첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > FLOKI와 NuggetRush는 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu 슬라이드쇼를 통해 시장에 도전합니다.

FLOKI and NuggetRush Defy Markets as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Slide

FLOKI와 NuggetRush는 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu 슬라이드쇼를 통해 시장에 도전합니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/19 17:25 읽다: 454


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6559cfb7fcc2483df21d6541



  • Dogecoin and Shiba Inu saw a dip in their prices.
  • FLOKI and NuggetRush chart a bullish course.
  • FLOKI와 NuggetRush는 강세를 보이고 있습니다.

  • NuggetRush is expected to see a 2,500% value rise after launch.
  • NuggetRush는 출시 후 가치가 2,500% 상승할 것으로 예상됩니다.

The value of tokens fluctuates rather than moving in a straight line in the volatile world of crypto. Recently, two tokens that have seen a decline in their prices are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). Conversely, defying market trends are FLOKI (FLOKI) and NuggetRush (NUGX).

This article will cover the momentum of FLOKI and NuggetRush and why they are altcoins to watch. In addition, it will explore the decline of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

NuggetRush (NUGX): Upward Trajectory

너겟러시(NUGX): 상승 궤적

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a new entrant in the crypto scene but has been gaining traction. It is in its ICO (initial coin offering) phase but stands out from most. Its blend of P2E, memes, and GameFi contributes to making it an investor favorite. 

As a result, there has been a massive show of interest in its ongoing presale. At the moment, over $350,000 has been raised in the second stage of its presale as it continues its upward trajectory.

As a P2E memecoin, it aims to revolutionize both the gaming and meme sectors. Players will enjoy a thrilling gaming experience and earn rewards while playing the gold mining game. 

Also, it will build a strong community of meme and game enthusiasts by utilizing the power of internet culture. This presale is in the second stage and costs just $0.012 per token. According to analysts, there will be a 2,500% rise in value after its launch, positioning it as the best new crypto to invest in today.

또한, 인터넷 문화의 힘을 활용하여 밈과 게임 마니아들로 구성된 강력한 커뮤니티를 구축할 것입니다. 이 사전 판매는 두 번째 단계에 있으며 토큰당 비용은 $0.012입니다. 분석가에 따르면 출시 후 가치가 2,500% 상승하여 오늘날 투자할 수 있는 최고의 새로운 암호화폐로 자리매김할 것이라고 합니다.

>> Buy NuggetRush Now << 

FLOKI (FLOKI): Gaining Traction

FLOKI, the “people’s currency” and the utility token of the FLOKI ecosystem, is more than just a meme. It is a cryptocurrency with real-world applications. 

FLOKI 생태계의 유틸리티 토큰이자 “국민 화폐”인 FLOKI는 단순한 밈 그 이상입니다. 실제 응용 프로그램을 갖춘 암호화폐입니다.

Although it was originally launched to ride the popularity wave of prominent memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, utility has been added to its ecosystem in recent times. The ecosystem contains an NFT metaverse and decentralized finance (DeFi). This positions it as one of the best coins to invest in.

Lately, it has seen a significant rise in its price, which defies the prevailing bearish pressure in the meme ecosystem. The growing popularity of FLOKI and the rise in confidence are the reasons behind its recent price spike.

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Most Popular Memecoin and a Top Ten Cryptocurrency

Dogecoin(DOGE): 가장 인기 있는 Memecoin이자 상위 10대 암호화폐

The first memecoin in the crypto world is Dogecoin (DOGE). It is also among the top altcoins available on the market. Since its launch in 2013, it has maintained a leading status in the meme world and the broader crypto landscape.

암호화폐 세계의 첫 번째 밈코인은 Dogecoin(DOGE)입니다. 또한 시장에서 사용할 수 있는 최고의 알트코인 중 하나입니다. 2013년 출시 이후 밈 세계와 더 넓은 암호화폐 환경에서 선도적인 지위를 유지해 왔습니다.

Dogecoin’s price fall may be related to traders’ and investors’ profit-taking. Another reason for its decline is that investors are choosing emerging coins and that there is a lot of competition in the meme sector. Dogecoin will, however, probably skyrocket in the upcoming days or weeks.

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Price Decline

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Price Decline

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is also one of the big players in the crypto landscape. While it is a memecoin, its ecosystem has projects with important use cases. These include Shibarium, a layer 2 blockchain, and ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange. Its combination of memes and utility makes it a good crypto to buy.

Lately, Shiba Inu has seen a slide in its price, bowing to bearish pressure. Furthermore, traders are recommended to proceed cautiously as the price of Shiba Inu may suffer further in the coming weeks.


In contrast to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, FLOKI and NuggetRush (NUGX) are on the rise. NuggetRush is still in its early stages and has the greatest potential for profit and growth. To take part in the presale, click on the link below.

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

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FLOKI 및 NuggetRush Defy Markets의 Dogecoin 및 Shiba Inu Slide 게시물이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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