첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 2023년 3분기 잭팟에 주목: Dogecoin(DOGE), XDC Network(XDC), Pomerdoge(POMD)

Eyeing Q3 2023 Jackpot: Dogecoin (DOGE), XDC Network (XDC), Pomerdoge (POMD)

2023년 3분기 잭팟에 주목: Dogecoin(DOGE), XDC Network(XDC), Pomerdoge(POMD)

풀어 주다: 2023/09/11 17:07 읽다: 752


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64fed84ad90a7c4f44029b96

As we look towards H2 2023, three intriguing tokens – Dogecoin (DOGE), Pomerdoge (POMD), and XDC Network (XDC) — stand out for their promising upside, all priced under $1. Particularly captivating is Pomerdoge, a new token currently in its presale phase, making now an opportune time to examine its potential before it hits the market in full force.

Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

Pomerdoge(POMD) 사전 판매에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.

Pomerdoge (POMD): Why 2 Million Tokens Sold Might Just Be the Beginning

The next memecoin on the block, Pomerdoge is a new Ethereum-based project that seeks to build an ecosystem of products and services centered around a furry four-legged friend — the Pomerplace, and an alluring token strategy, Pomerdoge is carving out a unique niche in the world of memecoins.

블록의 다음 밈코인인 Pomerdoge는 네발 달린 털복숭이 친구인 Pomerplace를 중심으로 제품과 서비스의 생태계를 구축하려는 새로운 이더리움 기반 프로젝트이며, 매혹적인 토큰 전략인 Pomerdoge는 독특한 틈새 시장을 개척하고 있습니다. 밈코인의 세계에서.

The buzz generated by the Pomerdoge presale is undeniable. Seasoned investors, who once reaped substantial rewards from the meteoric rise of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, are now eager to secure their spot in what could be the next big crypto sensation.

Through its tiered presale approach, early adopters can snag POMD tokens for a mere $0.009 initially. However, this rate is anticipated to climb in tandem with increased token sales and the progression of the presale stages, amplifying the urgency and allure.

계층화된 사전 판매 접근 방식을 통해 얼리 어답터는 처음에 단돈 0.009달러에 POMD 토큰을 얻을 수 있습니다. 그러나 이 비율은 토큰 판매 증가와 사전 판매 단계의 진행에 따라 상승하여 긴급성과 매력이 증폭될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Gone are the days when memecoins were mere fleeting internet sensations. Pomerdoge exemplifies the evolution of memecoins into platforms that blend entertainment with financial potential.

The rapid sale of a whopping 2 million POMD tokens within weeks is a testament to Pomerdoge’s traction. With a thriving community behind it, some analysts project a staggering 5,000% surge, positioning Pomerdoge as the memecoin everyone will want to own.

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Break the $0.15 Resistance?

Dogecoin is back in the limelight, largely propelled by the rebranding endeavors of Twitter’s platform to “X.” This unexpected development pushed Dogecoin’s value to a high of $0.078, a pinnacle it hadn’t reached in 60 days.

But what has Twitter got to do with Dogecoin? Well, it’s down to Elon Musk. The tech mogul included the Dogecoin symbol in his Twitter profile, which led to a flurry of attention and generated immense hype.

Further fueling these speculations, Musk took to Twitter with the cryptic endorsement: “X is a Dogecoin-friendly place,” hinting at the cryptocurrency’s prominence in the platform’s future. While the exact role Dogecoin might play in “X” remains nebulous, the potential for a price surge upon its integration is undeniable.

Crypto pundits have flagged a descending triangle pattern that has encapsulated Dogecoin’s price trajectory for almost a year. Breaching this trendline and the $0.10 resistance level could be indicative of a looming bullish trend, potentially propelling Dogecoin toward the $0.15 resistance mark.

Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

Pomerdoge(POMD) 사전 판매에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.

The Big Challenge Ahead for XDC Network (XDC) to Match Pomerdoge (POMD)

The XDC Network is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with this month, clinching the top spot as the foremost gainer and trending project on CoinMarketCap for an extended period. The jump in its trajectory isn’t solely based on market speculation; the recent partnership with IMDA’s TradeTrust has cemented its substantive value.

XDC 네트워크는 의심할 여지 없이 이번 달에 주목해야 할 힘이며, CoinMarketCap에서 장기간 동안 가장 큰 상승세를 보이고 있는 프로젝트로 1위 자리를 차지했습니다. 그 궤적의 도약은 단지 시장 추측에만 근거한 것이 아닙니다. 최근 IMDA의 TradeTrust와의 파트너십을 통해 실질적인 가치가 확고해졌습니다.

Highlighted by renowned media outlet Bloomberg, the alliance between XDC Network and IMDA’s TradeTrust framework thrusts XDC Network into the spotlight of tangible real-world applications. Following the announcement of this collaboration, XDC Network’s price experienced a rapid incline from $0.03 to a notable $0.095 within weeks.

유명한 언론 매체인 Bloomberg가 강조한 XDC Network와 IMDA의 TradeTrust 프레임워크 간의 제휴로 XDC Network가 실제 애플리케이션의 주목을 받게 되었습니다. 이 협업이 발표된 후 XDC Network의 가격은 몇 주 안에 0.03달러에서 0.095달러로 급격한 상승을 경험했습니다.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to highlight that XDC Network’s price has witnessed a pullback, settling around $0.062, marginally above the critical support region of $0.060. Market experts are optimistic about XDC Network’s future, postulating a potential rally that could touch its all-time high of $0.20.

그럼에도 불구하고 XDC Network의 가격이 하락하여 중요한 지원 지역인 $0.060보다 약간 높은 $0.062에 안착했다는 점을 강조하는 것이 중요합니다. 시장 전문가들은 XDC 네트워크의 미래에 대해 낙관하고 있으며 사상 최고치인 0.20달러에 도달할 수 있는 잠재적인 랠리를 가정하고 있습니다.

While the optimism surrounding XDC Network is palpable, it’s important to benchmark it against other prospects in the crypto space. For instance, the potential upside of the POMD token and its presale might outshine the gains of the XDC Network.

For XDC Network to parallel the prospective returns of Pomerdoge, it would necessitate an ambitious market cap in the ballpark of $50-100 billion — a scenario that seems challenging.

XDC 네트워크가 Pomerdoge의 예상 수익과 병행하려면 야구장에서 500억~1000억 달러의 야심찬 시가총액이 필요합니다. 이는 어려운 시나리오로 보입니다.

Visit the links below for more information about Pomerdoge (POMD):

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2023년 3분기 대박을 노리는 게시물: Dogecoin(DOGE), XDC Network(XDC), Pomerdoge(POMD)가 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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