가격: $0.17669 3.473%
시장가치: 26.23B 0.9486%
회전율 (24h): 746.34M 0%
권세: 0.9486%
Price: $0.17669 3.473%
시장가치: 26.23B 0.9486%
회전율 (24h): 746.34M 0%
권세: 0.9486% 0.9486%
  • 가격: $0.17669 3.473%
  • 시장가치: 26.23B 0.9486%
  • 회전율 (24h): 746.34M 0%
  • 권세: 0.9486% 0.9486%
  • 가격: $0.17669 3.473%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > 새로운 GameFi 경쟁자인 Galaxy Fox는 시장이 숨을 쉬면서 사전 판매 모드에 들어갔습니다.

As the Market Takes a Breather, New GameFi Contender Galaxy Fox Pumps in Presale Mode

새로운 GameFi 경쟁자인 Galaxy Fox는 시장이 숨을 쉬면서 사전 판매 모드에 들어갔습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/17 20:41 읽다: 486


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65575df19bb94051960dd2dc

After posting some scorching returns over the past month, with coins like Chainlink, Avalanche and Solana posting huge gains, the market looks like it’s starting to cool down a bit and catch its breath. RSI is showing way overbought, and prices are hovering precariously above their daily averages. 

Whether the near future holds a minor retracement before continuing on its insane run, or a big, fat red candle wiping out most of the past month’s gains, is anyone’s guess. But all short-term technicals currently point to an overheated market, while still confirming the long-term bulls are clearly in the driver’s seat. 

가까운 미래에 미친 듯이 상승세를 이어가기 전에 약간의 되돌림이 있을 것인지, 아니면 크고 두꺼운 빨간 양초가 지난 달 상승폭을 대부분 휩쓸어버릴 것인지는 누구나 추측할 수 있습니다. 그러나 현재 모든 단기 기술 전문가들은 과열된 시장을 지적하고 있으며, 여전히 장기 상승세가 주도권을 쥐고 있음을 확인하고 있습니다.

So the only question is what to do in these bearish moments? Take profits, sit on the sidelines in Tether and wait? Watch Netflix? Or find another project that’s about to blast off? And most importantly, what’s the best crypto to invest in right now?

Many smart traders are opting for the latter, as evidenced by the success of new memecoin/GameFi contender, Galaxy Fox, which recently crossed the $100K mark in its presale, and only shows signs of heating up further from here. 

많은 현명한 거래자들은 최근 사전 판매에서 $100,000를 넘었고 앞으로 더 가열될 조짐을 보이고 있는 새로운 memecoin/GameFi 경쟁자인 Galaxy Fox의 성공에서 알 수 있듯이 후자를 선택하고 있습니다.

As more inexperienced crypto investors are buying the blow-off tops of already oversold coins like $LINK, smart money is moving to where the real profits are – which everyone knows is in presale, where you can pick up coins for a small fraction of what average retail investors will eventually pay once the project gets listed on major exchanges, or even DeFi exchanges like Uniswap that allow people to get in early. 

Presales are where the real unicorns are found, and it’s a rare chance to gain access to one. Fortunately, Galaxy Fox has opened the doors of its Stage 1 Presale to savvy crypto investors.

P2E meets a memecoin with a mission

P2E는 사명을 지닌 밈코인을 만났습니다.

Galaxy Fox is a full utility meme coin with a vision to make a lasting and meaningful impact in the cryptosphere, unlike the many flash-in-the-pan, here today, gone tomorrow coins presently cluttering up the memecoin space. 

Looking beyond a few top projects like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, quality and reliability begins to fall off dramatically, taking you into some pretty shady territory. But unlike many cheap memecoin knock-offs, $GFOX has far more in common with leading P2E tokens such as The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and GALA. 

Galaxy Fox is recognized for its substantial growth potential, offering opportunities for holders to earn residual income through staking, P2E gaming, and $GFOX token ownership. 

Galaxy Fox는 보유자가 스테이킹, P2E 게임 및 $GFOX 토큰 소유권을 통해 잔여 소득을 얻을 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 등 상당한 성장 잠재력을 인정받고 있습니다.

