첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Google Bard는 Dogecoin의 2024년에 대한 낙관적인 시작을 예측합니다. AI 기반 암호화폐도 이를 따를까요?

Google Bard Predicts a Bullish Start for Dogecoin in 2024; Will This AI-Powered Crypto Follow Suit?

Google Bard는 Dogecoin의 2024년에 대한 낙관적인 시작을 예측합니다. AI 기반 암호화폐도 이를 따를까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/12/02 16:05 읽다: 781

원저자:Captain Altcoin

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656ade1fcb5ffe6c856fcd6d

With Google Bard being favored when analyzing trends, this artificial intelligence (AI) tool has painted a bullish picture for Dogecoin at the beginning of next year. BorroeFinance ($ROE) is expected to borrow a leaf because it’s continuously cementing its status in the Web3 financing arena.

추세를 분석할 때 Google Bard가 선호되면서 이 인공 지능(AI) 도구는 내년 초 Dogecoin에 대한 낙관적인 그림을 그렸습니다. BorroeFinance($ROE)는 Web3 금융 분야에서 지속적으로 입지를 확고히 하고 있기 때문에 잎을 빌릴 것으로 예상됩니다.


>>지금 $ROE 토큰을 구매하세요

BorroeFinance is Emerging as a Revolutionary Invoice Discounting NFT Marketplace

BorroeFinance는 NFT 마켓플레이스를 할인하는 혁신적인 송장으로 떠오르고 있습니다.

Given that the revenue financing field is crucial for business growth, BorroeFinance ($ROE) is taking a revolutionary approach by integrating blockchain technology, smart contracts, AI, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for a seamless process.

As one of the new DeFi projects, BorroeFinance enables instant funding for Web3 content creators, businesses, and artists through its peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace. The network uses a unique approach whereby the future earnings of the Web3 players are minted as NFTs and used as collateral.

Therefore, these NFTs are traded off for immediate cash, making BorroeFinance one of the best DeFi projects in the invoice discounting sector.

따라서 이러한 NFT는 즉각적인 현금으로 교환되어 BorroeFinance를 송장 할인 부문에서 최고의 DeFi 프로젝트 중 하나로 만듭니다.

By enabling Web3 participants to get upfront cash needed to fund their projects, BorroeFinance is bridging the gap in this industry and making the onboarding process smooth sailing. 

As a result, investors are continuously jumping on the BorroeFinance bandwagon because it’s one of the best DeFi coins. BorroeFinance also incorporates deflationary tokenomics, as evidenced by its native token called $ROE

결과적으로 투자자들은 BorroeFinance가 최고의 DeFi 코인 중 하나이기 때문에 지속적으로 이에 편승하고 있습니다. BorroeFinance는 또한 $ROE라는 기본 토큰에서 알 수 있듯이 디플레이션 토큰경제학을 통합합니다.

Specifically, $ROE utilizes a deflationary model, making it one of the best cryptos to buy now because its supply is expected to be continuously slashed in the long term, and depending on demand, its price will surge.

More than 158 million $ROE tokens have been purchased at the presale stage, illustrating investor confidence in the BorroeFinance ecosystem.

1억 5,800만 개 이상의 ROE 토큰이 사전 판매 단계에서 구매되었으며 이는 BorroeFinance 생태계에 대한 투자자의 신뢰를 보여줍니다.

As one of the top crypto coins, BorroeFinance is set to disrupt the conventional invoice financing and discounting industry thanks to its unique technology stack and exceptional value proposition.

최고의 암호화폐 중 하나인 BorroeFinance는 고유한 기술 스택과 탁월한 가치 제안 덕분에 기존 송장 금융 및 할인 산업을 혁신할 예정입니다.


>>지금 $ROE 토큰을 구매하세요

Dogecoin Continues to Make Waves

Google Bard’s DOGE prediction shows a bullish call because it is expected that the tenth-largest cryptocurrency based on market cap will have a price of between $0.09 and $0.15 early next year.

This will be an increase from its current $0.079 price, and Google Bard speculates that this surge will be triggered by positive developments in the Dogecoin network.

이는 현재 $0.079 가격보다 인상될 것이며 Google Bard는 이러한 급등이 Dogecoin 네트워크의 긍정적인 발전에 의해 촉발될 것이라고 추측합니다.

Source: Google Bard

출처: 구글 바드

The AI platform pointed out that community support was of the essence in the DOGE ecosystem because enhanced advocacy would attract new users and investors, and in the process attract more demand.

AI 플랫폼은 향상된 옹호가 새로운 사용자와 투자자를 유치하고 그 과정에서 더 많은 수요를 유치할 수 있기 때문에 커뮤니티 지원이 DOGE 생태계의 핵심이라고 지적했습니다.

Bard added that market sentiment would also play an instrumental role in boosting Dogecoin’s price.

Bard는 시장 정서가 Dogecoin의 가격을 높이는 데 중요한 역할을 할 것이라고 덧붙였습니다.

As a top ten cryptocurrency, DOGE has been experiencing heightened on-chain transactions, given that its volume recently increased by $665 million. Furthermore, the coin’s derivatives volume has also been going through the roof.

Learn more about BorroeFinance ($ROE) here:

여기에서 BorroeFinance($ROE)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요:

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The post Google Bard Predicts a Bullish Start for Dogecoin in 2024; Will This AI-Powered Crypto Follow Suit? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Google Bard는 2024년 Dogecoin의 낙관적인 출발을 예측합니다. 이 AI 기반 암호화폐가 이를 따를까요? CaptainAltcoin에 처음 등장했습니다.

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