첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 2025년 Meme 코인 예측: Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Big Eyes Infinity

Meme Coin Predictions 2025: Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Big Eyes Infinity

2025년 Meme 코인 예측: Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Big Eyes Infinity

풀어 주다: 2023/08/26 01:00 읽다: 429


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64e8dbb7d7ae96509380d132

Meme coins have become great crypto investments for both experienced and novice investors. The key to becoming a successful meme coin investor is studying market patterns, and buying, selling, and trading based on the price. For this reason, you might want to look at the most accurate meme coin predictions for 2025 and start investing before 2023 ends. Some of the most popular meme tokens you should be eyeing are Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Big Eyes Infinity (BIGINF).

Meme 코인은 숙련된 투자자와 초보 투자자 모두에게 훌륭한 암호화폐 투자가 되었습니다. 성공적인 밈 코인 투자자가 되기 위한 핵심은 시장 패턴을 연구하고, 가격에 따라 구매, 판매, 거래하는 것입니다. 이러한 이유로 2025년 가장 정확한 밈코인 예측을 살펴보시고 2023년이 끝나기 전에 투자를 시작하시는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 주목해야 할 가장 인기 있는 밈 토큰으로는 Dogecoin(DOGE), Shiba Inu(SHIB) 및 Big Eyes Infinity(BIGINF)가 있습니다.

Musk Impacts DOGE Meme Coin Predictions 2025

머스크는 2025년 DOGE Meme 코인 예측에 영향을 미칩니다

Dogecoin’s future has been bright, being the father of all meme coins. With that said, many new presales, like Big Eyes Infinity, have been wanting to follow in the dog-themed coin’s footsteps. DOGE’s meme coin predictions in 2025 will be all based on the hype in crypto communities, especially with the token surging recently after Elon Musk’s tweet. Musk has always been active on social media and openly praised DOGE to the public. When Musk changed Twitter’s logo and added the DOGE symbol to his Twitter bio, the asset jumped over 9% within 24 hours. It’s not certain what’s to happen to Dogecoin’s future, but DOGE meme coin predictions in 2025 state that the asset will be trading for an average price of $0.3.

Blockchain Upgrades Boost Hype Around SHIB

Just like Big Eyes Infinity, SHIB has also wanted to take on the challenge of dethroning DOGE and being the top meme dog in the crypto world. In 2021, SHIB briefly overtook DOGE and had multiple community burns, deleting 2 billion tokens from its supply. Although SHIB doesn’t have an official coin roadmap nor specific launch dates, the team behind the asset assured the communities that they’re working on several upgrades regarding its layer-2 blockchain.

Big Eyes Infinity와 마찬가지로 SHIB도 DOGE를 무너뜨리고 암호화폐 세계에서 최고의 밈 개가 되는 도전에 응하고 싶었습니다. 2021년 SHIB는 DOGE를 잠시 앞지르고 여러 차례 커뮤니티 소각을 일으켜 공급량에서 20억 개의 토큰을 삭제했습니다. SHIB에는 공식 코인 로드맵이나 구체적인 출시 날짜가 없지만 자산 뒤의 팀은 레이어 2 블록체인과 관련된 몇 가지 업그레이드를 진행하고 있다고 커뮤니티에 확신시켰습니다.

Thanks to the upgrade hype, SHIB’s meme coin predictions in 2025 state that the asset will be trading at an average price of $0.000029. On the other hand, Big Eyes Infinity shared a clear roadmap of what they wanted to achieve in the coming years, giving investors more confidence in their BIGINF investments.

Big Eyes Infinity Aims To Give Back To Investors, Launches Gaming Platform

Big Eyes Infinity’s crypto presale aims to give back to investors who might not have been able to earn from the previous BIG presale. If you weren’t able to invest a single dime in BIG tokens, perhaps BIGINF is a sign for you to buy into the cutest cryptocurrency and learn more about its meme coin predictions in 2025!

Big Eyes Infinity의 암호화폐 사전 판매는 이전 BIG 사전 판매에서 수익을 얻지 못했을 수도 있는 투자자에게 환원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. BIG 토큰에 한 푼도 투자할 수 없었다면 아마도 BIGINF는 가장 귀여운 암호화폐를 구매하고 2025년에 해당 밈 코인 예측에 대해 더 자세히 배울 수 있다는 신호일 것입니다!

BIGINF is a utility token in Big Eyes Coin’s ecosystem, specifically for its upcoming gaming platform that holds over 4,000 luck-based games and several play-to-earn (P2E) games. The hype surrounding this gaming platform launch has been incredibly strong ever since it was mentioned in the asset’s roadmap. The cat crew is anticipating the beta launch on August 29th, while the full version will go live at the end of September this year. All this excitement improves BIGINF’s meme coin predictions in 2025 and attracts more investors to the presale.

For their second presale, the team behind Big Eyes Coins ensures infinite transparency and profits for its loyal cat crew and investors. BIGINF tokens will be sold at a starting price of $0.00006 while ending at $0.00036 on launch day. This ensures that all investors will greatly benefit once the token has launched.

두 번째 사전 판매에서 Big Eyes Coins 팀은 충실한 고양이 승무원과 투자자에게 무한한 투명성과 이익을 보장합니다. BIGINF 토큰은 $0.00006부터 시작하여 출시일 $0.00036에 판매됩니다. 이는 토큰이 출시되면 모든 투자자가 큰 이익을 얻을 수 있도록 보장합니다.

Predict Prices & Prepare To Get Rich

가격을 예측하고 부자가 될 준비를 하세요

Meme coin predictions for 2025 have been a great help to many crypto investors. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are the top two tokens that people always watch out for, especially with the high returns they can get. Meanwhile, Big Eyes Infinity’s meme coin predictions in 2025 could also bring you higher returns. Its price will go up once it launches this year; how much more will its prices climb up after a couple of years, say 2025?

If you want to reap an abundance of ROI from BIGINF’s 2025 prices, you’ll have to invest in the coin as early as possible. Don’t miss this chance; go to Big Eyes Infinity’s website and social media and buy into their presale today!

BIGINF의 2025년 가격에서 풍부한 ROI를 얻으려면 가능한 한 빨리 코인에 투자해야 합니다. 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요. 오늘 Big Eyes Infinity의 웹사이트와 소셜 미디어를 방문하여 사전 판매를 구매하세요!

Big Eyes Infinity (BIGINF)

빅 아이즈 인피니티(BIGINF)

사전 판매: https://buy1.bigeyes.space/

웹사이트: https://bigeyes.space/


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