첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Ethereum 가격은 $ 2,000를 목표로하고 Dogecoin은 $ 0.1을 목표로합니다. 예상되는 것

What to Expect as Ethereum’s Price is Aiming for the $2000 and Dogecoin Eyes $0.1

Ethereum 가격은 $ 2,000를 목표로하고 Dogecoin은 $ 0.1을 목표로합니다. 예상되는 것

풀어 주다: 2023/10/30 06:37 읽다: 695

원저자:Crypto News Land

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653ec7c6b21b386d5d07026c

  • Ethereum’s consistent trade pattern suggests a bullish breakout, potentially surpassing the $1850 mark soon.
  • 이더리움의 일관된 거래 패턴은 강세 돌파를 암시하며 잠재적으로 곧 1,850달러를 넘어설 가능성이 있습니다.

  • Dogecoin approaches a pivotal moment, ready to ascend from its year-long descending trend.
  • Bitcoin’s steady hold above $34,000 may signal a broader altcoin market rally, analysts observe.
  • 분석가들은 비트코인이 34,000달러 이상을 꾸준히 보유하고 있다는 것은 알트코인 시장이 더 광범위하게 상승할 것이라는 신호일 수 있다고 말합니다.

The cryptocurrency market exhibits a tranquil weekend, with Bitcoin maintaining a robust stance above $34,000, fueling optimism among investors for an impending bullish trend. Altcoins, not to be overshadowed, are also hinting at significant upward potential. Crypto analyst Ali has recently shed light on the prospective price movements for Ethereum and Dogecoin.

Ethereum, the second-in-command of the crypto world, has been steadfast in its trade since the year’s commencement. Analysts are eyeing a bullish week ahead, with Ethereum’s price trajectory potentially surpassing the $1850 threshold, aiming for the $2000 mark. Technical indicator signals that Ethereum may be on the cusp of a notable ascent.

암호화폐 세계의 두 번째 명령자인 이더리움은 올해 초부터 꾸준한 거래를 이어왔습니다. 분석가들은 이더리움의 가격 궤적이 잠재적으로 1,850달러를 넘어 2,000달러를 목표로 하는 강세를 보이는 한 주를 내다보고 있습니다. 기술적 지표는 이더리움이 주목할만한 상승의 정점에 있을 수 있음을 나타냅니다.

Meanwhile, Dogecoin, the beloved memecoin, is on the verge of breaking free from a multi-year descending trend, suggesting the dawn of a new bullish phase. Despite a significant volume decrease and reduced volatility, Dogecoin’s price is nudging the apex of the descending triangle. A bullish closure this week could confirm the anticipated upswing, potentially elevating the price to $0.1.

While bears may pose temporary resistance, the bullish sentiment is strong, with predictions of Dogecoin reaching higher Fibonacci levels in the days ahead.

Looking ahead, Ethereum and Dogecoin are poised to play pivotal roles in the evolving crypto industry. Ethereum’s continuous development and upcoming upgrades promise to enhance its scalability and efficiency, potentially leading to increased adoption and value.

앞으로 Ethereum과 Dogecoin은 진화하는 암호화폐 산업에서 중추적인 역할을 할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 이더리움의 지속적인 개발과 향후 업그레이드는 확장성과 효율성을 향상시켜 잠재적으로 채택률과 가치를 높일 것을 약속합니다.

Dogecoin, with its strong community support and growing use cases, may continue to surprise the market with its resilience and potential integrations into mainstream commerce.

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The post What to Expect as Ethereum’s Price is Aiming for the $2000 and Dogecoin Eyes $0.1 appeared first on Crypto News Land.

Ethereum의 가격이 $2000를 목표로 하고 Dogecoin Eyes $0.1이 될 것으로 예상되는 게시물이 Crypto News Land에 처음 등장했습니다.

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