesla’s Preference for Dogecoin Excites Investors

Tesla의 Dogecoin 선호가 투자자들을 자극합니다.

According to leading cryptocurrency journalist Colin Wu, Tesla has removed Bitcoin from its payment page source code but continues to hold Dogecoin. The possibility of Tesla accepting payments with Dogecoin again in the future has piqued the interest of many investors. Following this news, Dogecoin experienced a significant but short-lived increase on July 21st, and the effect of the news quickly faded.

선도적인 암호화폐 저널리스트인 Colin Wu에 따르면 Tesla는 결제 페이지 소스 코드에서 비트코인을 제거했지만 Dogecoin은 계속 보유하고 있습니다. Tesla가 향후 다시 Dogecoin을 통한 결제를 수락할 가능성은 많은 투자자들의 관심을 불러일으켰습니다. 이 소식에 이어 Dogecoin은 7월 21일에 상당하지만 단기간 상승을 경험했으며 소식의 효과는 빠르게 사라졌습니다.

Dogecoin Fails to Break the Downtrend on the Daily Chart

Dogecoin은 일일 차트에서 하락 추세를 깨뜨리지 못했습니다.

Despite promising developments, when we look at the daily chart of the DOGE/USDT pair, we see that the 0.075 cent resistance level, which was surpassed with a 10% increase on July 21st, could not be sustained above this level at the daily close. Therefore, the possibility of a price drop becomes more apparent, with the first support level at 0.066 cents and the second support level at 0.059 cents. If there is a move in the opposite direction, the first resistance level that needs to be surpassed for Dogecoin is the 0.077 cent level, which was not broken on July 21st. This resistance is followed by 0.081 cents and 0.094 cents.
Another notable detail on the daily chart is the role played by the EMA 21 (Exponential Moving Average) as a support today. The EMA 21 level, which holds importance in technical analysis, indicates a potential price increase if the daily close is observed around these levels.

Rising Number of Active Users and New Wallets

활성 사용자 수 및 신규 지갑 증가

According to data from blockchain analysis company IntoTheBlock, there is an increase in both the number of new addresses and active addresses in the Dogecoin community. Particularly after the decision in the SEC and Ripple case, there has been a significant increase in active users, contributing to the price rise driven by news.
The post What to Expect for Dogecoin: Support and Resistance Levels for Investors appeared first on COINTURK NEWS.

Dogecoin에 대해 기대할 사항: 투자자를 위한 지원 및 저항 수준 게시물이 COINTURK NEWS에 처음 게재되었습니다.

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