The prize pool consistently rewards top performers and is regularly replenished from the treasury fund. This is a quality project with true staying-power. It also boasts a serious development team, strong community and excellent governance – thus the question what’s the best crypto to invest in right now starts to become clearer.   

Built with Ethereum ERC-20 Technology, the Galaxy Fox ecosystem boasts an exciting new web3 runner game. As a player, you can earn $GFOX tokens by achieving top performance in the game. Boosting your chances is possible through the purchase of Galaxy Fox NFTs, each with its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, offering variety and an edge over your opponents.

Additionally, players can temporarily enhance their attributes, increasing strength, speed, agility, and power by using $GFOX tokens, our native currency, to acquire attribute boosters. These boosters provide a competitive advantage in battles against other players.

또한 플레이어는 속성 부스터를 획득하기 위해 기본 통화인 $GFOX 토큰을 사용하여 일시적으로 속성을 강화하고 힘, 속도, 민첩성 및 힘을 높일 수 있습니다. 이 부스터는 다른 플레이어와의 전투에서 경쟁 우위를 제공합니다.

At the end of each $GFOX season, which includes weekly and monthly segments, the top 20% of players on the leaderboard will be awarded in game currencies as rewards which can be exchanged for $GFOX tokens. To continuously reward the community, 50% of the funds generated from in-game item sales will be directed to the prize fund, distributed among the top 20% of players, providing the opportunity to earn real money while enjoying the game.

주간 및 월간 세그먼트를 포함하는 각 $GFOX 시즌이 끝날 때 리더보드에 있는 상위 20%의 플레이어는 $GFOX 토큰으로 교환할 수 있는 보상으로 게임 통화로 수여됩니다. 커뮤니티에 지속적인 보상을 제공하기 위해 게임 내 아이템 판매로 발생한 자금의 50%는 상금 기금으로 전달되어 상위 20% 플레이어에게 분배되어 게임을 즐기면서 실제 돈을 벌 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

$GFOX NFT Marketplace

Galaxy Fox will be releasing 3000 unique NFTs launching during the presale. NFTs will be available to mint directly from the Galaxy Fox website and can be traded on popular NFT platforms such as OpenSea. The Galaxy Fox NFT collection will include characters from the Galaxy Fox Ecosystem, However, only $GFOX token holders will have access to these rare collectible NFTs.



According to GlobeNewswire, the P2E gaming market has massive potential. In 2021, it was valued at $776.9 million, and it is expected to reach $2.84 billion by 2028. Galaxy Fox taps into this growing industry, positioning itself as a top contender to the likes of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu as it has integrated utility through its P2E gaming ecosystem. 

Industry experts have voted it as one of the best ICOs in recent times because of its hybrid model. The project also aims to build an excellent source of passive income with cryptocurrency in 2023 through staking and rewards distributed to top players in the game. So as the market takes a breather, and maybe even a big dump, before setting off on its next leg towards the moon, don’t just sit around on the sidelines asking what’s the best crypto to invest in right now? 

업계 전문가들은 하이브리드 모델로 인해 최근 최고의 ICO 중 하나로 선정했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 또한 게임 내 상위 플레이어에게 분배되는 보상과 스테이킹을 통해 2023년에 암호화폐로 우수한 소극적 소득원을 구축하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 따라서 시장이 달을 향해 다음 단계로 출발하기 전에 한숨을 쉬고 아마도 큰 덤프가 있을 때 지금 당장 투자할 수 있는 최고의 암호화폐가 무엇인지 묻고 방관하지 마십시오.

Take advantage of a rare chance to be a part of an exciting presale and buy Galaxy Fox before the next pump. 


Learn more about Galaxy fox ($GFOX) here:

여기에서 Galaxy fox($GFOX)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Galaxy Fox on Twitter.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/as-the-market-takes-a-breather-new-gamefi-contender-galaxy-fox-pumps-in-presale-mode-tbt70670.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/as-the-market-takes-a-breather-new-gamefi-contender-galaxy-fox-pumps-in-presale-mode-tbt70670.html

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