첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 전문가 예측: Dogecoin이 1달러까지 급등할 것

Expert’s Forecast: Dogecoin’s Imminent Surge to $1

전문가 예측: Dogecoin이 1달러까지 급등할 것

풀어 주다: 2023/10/24 04:15 읽다: 362

원저자:Crypto News Land

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6536cbe9afdc643fe0e15e7d

  • AngeloBTC, a top crypto trader, predicts Dogecoin’s rise to the $1 mark.
  • Despite past fluctuations, Dogecoin remains a top ten cryptocurrency by market capitalization.
  • 과거의 변동에도 불구하고 Dogecoin은 시가총액 기준 상위 10위권의 암호화폐로 남아 있습니다.

  • AngeloBTC’s prediction reignites excitement and speculation about Dogecoin’s potential future.

In a recent twist in the crypto narrative, AngeloBTC, a distinguished crypto trader, has stirred the waters with a daring forecast about Dogecoin’s trajectory. He envisions the meme-originated cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, ascending to the illustrious $1 benchmark. This prediction has ignited a fresh wave of enthusiasm, especially when Dogecoin’s popularity is witnessing a revival.

Originally conceived as a playful internet meme, Dogecoin has weathered numerous market storms. Yet, its current valuation stands at a modest $0.062, despite a recent 4% uptick in the last day. With a market cap nearing $9 billion, Dogecoin’s allure remains undiminished, with daily trades surpassing over $295 million.

원래 재미있는 인터넷 밈으로 고안된 Dogecoin은 수많은 시장 폭풍을 견뎌냈습니다. 그러나 최근 마지막 날 4% 상승에도 불구하고 현재 가치는 $0.062로 소폭 상승했습니다. 시가총액이 90억 달러에 육박하는 Dogecoin의 매력은 여전히 ​​줄어들지 않고 일일 거래량이 2억 9,500만 달러를 넘습니다.

The year 2021 was pivotal for Dogecoin, marked by celebrity endorsements and skyrocketing value. However, it currently trades at over 90% below its zenith. This backdrop makes AngeloBTC’s prediction even more tantalizing. Can Dogecoin, after its roller-coaster journey, truly touch the $1 milestone it missed during the last crypto surge?

The crypto landscape is ever-evolving, and Dogecoin’s potential is vast. With its robust community and increasing mainstream acceptance, the future looks promising. AngeloBTC’s prediction might be the catalyst Dogecoin needs to solidify its position in the crypto pantheon.

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전문가의 예측: Dogecoin의 1달러 급등이 임박했다는 게시물이 Crypto News Land에 처음 게재되었습니다.

주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
    스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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    밈의 왕: Dogecoin
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