첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 시장 업데이트: XRP, DOGE 및 SHIB 플래시 강세 신호

Market Update: XRP, DOGE, and SHIB Flash Bullish Signals

시장 업데이트: XRP, DOGE 및 SHIB 플래시 강세 신호

풀어 주다: 2024/04/11 19:28 읽다: 415

원저자:Coin Edition

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6617bcb279b67d7401af8ebd

  • An improvement in XRP accumulation might drive the price toward $0.65.
  • With a bullish trend formed, DOGE bulls might push the value back to $0.22.
  • .Money flow to SHIB increased, suggesting a surge in the $0.000035 direction.

Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Shiba Inu (SHIB) followed the broader market in the last 24 hours. This price movement ended in minor gains for the cryptocurrencies. As per the price potential,  here’s how they might fare in the short term.

XRP Price Analysis

XRP declined to $0.59 on April 10 but it joined the market revival and was trading at $0.62 at press time. Beyond the price action, the Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) indicator revealed that market participants bought the dip on the token, and this was one of the reasons the price increased.

As of this writing, distribution had not taken over, indicating that a further increase could be likely. Should this be the case, XRP might key into the $0.65 resistance. On the other hand, the MACD showed that buyers and sellers were in a battle for dominance, and this might invalidate the bullish thesis. In this case, the price of the token mig…

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