첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 세 마리의 고래가 세 가지 다른 알트코인 판매를 시작합니다. 모든 거래는 다음과 같습니다.

Three Giant Whales Started Selling Three Different Altcoins: Here Are All Their Trades

세 마리의 고래가 세 가지 다른 알트코인 판매를 시작합니다. 모든 거래는 다음과 같습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/19 18:55 읽다: 375

원저자:Bitcoin Sistemi EN

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6559e2786674bf3de7beeafe

In a period when activity continues in the cryptocurrency market due to the rally, whale wallets do not remain idle. Three cryptocurrency whales sold the altcoins they owned.

랠리로 인해 암호화폐 시장에서 활동이 지속되는 동안 고래 지갑은 가만히 있지 않습니다. 세 명의 암호화폐 고래가 자신이 소유한 알트코인을 팔았습니다.

The previously dormant whale with short address 0xd4e made a significant move by depositing 5.77 million LRC ($1.23 million) into Coinbase at $0.213. Whale accumulated these tokens from Coinbase between February 1 and March 9, 2023 at an average price of $0.353 (estimated cost: $2.04 million).

If he sold now, the whale would have lost $805 thousand (-39.6%) from LRC after holding the tokens for 9.5 months.

지금 매도했다면 고래는 9.5개월 동안 토큰을 보유하고 LRC로부터 805,000달러(-39.6%)의 손실을 입었을 것입니다.

The second whale, 0x432, traded 2.5 million MEME tokens ($65k) for 33.24 ETH at an average price of $0.026 in the last hour. Although the amount is small, this whale is one of the major wallets of the MEME token and its movements matter.

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관련 뉴스: Elon Musk 회사의 큰 좌절: Dogecoin이 동시 하락세를 경험했습니다. 이것이 하락 이유입니까?

This whale purchased a total of 95.067 million MEMEs with 1,141 ETH between November 4-15, 2023, at an average price of $0.02253 (estimated cost: $2.14 million). Whale 0x432 had previously earned a total of $4.52 million from MATIC, LDO, and MKR, but lost $2.13 million from ARB, MAGIC, RDNT, and FET (all losses were recent).

The total realized profit of the whale is around 2.39 million dollars. Currently, the whale still holds 92.57 million MEMEs ($2.46 million) and its estimated total profit is $391 thousand (+18.3 million). MEME price has fallen over 34% in the last 3 days.

The third whale, 0x604, sold all 62,049 LINK at $13.51 for 838,523 USDC. This whale accumulated 62,049 LINK in 3 transactions from Uniswap and FixedFloat on November 12, 2023 at an average price of 16.41 USD (estimated cost: 1.02 million USD).

세 번째 고래인 0x604는 62,049개의 LINK를 모두 838,523 USDC에 $13.51에 판매했습니다. 이 고래는 2023년 11월 12일 Uniswap과 FixFloat에서 발생한 3건의 거래에서 62,049 LINK를 평균 가격 16.41 USD(예상 비용: 102만 USD)에 축적했습니다.

Thus, the whale lost $179k (-17.6%) from LINK after just 7 days. Currently, whale 0x604 no longer holds any LINK.

*This is not investment advice.

*본 글은 투자 조언이 아닙니다.

Continue Reading: Three Giant Whales Started Selling Three Different Altcoins: Here Are All Their Trades

계속 읽으세요: 세 마리의 거대한 고래가 세 가지 다른 알트코인을 판매하기 시작했습니다: 여기에 그들의 모든 거래가 있습니다

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